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Birth Certificate, Death Certificate?

September 29th, 2011 Leave a comment Go to comments

I want to view someone’s birth and death certificates and records how do I do this, I would like to do it in person not online, where would I go and will they allow you to view them if this person died as a minor? Also can you make a copy of it? And would they even let me see them if I’m only 17? I want to see these because this person is important in my life and I never got to meet him because he died a week after I was born. This is in California, Sonoma County. Thank you such for your answers.

The Sonoma County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor’s office is the place to go, provided you are one of the legally authorized relationships to this person. Being a minor you may need a parent or other authorized person to go with you. The link gives the address, fees, authorized relationships and all pertinent details. http://www.sonoma-county.org/clerk/html_documents/bdmcerts/frameset_bdmcerts.htm

They will not allow you to look through the records to locate his, nor will you be looking at the original. You will need to order the copy and pay the copy fee, but this can be done in person at the office.

  1. JCrepps
    September 30th, 2011 at 03:19 | #1

    In Washington I think one would go to the Department of Licensing office in the county of birth/death. It could be different in Cali, not sure.
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  2. R K
    September 30th, 2011 at 03:46 | #2

    if you know the persons name and date of birth and the county they were born in you can go to the hall of records and check. same with the death certificate. if you know their name and date of death and the county they passed away in. you might need an adult relative of the person to get this info. for you.
    References :

  3. Joyce B
    September 30th, 2011 at 04:02 | #3

    Look for a contact number here. I don’t think they will let you go through the files or even see the record in person. And you may need to be next of kin since it is not your record.

    CDPH Vital Records only accepts orders submitted by mail. Please follow the 6 Steps listed below to place your order.

    References :

  4. shortgilly
    September 30th, 2011 at 04:50 | #4

    The Sonoma County Clerk-Recorder-Assessor’s office is the place to go, provided you are one of the legally authorized relationships to this person. Being a minor you may need a parent or other authorized person to go with you. The link gives the address, fees, authorized relationships and all pertinent details. http://www.sonoma-county.org/clerk/html_documents/bdmcerts/frameset_bdmcerts.htm

    They will not allow you to look through the records to locate his, nor will you be looking at the original. You will need to order the copy and pay the copy fee, but this can be done in person at the office.
    References :

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