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Why does ever form of science that goes against the mainstream get classified as psedu science ? ?

January 11th, 2010 5 comments

For example the notion that Cholesterol is a good thing. This article I am about to post is very scientific yet another website called quack calls them stupid and pesduo scientist. They didnt debunk any of their points or any of their science theyt just classified them a pesdo science. Can you debunk their points ?
ople with high cholesterol live the longest. This statement seems so incredible that it takes a long time to clear one´s brainwashed mind to fully understand its importance. Yet the fact that people with high cholesterol live the longest emerges clearly from many scientific papers. Consider the finding of Dr. Harlan Krumholz of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale University, who reported in 1994 that old people with low cholesterol died twice as often from a heart attack as did old people with a high cholesterol.1 Supporters of the cholesterol campaign consistently ignore his observation, or consider it as a rare exception, produced by chance among a huge number of studies finding the opposite.

But it is not an exception; there are now a large number of findings that contradict the lipid hypothesis. To be more specific, most studies of old people have shown that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for coronary heart disease. This was the result of my search in the Medline database for studies addressing that question.2 Eleven studies of old people came up with that result, and a further seven studies found that high cholesterol did not predict all-cause mortality either.

Now consider that more than 90 % of all cardiovascular disease is seen in people above age 60 also and that almost all studies have found that high cholesterol is not a risk factor for women.2 This means that high cholesterol is only a risk factor for less than 5 % of those who die from a heart attack.

But there is more comfort for those who have high cholesterol; six of the studies found that total mortality was inversely associated with either total or LDL-cholesterol, or both. This means that it is actually much better to have high than to have low cholesterol if you want to live to be very old.
Many studies have found that low cholesterol is in certain respects worse than high cholesterol. For instance, in 19 large studies of more than 68,000 deaths, reviewed by Professor David R. Jacobs and his co-workers from the Division of Epidemiology at the University of Minnesota, low cholesterol predicted an increased risk of dying from gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases.3

Most gastrointestinal and respiratory diseases have an infectious origin. Therefore, a relevant question is whether it is the infection that lowers cholesterol or the low cholesterol that predisposes to infection? To answer this question Professor Jacobs and his group, together with Dr. Carlos Iribarren, followed more than 100,000 healthy individuals in the San Francisco area for fifteen years. At the end of the study those who had low cholesterol at the start of the study had more often been admitted to the hospital because of an infectious disease.4,5 This finding cannot be explained away with the argument that the infection had caused cholesterol to go down, because how could low cholesterol, recorded when these people were without any evidence of infection, be caused by a disease they had not yet encountered? Isn´t it more likely that low cholesterol in some way made them more vulnerable to infection, or that high cholesterol protected those who did not become infected? Much evidence exists to support that interpretation.Most studies of young and middle-aged men have found high cholesterol to be a risk factor for coronary heart disease, seemingly a contradiction to the idea that high cholesterol is protective. Why is high cholesterol a risk factor in young and middle-aged men? A likely explanation is that men of that age are often in the midst of their professional career. High cholesterol may therefore reflect mental stress, a well-known cause of high cholesterol and also a risk factor for heart disease. Again, high cholesterol is not necessarily the direct cause but may only be a marker. High cholesterol in young and middle-aged men could, for instance, reflect the body’s need for more cholesterol because cholesterol is the building material of many stress hormones. Any possible protective effect of high cholesterol may therefore be counteracted by the negative influence of a stressful life on the vascular system.
English isnt my first language .

This quote is from Ravskov’s article The Benefits of High Cholesterol & his book ‘Cholesterol Myths’ promoting a single persons view point. This is not from a refereed journal so can say what ever the author chooses. Most of the criticism is that the author makes claims and bases the results on partial evidence. The data is cherry picked to support a view point.
Here are some sites rebutting this book.

Cherry picking data

Data biases and fallacies

All new theories that attempt to explain how the world works must agree with all observed facts and explain how the events produce the known results. Many new theories fly in the face of accepted ideas because they are based on a small body of very new evidence that falsifies the previous explanation of facts. In peer review the evidence is obtainable by others using the same methods so it is verified as repeatable. Then the logic of the new theory is assessed by other scientists that specialize in this area ie they are peers capable of understanding the new evidence compared to the earlier smaller body of evidence. In this way if a single researcher made an error it will be caught by others knowledgeable in the specialty. If there is no error the knowledge is shared pushing others along in their efforts.

Healthcare: There are different bills. Have you read them?

January 5th, 2010 5 comments

The senate has a bill: 615 pages:

The House of Representatives has a bill: 1017 pages
– – –
From reading these two separate bills, it sounds like the Senate wants to take the system we have and augment it to get people more involved in their own health care by increasing access to clinical preventative services. It also talks about school-based clinics.* It also talks about dental health. It also proposes community based health activites.** This bill actually doesn’t sound too bad. There are still questions as to where the financing will come from and there are fine points to work on.

The House of Reps. bill, on the other hand sounds like it wants to revamp the entire system (throw the baby out with the bath water, if you will) by putting the cost of services ahead of the value of the people it is treating. This appears in several parts of their proposed bill. (see *** below) Frankly, this bill speaks of limiting our current medical options as we know them. I believe this is the bill that is causing the most controversy. For example, I think the "death panel" rumor comes from this bill page 430 lines 4-17*** where it talks about [paraphrase] if a person is apneic, pulse-less or has cardiac problems that the level of care may be full range or limited depending… There are numerous red flags with this bill.
– – –
In any case, I urge everyone to read the bills and to contact their representatives and senators via phone, email, meetings (some are offering private meetings on their websites), etc. to let them know your thoughts and ideas. If we don’t get involved, then we will have to settle for what we get, even if we don’t like it.

– – –
Congressman Connolly (D- Va) for the House of Rep. bill as posted on his website.

*When I was in elementary school in Minnesota in the 60’s each school had a dedicated nurse on staff who worked at that school exclusively. She recorded annual height, weight, vision and hearing in addition to dealing with daily medical needs as they arose. It would be nice if this type of care returned to our schools and not just an itinerant nurse who had to go from school to school as I observed while teaching first grade in the Washington, D.C. suburbs of Northern Virginia.

**I grew up in Minnesota in the suburbs of Minneapolis. We had abundant access to public parks and pools. There was a park, on average of every 6 miles and they often included public tennis courts, trails, basketball courts and, in winter, hockey & free public skating rinks. When I moved to the Washington, D.C. metro area in Northern Virginia from 1990 to present, I noticed there were fewer parks, nearly no public pools (95% were private HOA run pools) and less sidewalk access for citizens to pursue daily exercise. The contrast in availability and free access to parks, pools, sidewalks, tennis courts, etc. was a shock for me. To obtain this level of fitness here one was encouraged to join a club. Many families cannot afford a club. I think that promoting community based health activities could be a good thing.

***Here is a line-by-line list of issues that others have found with the House of Representatives bill:
– – –
Bottom line: "We the People" will reap what we sow. If we get involved in the decision making process, then we will have a plan that is more user friendly. If we do not get involved, then we have to take what comes, even if we don’t agree with it.

I really believe the core of the problem is the lack of education.

NOT the lack of knowledge about this particular issue; I’m referring to a widespread absence of understanding of our Democratic REPUBLIC.
If you asked most people on the street, they would tell you that we live in a Democracy, not in a Representative government. The majority of people don’t have a clue how to be locally active in a constructive way.

SECONDLY, Federal Government has been micro-managing and
bribing state governments for far too long. By DEFINITION the job of
GOVERNING indicates that the action be taken by an objective, disinterested, third party. When government becomes one of the ‘companies’ involved in providing goods or services to any communtiy, that government interferes with free markets.
The only ‘business’ that the Federal Government should be authorized to run is National Security (from both foreign and domestic). Domestic
enemies COULD be interpreted to include communicable diseases.
Federal Governing includes regulating transportation between states and relations with foreign countries.
Beyond that – STAY OUT of our lives!!!
If the State can’t pay for something – the citizens need to vote in more effective leadership or find businesses that are a good ‘fit’ for that State.
Anytime the people take money from the government, we become slaves and debtors. In the last 50 years we’ve gone from a country of
inventive, creative, self-sufficient producers, to a people who are dulled,
helpless, consumers. Laws attempt to enforce not only behaviors, but values, morals and beliefs. The outcome has been catastrophic. We have become a Nation divided into those who give and those who take.
‘We the People" have fallen asleep, with a false sense of security.
Our current population mainly has no idea the true cost of Freedom.
We forfeited our Freedom when we gave the Responsibility of Educating our children to Government. From pre-K to Harvard, our population is taught exactly what the current leaders believe they need to know. If that doesn’t sound like dangerous indoctrination, I don’t know what does.
I agree that we need to read these Bills, however I can’t afford to hire a lawyer to decipher HR3200. I’ve tried to read it. Ridiculous.
The bigger question is – WHY DO WE ALL ASSUME THAT INSURANCE IS THE ONLY ANSWER???? Cramped Thinking.

How to record EVP

January 3rd, 2010 No comments ventures out to Lakeview Cemetery in Buhl, MN to show the basics of EVP audio recording.

Duration : 0:5:9

Read more…

Categories: Minnesota Death Records Tags:

Is my thesis not evident?

January 2nd, 2010 1 comment

This is a research paper for my 11th grade English class, and I can usually write wonderful papers. I’m in a college writing class and I receive A’s on a majority of my papers. However, research papers are not my strongest point. Can someone help me incorporate a stronger thesis in my paper? Thank You!

In 2006, 158 billion text messages were sent nationwide as stated by CTIA, the wireless association. Seventeen Magazine 1,000 sixteen and seventeen year olds and reported that 46% percent of them admit to text messaging while driving, and 51% admit to talking on their cell phone while driving. claims that “Recent teen driving tragedies involving text messaging while driving are evidence that driving distractions are becoming as prevalent as drinking and driving.” According to a national survey of more than 900 teens with driver’s licenses from 26 national high schools, 37% of teens rated text messaging “extremely” or “very” distracting while driving; others most likely are not admitting that it is a distraction.
Teens claim that they “text-to-death”, but do they realize they are literally text messaging to their death? There is no statistic on how many deaths per year there are from text messaging distractions and 63% of teens do not admit that text messaging distracts them. A lot of teens have acquired the skill to text message without looking, which is not as harmful as long as they keep their eyes on the road.
Rob Callender, trends director for Teenage Research Unlimited, stated, “It’s a form of silent communication; they can do it whenever, they can do it fairly secretively.” He added, in a recent study (May 20, 2007) TRU found text messaging the second most popular use for cell phones next to using them to check the time. Teens like to text message because it is secretive, parents cannot hear it, teachers cannot hear it and the messages sent are not shown up on bills.
According to, Emilee Cox, a fourteen year old freshman holds the record for 35,463 text messages in one month. If young teens are text messaging that much it can only mean trouble for the future. If teens are not thinking clearly, they are bound to get on the road and text message, which will not be good for everyone else on the road.
While some states are still allowing drivers of all ages use their cell phone while driving, other states have banned it. “California, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Washington are the only states that have bans on all drivers using hand-held phones.”, according to an article in Land Line Magazine. It goes on to say “With the exception of New York, each of these also prohibits text messaging. Alaska, Louisiana and Minnesota have their own text messaging bans. In addition the articles mentions, “17 states forbid young drivers to use phones while behind the wheel.”, although not mentioning which specific “17 states” forbid it.
Driving behavior is not always a teen’s fault alone, they learn from their parents. 62% of teens admit that their parents talk on their cell phone while driving, 48% say their parents speed and 31% say their parents do not wear a seat belt ( Driving is a habit picked up just like any other habit. Parents are role models for their children and should try and set a better example while driving. Stricter consequences for their children to not use cell phones while driving should also be set. Although most teens have enough common sense to set their own rules and guidelines for driving, their parents should be the ones setting a prime example and enforcing strict rules with consequences following if the rules are broken.
William Van Tassel, PhD, manager of AAA Driver Training states, “Motor vehicle crashes are the number one killer of teens claiming more than 6,000 fifteen to twenty year-olds each year. Inexperience behind the wheel coupled with poor decision making construct additional reasons for teens to stay focused while they are driving. Their attention should not be divided among phones, friends and the road.” (RISMedia).
Text messaging is becoming a popular pastime and a dangerous one at that; many teens are driving around daily text messaging at the wheel and it is not safe. The statistics show that plenty of teens do it and that it is clearly an un-safe distraction. If bills to ban phone usage on the road are passed by more states, research shows the road will be a safer place.

The biggest problem I see is that you don’t actually state your thesis until your conclusion, which I assume is that texting while driving needs to be banned to keep the roads a safer place. You need to state that near the beginning so that the reader is clear about why you are providing all those statistics.

I would move from the introduction to the section about why teens text, and develop that a little more. You state that they text because it is secretive, but surely there are other reasons. Perhaps they feel bolder not speaking to somebody in person; perhaps because they can get away with it in school; perhaps because it allows them to hold multiple conversations at the same time. Your sources should have a little more information on that.

I would then move to your statistics on teen driving and texting. Be careful here though. You currently list statistic after statistic, with no apparent reason for them. A better form would be to make a statement, then back it up with a statistic. For example: Some states are aware of the dangers of texting and driving and have taken legislative action to protect their citizens. “California, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey and Washington […] have bans on all drivers using hand-held phones," (Land Line, pg#).

Just a trivial side note, try using inline references, like in the example I just gave you. It might reduce your word count, but your paper will flow much more nicely without all the "according to" and "so and so says".

Next, move into the driving safety section. Begin by offering a little bit of data about teen drivers, then relate that to behavior learned from their parents. Clearly, if parents are teaching their children to drive, they are influencing the type of drivers the children will become. Good job making that connection.

Your conclusion is effective, but a little dry. It would be fantastic if you could include a true story about a teen driver who caused an accident because he or she was using their cell phone, and offer that as a moral or a natural conclusion to the grander argument about cell phone safety.

Best wishes to you!

Does Anyone Know of any Other Female Labor Organizers Besides….?

December 29th, 2009 6 comments

Does anyone know of any other female labor organizers or activists besides "Mother" Mary Harris Jones? It’s been a while since I’ve studied women’s history and I know there were others but I can’t remember their names.

"Mother Mary Harris Jones, for anyone who doesn’t know, was so well-known that the Progressive Miners of America erected a monument to ‘Mother" to honor her gutsy decades of work. The monument is 22 feet tall and is built of 80 tons of pink Minnesota granite. When it was dedicated in 1936 an estimated 50,000 people attended. Genre Autry even recorded a song titled, "The Death of Mother Jones." Best known quote from Jones: "I’m not a humanitarian. I’m a hell-raiser!"
Sarah Bagley—yes, that is one lady I was trying to recall. Thanks!

Professor: That is so cool about the portrait.

Kessie: Thanks for the link.

I admire these two women labor organizers (other than Mother Jones, of course): Karen Silkwood and Elizabeth Gurley Flynn.

Karen Silkwood: Oil, Chemical, and Atomic Workers’ Union activist who died while assisting union investigating plant safety at the Kerr-McGee plutonium fuels production plant in Crescent, OK.

Elizabeth Gurley Flynn: In 1907 Flynn became a full-time organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW). Over the next few years she organised campaigns among garment workers in Pennsylvania, silk weavers in New Jersey, restaurant workers in New York, miners in Minnesota and textile workers in Massachusetts. During this period the writer, Theodore Dreiser, described her as "an East Side Joan of Arc.". Flynn was arrested ten times during this period but was never convicted of any criminal activity.

A founding member of the American Civil Liberties Union, Flynn was active in the campaign against the conviction of Sacco-Vanzetti. Flynn was particularly concerned with women’s rights. She supported birth control and women’s suffrage. Flynn also criticised the leadership of trade unions for being male dominated and not reflecting the needs of women.

What is the relationship between 911 and Saddam?

December 27th, 2009 16 comments

By The Numbers
On September 11th, 2001 4 Flights were hijacked.
American Airlines Flight 11 which left Boston’s Logan Airport bound
for Los Angeles before being piloted into the North Tower of the
World Trade Center.American Airlines Flight 77 which left
Washington’s Dulles International Airport bound for Los Angeles
before being flown into the Pentagon.
United Airlines Flight 93 which left Newark, N.J., bound for San
Francisco before crashing in Stony Creek Township, Pa United
Airlines Flight 175 which left Boston’s Logan Airport bound for Los
Angeles before being piloted into the South Tower of the World Trade
Center. Why did the mastermind behind the attacks on America of
September 11th, 2001 choose these particular flight numbers? MY
"White House Was Flight 93 Target
May 23, 2002
Volunteers in Shanksville this past weekend. (Photo: AP)
The San Francisco-bound jet had turned toward Washington and U.S.
fighter jets were flying to intercept it when it crashed. All 44
people aboard were killed.
(CBS) A high-ranking al Qaeda detainee told investigators the
intended target of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a
Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, was the White House.
Government sources said Abu Zubaydah, now in U.S. custody, is
believed to be the source of the information. He is being
interrogated by U.S. officials at an undisclosed location.
Investigators have linked Zubaydah directly to hijackers on board
Flight 93.
United Flight 93 took off from Newark, N.J., and crashed in Somerset
County, Pa.. A recorder on the plane and calls made to people on the
ground indicate passengers fought for control with the hijackers
before it went down.
The San Francisco-bound jet had turned toward Washington and U.S.
fighter jets were flying to intercept it when it crashed. All 44
people aboard were killed.
Officials previously had assumed the White House was a likely
target, but said the Capitol and CIA headquarters in McLean, Va.,
near Washington were other possibilities.Abu Zubaydah is believed to
have played a key role in organizing the Sept. 11 attacks, officials
said. As al Qaeda’s top operational planner, he ran the Khalden camp
in Afghanistan, where U.S. investigators have learned many of the
Sept. 11 hijackers trained. This suggests Abu Zubaydah may have had
direct contact with the hijackers and chosen them for training.
He also had telephone contacts with at least one Arab student at
U.S. flight schools, according to a July 10, 2001, memo from a
Phoenix FBI agent.
The CIA, FBI and Pakistani authorities captured and wounded Abu
Zubaydah in a raid by in Faisalabad, Pakistan, in March. He is
believed to have masterminded the failed millennium bombing plots in
Los Angeles and Jordan, and has been linked to failed plots on the
U.S. embassies in Paris and Sarajevo.
Abu Zubaydah was also indirectly linked, through a web of
associations with other al Qaeda members in Europe, to lead Sept. 11
hijacker Mohammed Atta and his cell in Hamburg, Germany. Three
members of the Hamburg cell were suicide hijackers; three others are
still at large. Ziad Jarrah, believed to be the pilot-hijacker of
Flight 93, was a member of the Hamburg cell."
The first attack on the World Trade Center on February 26th, 1993.
The February 26th, 1993 attack marked the 11th anniversary to the
day of the declaration by the Reagan-Bush Administration of February
26th, 1982 that Iraq was no longer a state sponsor of terrorism and
as such was eligible for American loans and grants, which it
subsequently got.
The February 26th, 1993 attack also marked the 2nd anniversary to the
day of the liberation of Kuwait by the U.S. in the first Gulf War.
Remarks at the Commemoration of the Tenth Anniversary of the
Liberation of Kuwait Secretary Colin L. Powell Kuwait City, Kuwait
(US Embassy) February 26, 2001

The World Trade Center was attacked by terrorists associated with
Sheik Rahman on February 26th, 1993. It was Sheik Rahman’s group
that murdered Egyptian President Anwar Sadat on the 8th anniversary
to the day of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, October 6th.
Sheik Rahman’s son was subsequently found with bin Laden’s group
in Afghanistan when the U.S. liberated Afghanistan.

"White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer: we have real and
credible information that the airplane that landed at the Pentagon
originally intended to hit the White House."
American Airlines Flight 77 which left Washington’s Dulles
International Airport bound for Los Angeles before being flown into
the Pentagon.
7/7 is one way to write the date July 7th
On July 7th, 1994 Yasser Arafat, PLO chairman drove from Egypt into
Gaza, after 27 years in exile. What Arafat was doing was using the
date of July 7th to re-write a perceived wrong he had felt some
years earlier on another July 7th. It was on July 7th 1986 that the
government of Jordan closed the offices of Yasser Arafat’s al-Fatah.
Because a bus bombing occurred in London on July 7th, 2005 it struck
me that the nation that has endured more bus bombings than any other
nation is Israel. There may be a connection between the July 7th,
2005 attacks in London and the terrorists who have targeted Israel
with bus bombings for years.
Recently terrorists in Iraq murdered Egypt’s envoy to Iraq.
"Zarqawi group reportedly killed Egyptian ambassador in Iraq
Iraq-Egypt, Politics, 7/7/2005
News reports from al-Jazeera and al-Arabia satellite TV stations
said that Egypt’s top diplomat in Iraq to Iraq, Eyhab al-Sharif, had
been executed.
Meantime, Al-Qaida organization in Iraq, led by Abu Musab al-
Zarqawi, had threatened in a statement on the Internet to execute
the chairman of the Egyptian diplomatic mission al-Sharif.
The threat to execute Sharif came a short time after al-Qaida
organization in Iraq issued pictures for the identity cards of the
Egyptian diplomat as an evidence that they are the ones which
kidnapped him.
The statement said the legitimate court of al-Qaida organization in
Mesopotamia decided to "send the ambassador of the state of Egypt to
the Mujahideen (indivduals from Egypt and other states that go to
Iraq to fight with the insurgents) to execute the death penalty
against him." The statement considered that "the embassies in
Baghdad are but monitoring sites to snipe the arriving Mujahideen
and preventing them from having access to their brothers in Jihad in
the land of Mesopotamia (Iraq) and in Afghanistan."
In an attempt to prove that the Egyptian ambassador is their
possession, al-Qaida organization published documents including a
driving Sharif’s license and a work card for him at the foreign
ministry and another one for health insurance. On Tuesday the
organization claimed responsibility for kidnapping Sharif."

American Airlines Flight 11 which left Boston’s Logan Airport bound
for Los Angeles before being piloted into the North Tower of the
World Trade Center.
Saddam Hussein assassinated his first victim when he was 11 years
old. Fixated on the number 11 ever since then he easily focused on
the World Trade Center as a target because it looked so much like a
number 11 that WPIX TV Channel 11 in New York City used the World
Trade Center in its logo for years.
The World Trade Center also housed an office of the Bank of Kuwait.
Saddam used Rahman’s group to punish Sadat for failing to defeat
Israel in the attack on Israel of October 6th, 1973. Saddam also
used Sheik Rahman’s group to hit the Speaker of the Egyptian
Parliament during the first Gulf War when Egypt sided with America
against Iraq.
Saddam, acting like a child who is deprived of a toy, who
breaks that toy, set fire to the Kuwaiti oil fields as he was being
driven out of Kuwait during the first Gulf War in 1991.
"Aired 9/11/2001 "Baghdad Republic of Iraq TV: These are
the fruits of the new US order.[Video of explosion rocking World
Center] Panic has spread among US official circles, which evacuated
the White House following a series of explosions."
"CNN LARRY KING LIVE Aired October 2, 2001 LARRY KING: Have you
spoken to your father- in-law? (George Herbert Walker Bush)
LAURA BUSH: I’ve spoken to my father-in-law. They were-they had
actually spent that Monday night here.(at the White House) I had
just seen them off that morning (9/11/2001) when I got in the car
and found out about the first plane.(going into the World Trade
"CNN LARRY KING LIVE America’s New War: Laura Bush Discusses the
Impact of September 11 Aired October 2, 2001 – 21:00 LARRY KING: A
couple of other things:
Have you spoken to your father- in-law? (Not in transcript, but the
father in law in question is one George Herbert Walker Bush !!!)
BUSH: I’ve spoken to my father-in-law. They were-they had actually
spent that Monday night here. (not in transcript but "here" means at
the White House !!!) LARRY KING: Really? LAURA BUSH: I had just seen
them off that morning when I got in the-got in the car and found out
about the first plane. LARRY KING: Didn’t know that. LAURA BUSH: They
were-they were on their way to St. Paul, Minnesota to give a speech,
and they were in a private plane, and their plane was diverted to
"September 11th, 2001 – The White House is
evacuated. White House Sealed"
"try to avoid having the principal
travel by commercial airline on terrorist anniversaries" from "The
of Executive Protection" "
Saddam tried to kill former President Bush in 1993.
Former President Bush’s Speech to Congress September 11th 1990. 11
years to the day before September 11th 2001 "In the early morning
hours of August 2d,(1990),a powerful Iraqi army invaded Kuwait. The
crisis in the Persian Gulf also offers a rare opportunity to move
toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled
times, our fifth objective-a new world order-can emerge."
White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer: we have real and credible
information that the airplane that landed at the Pentagon was
originally intended to hit the White House."
"White House Was Flight 93 Target
A high-ranking al Qaeda detainee told investigators the intended
target of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a
Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, was the White House. Government
sources said Abu Zubaydah, now in U.S. custody, believed to be the
source of the information."

Perhaps the following may explain how Saddam knew where former
President Bush might be spending the night of September 10th-11th
"Like everyone else in the United States, the group stood transfixed
as the events of September 11 unfolded. Present were former secretary
of defense Frank Carlucci, former secretary of state James Baker III,
and representatives of the bin Laden family. This was not some
underground presidential bunker or Central Intelligence Agency
interrogation room. It was the Ritz-Carlton in Washington, D.C., the
plush setting for the annual investor conference of one of the most
powerful, well-connected, and secretive companies in the world: the
Carlyle Group. And since September 11, this little-known company has
become unexpectedly important. That the Carlyle Group had its
conference on America’s darkest day was mere coincidence, but there
is nothing accidental about the cast of characters that this
private-equity powerhouse has assembled in the 14 years since its
founding. Among those associated with Carlyle are former U.S.
President George Bush Sr., former U.K. Prime Minister John Major, and
former President of the Philippines Fidel Ramos. And Carlyle has
counted, Prince Alwaleed bin Talal bin Abdul Aziz Alsaud of Saudi
Arabia, and Osama bin Laden’s family among its high-profile
"The White House is bordered on three sides by buildings that are as
tall or taller than itself. (OEOB, Treasury, and Blair House.) Beyond
these buildings there are still more buildings, that also are taller
than the White House. The only flight path that is relatively
unobstructed if making a controlled, straight-in approach, is from
the south, over the ellipse. Even the Marine helicopter the president
uses comes in from this direction and lands on the South Lawn. The
problem with flying a plane the size of a 757 or 767 in from this
direction is that there’s a 555 ft tall structure in the way called
the Washington Monument. The Capitol, although a bigger target, is
similarly situated. There are buildings on all sides except for the
west side, which faces the Mall. Again, for a controlled, straight-in
approach, a pilot first would need to avoid the Washington Monument,
and then fly straight down the Mall. There is more room to do this,
but again, it would take considerable skill. Moreover, the buildings
in Roslyn, just across the river from and to the west of the Mall,
would have to be cleared, which means the plane’s altitude would
probably be too high, or the angle of descent too steep to permit a
successful attack by anyone other than a skilled, experienced pilot."

To indicate September 1990 one might well write or type 9/90
It was in September of 1990 that President George Herbert Walker
Bush spoke to Congress on Iraq. On September 11th, 1990 in fact.

What of EgyptAir Flight 990?
Weeks after the last pile of debris from EgyptAir Flight 990 was
pulled from the sea, investigators say they are more
convinced than ever of their original theory: The jet was crashed

"The co-pilot under scrutiny in the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990
an Arabic prayer not once but as many as 10 times just
before the doomed airliner went down"
"Aviation Analyst John Nance Talks About Flight 990 When a commercial
aircraft goes into a dive as steep and precipitous as the preliminary
radar data seems to indicate."
An example of terrorists striking on an anniversary
came on October 7th, 2004 in Taba.
"Images of Destruction | Taba Hilton Before and After Terrorist
Attack on October 7, 2004"
According to initial findings Naveh said, a car bomb blew up at the
entrance to the Hilton Taba Hotel and there was a combined bomb and
shooting attack in two restaurants usually frequented by Israelis in
Ras Al-Satan."
On October 7th,2001 "America Retaliates for the September 11
Attacks. October 7, 2001 President George W. Bush Speaks to America
After the Strikes Begin.
"On October 7th, 1959, Saddam and others attempted, but failed, to
assassinate the prime minister of Iraq. Wanted by the Iraqi
government, Saddam was forced to flee. He lived in exile in Syria
for three months and then moved to Egypt where he lived for three

"President Saddam Hussein chairs 48th Cabinet Session Baghdad, Oct.
22, 2001 INA
President Saddam Hussein chaired on Sunday the 48th Cabinet session.
The Cabinet discussed recent events of Palestinian Intifadha and
praised Palestinians brave and
persistent struggle for liberating their lands. The cabinet reviewed
the current international
situation, especially the U.S aggression on Afghanistan. The Cabinet
brought back a historic
stance Iraq had taken in 1979 when it condemned the military Soviet
invasion of Afghanistan though Iraq had then deep relations with the
Soviet Union and there was a
friendship and cooperation agreement between Iraq and the Soviet
Union, yet this had not prevented Iraq from taking the national
independent stand rejecting Soviet’s behavior. History repeats itself
once again in 2001 as Iraq takes the same stance and condemns the US
aggression on Afghanistan….this confirms Iraq’s principled stance
rejecting all forms of foreign intervention and aggressions. The
Cabinet discussed issues listed on its agenda and made necessary
decisions and recommendations."
Saddam loves 11th anniversaries, for instance " Saddam Hussein’s
speech on the 11th Anniversary of the Great Victory Day In the Name
of God, Most Compassionate, Most
Merciful Great People, The Valiant of Our Brave Armed Forces, Sons of
our Glorious Arab Nation…"

"Middle East Correspondent, Robert Fisk: Why was it that the bombing
of the two
embassies in Tanzania and Kenya occurred on the eighth anniversary to
the very day of the first arrival of American troops of the 82nd
airborne in Saudi Arabia in 1990?"
"The 12th of October 2002 will for the rest of Australian history be
counted as a day when evil
struck with indiscriminate and indescribable savagery,"
"On October 12th, 2000 terrorists in a boat laden with explosives
carried out a
suicide bombing of the U.S.S. Cole in the harbor at Aden, Yemen. In
what President Clinton described as a "despicable and cowardly act,"
17 U.S. sailors were killed, and over 30 others were wounded."
After the liberation of Iraq terrorists struck the Baghdad Hotel on
October 12th.
If you add 1 to 9 you get 10. If you add 1 to 11 you get 12. Thus
the 9/11/2001 attack
was presaged by the attack on the U.S.S. Cole on 10/12/2000. The
terrorists were
engaging in what to them was a private joke regarding their plans
for 9/11/2001.
"Iraq has the motivation and the means to actively support the
Islamist networks of the region*** In the past, there have been
intelligence reports of possible cooperation between Iraq and Osama
bin Laden. Iraq has already tried to assassinate President Bush
Senior in 1993, when he visited Kuwait as a private citizen. In the
on the USS Cole in Aden (in) October (of 2000), there could have
been an
Iraqi connection. Iraq has excellent relations with the anti-Western
Yemeni Islamists of the Army of Aden-Abyan, whose militants have been
arrested by the Yemenite authorities in connection with the attack.
Such an attack required long preparations, technical and military
skills and good operational intelligence. In addition, the explosive
used in the attack was sophisticated, a "shaped charge" like a
torpedo or a missile, a device not in use by terrorist
organizations, and
which may have come from a military stockpile."
4 DAYS BEFORE SEPTEMBER 11, 2001 Saddam’s Stepson in USA
"Authorities said Saffi" (Saddam’s Stepson), " triggered red flags
for four reasons: the family relationship to the Iraqi dictator;
at an American flight school; arrival on the eve of the Independence
Day celebrations; and his only documented prior entry into the United
States occurred just four days before the Sept. 11 terrorist
"Saddam’s Stepson to Be Deported Fri Jul 5th 2002 (Saffi) was
planning to study at a flight school believed by the FBI
to have been used by one of the Sept. 11 hijackers."
"US officials state that an FBI investigation had substantiated
charges that the Iraqi government plotted the assassination of former
President Bush while visiting Kuwait in April 1993."
"Terrorist Pilot Met With Iraqi Intelligence Agent By RICK JERVIS
Special to The Wall Street Journal Europe Wall Street Journal,
Europe October 4, 2001 [With thanks to Laurie Mylroie – Iraq News]
PRAGUE-Mohamed Atta, who
allegedly crashed the first plane into the World Trade Center on
Sept. 11, met at least one Iraqi intelligence agent last year in
before moving to the U.S., a Czech official close to the

United Airlines Flight 175 which left Boston’s Logan Airport bound
for Los Angeles before being piloted into the South Tower of the
World Trade Center.
Question of Palestine

Did Anniversary Assassins Strike Again November 22nd 2004
What do you think the chances are that the plane crash which would
have killed the 41st President of the United States, George Herbert
Walker Bush,had he been on board the plane which was enroute from
Love Field in Dallas, Texas to pick him up, on the 41st anniversary
of the assassination of JFK 11/22/1963 was a botched assassination
attempt? Saddam Hussein, who may be running the show from his jail
cell, assassinated his first victim when he was 11 years old, took
power in Iraq in 1968, made it official 11 years later in 1979,
invaded Kuwait 11 years later in 1990 sent bin Laden to assassinate
former President Bush 11 years later on 9/11/2001 on the 11th
anniversary to the day of the 9/11/1990 Bush speech to Congress on
Iraq in which Bush mentioned The New World Order."US plans to
dominate the world under the cover of what is called the new [world]
order. These are the fruits of the new US order. [Video of explosion
rocking World Trade Center] [Description of Source: Baghdad Republic
of Iraq Television in Arabic-Official television station of the
Iraqi Government." The World Trade Center looked so much like the
number 11 that WPIX-TV Channel 11 in New York City used the World
Trade Center as its logo. Note 11 times 2 equals 22. The Madrid
attacks were done exactly 911 days after 9/11/2001. Sadat,
criticized by arafat and Saddam for making peace with Israel, was
assassinated on 10/6/1981 exactly 8 years after the 10/6/1973 Yom
Kippur War in which he failed to defeat Israel. The American
Embassies in Africa were hit on August 8th, 1998, exactly 8 years
after the US entered Saudi Arabia in response to Saddam’s invasion
of Kuwait. A gentlemanly John Connally reaches to remove his hat as
Jackie Kennedy enters presidential limousine at Love Field, Dallas,
November 22, 1963

The shocking news that narco-terrorists in Colombia plotted to
assassinate current President George W. Bush on Monday November
22nd, 2004,
the 41st anniversary of the JFK assassination, needs some
BCCI, the infamous drug-terror-arms bank that allegedly gave former
President Jimmy Carter $10 million for the Carter Library,had
offices in Peru, where
coca leaves are grown, in Colombia, where the coca leaves are
processed into cocaine, and in Castro’s Cuba, and Baathist Syria and
Baathist Iraq. Banks
did not get offices in any of those 3 tyrannies without the approval
of the tyrant.
"Colombian Rebels Planned to Kill President Bush
November 27th, 2004 U.S. National – Reuters
By Hugh Bronstein BOGOTA, Colombia (Reuters) – President Bush was
targeted for assassination by Colombia’s biggest Marxist rebel group
this week when he visited the Caribbean port city of Cartagena, a
top Colombian official said on Saturday. "According to informants
and various sources, we had information indicating that various
members of the FARC had been instructed by their leaders to make an
attempt against President Bush," Defense Secretary Jorge Alberto
Uribe told reporters. He would not be drawn out on the details of
the threat. The White House had no immediate comment.
The U.S. Secret Service, which protects the president, said it "does
not comment or release information regarding our protective
intelligence and protective methods." "We do not discuss any alleged
threats to our protectees," said Jonathan Cherry, a Secret Service
There was heavy security in Cartagena when Bush visited the city on
Monday(November 22nd, 2004)on his way back from the APEC forum in
Chile. Military helicopters packed with armed soldiers flew over
Bush’s motorcade while naval vessels kept watch offshore. Many shops
were shuttered."
"In early August, 1991, the Committee was provided with documents
from the Latin American and Caribbean Region Office (LACRO) of BCCI,
describing the offer for sale by the Argentine air force of 22
Mirage aircraft for $110 million. (63) The planned sale was to have
been made to Iraq, as part of Saddam Hussein’s massive military
buildup prior to the Gulf war. BCCI was acting as the broker for the
transaction, which was to take place in August or September of
1989…As Robert Mazur, the Customs agent in Tampa who selected BCCI
as the target of the Customs money laundering sting testified, BCCI
bank executives volunteered methods to enhance and improve his
techniques for money laundering, and shortly before the sting ended
the operation, offered to introduce Mazur to other potential "cash"
customers for money laundering services from Bogota, Colombia…."
"The Ba’ath leadership gave the orders for Qasim’s assassination…On
October 7th,1959, a six-,man assassination squad was waiting…the
night before one member of the squad had fallen ill. A new recruit
was drafted in…his full name was Saddam Hussein al-Takriti."
Page 22
"The Ba’athist led forces…participated in the coup of 8th February
1963…Immediately after the coup, Saddam Hussein returned to Iraq,
where he was appointed as the head of Al-Jihaz Al Khas, known
popularly as Jihaz Haneen (the Yearning Apparatus), the clandestine
intelligence organization of the Ba’ath Party. Saddam proceeded to
turn it into an instrument of terror….on 18th November (1963) the
army seized power in a swift military coup…the new leadership of
the Ba’ath Party…was arrested. However, some of its members
immediately collaborated with the new regime…" Pgs 25-26
"7th October 1959 A Ba’athist assassination squad fails to kill
Qasim. A member of the team, twenty-two-year old Saddam Hussein,
escapes to Syria and then to Egypt…8th February 1963 A Ba’athist
coup overthrows Quasim amidst several days of terrible street
fighting…18th November 1963 Following bitter infighting
between…factions of the Baath, Arif overthrows the Ba’athist
regime…" Pages 312-313
"Saddam…inherited from his uncle an admiration for Nazi
principles…he was attracted to the ideas of the Ba’ath nationalist
movement. The movement had been established in Damascus in 1943"
(when Syria was a French colony and Hitler ruled France) "by two
Syrians, Greek Orthodox Christian Michel A’flaq and Sunni Muslim
Salah al-Bitar. Their philosophy was based on the ideology of German
national socialism" (Nazism) "and on Italian fascism." Page 199
"After the Ba’ath Party came to power in February 1963…Saddam was
promoted into the Regional Command Council and it was soon found
that this was his metier. He was put in charge of a special force
responsible for terror and assassination and was an interrogator and
torturer in the Qasr al-Nihayyat (`The Palace of the End’).
Eyewitnesses say Saddam excelled in creating new methods and
revealed a sadistically inventive mind. He designed new instruments
of torture and then experimentd with them on his victims. …By the
summer of 1963, Saddam was urging the party to put him in charge of
creating a special security apparatus modelled on the Nazi SS. This
was the Jihaz Haneen….following nationalisation of banks and
certain foreign companies in 1964, the Ba’ath Party instructed
Saddam to assassinate the president Abd al-Salam Arif. The proposed
assassination was designed to trigger off another Ba’ath coup.
Critics say it was a plan on behalf of the CIA but according to some
Ba’athist defectors the CIA did not have direct contact with the
Ba’ath itself but with army officers who were co-ordinating a joint
coup with the party. The main contact with the Americans was Iraq’s
own ambassador in Washington, Dr. Nasser al-Hanni." Pages 201-203
"The second part of the plot was carried out by the Jihaz
Haneen…Members of the Iraqi Jewish community…were…arrested.
Eleven of them were among the first fourteen `spies’ to be pubicly
hanged on 27th January 1969….The public hangings turned into a
national holiday with live television and radio coverage, and the
Ba’ath Party organized the transport of some hundred
thousand `workers and peasants’ from outside Baghdad to join
in…Families picknicked under trees while watching the hangings.
This public orgy of death went on for twenty-four hours…" Page 206

Source: Unholy Babylon-The Secret History of Saddam’s War by Adel
Darwish and Gregory Alexander St. Martin’s Press, New York 1991
ISBN 0-312-06530-2
"Compare the January 1969 show trial with another spectacle
organized by the first Ba’thi regime in 1963 and designed to counter
the continuing popularity of the ousted president, `Abd al-Karim
Qassem, among certain sectors of the Shi’ite population of Baghdad.
In the first week of the coup, the citizens of al-Thawra, a suburb
of Baghdad, had fought the army and Ba’thist militia in some of the
bloodiest street battles in the history of the country. They refused
to believe that Qassem had been overthrown….The Ba’ath…dealt
with this emotive imagery by televising a lengthy film clip
displaying Qassem’s bullet-ridden corpse. Night after night, they
made their gruesome point. The body was propped up on a chair in the
studio. A soldier saunter around, handling its parts. The camera
would cut to scenes of devastation at the Ministry of Defence where
Qassem had made his last stand. There, on location, it lingered on
the mutilated corpses of Qassem’s entourage…Back to the studio,
and close-ups now of the entry and exit points of each bullet hole.
The whole macabre sequence closes with a scene that must forever
remain etched on the memory of all those who saw it: the soldier
grabbing the lolling head by the hair, came right up close, and spat
full face into it. The fear that the Ba’th were trying to instill in
this and other instances was brutally direct. The centuries-old
message was simple: he is dead, you had better believe it, we can do
the smae to you. The fact that it was on television extended its
reach…" Pages 58-59.
Source: Republic of Fear The Inside Story of Saddam’s Iraq by Samir
al Khalil Pantheon Books, New York 1989 ISBN 0-679-73502-X
"An Afghani tends to a field of heroin poppies, the sale of which
provides much of the financing for the Taliban and Osama bin Laden.
Afghanistan is the world’s No. 1 producer and distributor of heroin,
and illicit drug trafficking is the biggest funding source for
By Rachel Ehrenfeld / Special to The Detroit News About the author
Rachel Ehrenfeld is director of the New York-based Center for the
Study of Corruption and the author of "Evil Money" (HarperBusiness)
and "Narco-Terrorism" (Basic Books).
Moving the money…
In the welter of events following the bombing of the World Trade
Center in Feb. 26, 1993, few noticed that the first man arrested,
Mohammed Salameh—the poor, unemployed illegal immigrant—
offered $5 million for bail. Where could he get this kind of money?
The judge refused bail. But was the source of Salameh’s offer the
same as the one that funded the eight men—arrested shortly
afterward—who planned to blow up Manhattan’s tunnels and bridges
and to assassinate public officials?
Were the same money sources behind the final attack on the World
Trade Center on Sept. 11?
… For a long time, there has been evidence that terrorist,
international drug trafficking and criminal organizations use the
same fund-raising methods to enrich themselves.
Yet no one seemed to connect the dots. And no one seriously tried to
crack down on their financing.
Bin Laden’s is only one among many hostile international criminal
organizations, often state-sponsored, that will do whatever they can
to diminish the status of the United States as the only superpower.
According to a State Department report, the Taliban, who are at bin
Laden’s service, has the advantage of controlling the world’s
largest heroin production and distribution in the world.
Since the Taliban took over Afghanistan, the heroin production
soared to hundreds of tons each year. In 1999 alone, the world
production of heroin was estimated at 500 metric tons; 400 were
produced by the Taliban and available to fund bin Laden and his
associates worldwide. First warning
The writing was on the wall on July 5, 1991, when the Bank of
England shut down what was the most important Islamic bank in the
world, the Bank of Credit and Commerce International (BCCI). This
criminal entity was created by the Pakistani Aaga Hassan Abedi "to
fight the evil influence of the West"; to help with the creation of
the "Islamic Bomb"; to finance all Muslim terrorist organizations;
and to launder the money that was generated mostly by illicit drug
trafficking and other illegal activities, including arms
When BCCI went belly up, we learned from thousands of documents that
Abu Nidal—the notorious Palestinian terrorist organization that
now enjoys the hospitality of Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, the Palestine
Liberation Organization (PLO), Hezbollah and bin Laden—had
accounts in the bank. By the end of the 1980s, the "special
services" provided by BCCI included access to Western humanitarian
and international development funds, as well as drug money
laundering, secret transfers of cash and bribes.
A "Black Network," a special enforcement unit supported by Abu Nidal
and other terrorist organizations, operated from Pakistan. The same
Pakistan that harbored bin Laden for many years while its officials
told the United States that they didn’t know his whereabouts. And
the same Pakistan that for decades, even according to the State
Department’s annual report, had been a major drug trafficking and
money laundering center.

Western blindness
Yet, now more importantly, we also discovered that the American and
British governments knew and kept the bank open for a long time. The
bank "that would bribe God" was able to get away with its criminal
activities for decades due to Abedi’s clever portrayal of the Muslim
nations as victims of Western—and particularly U.S.—
"imperialism." And when the bank was shuttered, the accusation in
the Muslim/Arab and Third World countries was that the U.S. and the
United Kingdom governments closed the bank to curtail the growing
fiscal power of Muslim countries.
Like Abedi, anti-American, anti-Western terrorist and radical Muslim
states and organizations, such as the Taliban, Al Qaeda, Hamas,
Hezbollah, the PLO, Iraq and Iran, use Western democratic rhetoric
to their advantage. But it is the willful blindness, mainly toward
the growing volume of drug money laundering, exercised by Western
bankers on the one hand and Western politicians on the other, that
makes money laundering possible, despite the many laws and
international conventions to control this phenomenon.
The BCCI was the first warning to the West. The second warning about
the abuse of European and American financial markets by terrorist
organizations, as well as their involvement in the illicit arms and
drug trade, was made in February 1994 by the British National
Criminal Intelligence Service (NCIS).
The Organized Crime Unit of the NCIS warned that Middle East
terrorist groups and states were targeting the financial centers of
London, Frankfurt and other Western countries, and that they favor
illegal drug trafficking, money laundering and fraud….
Clinton appeasement
Despite its stated policy of not negotiating with terrorists, the
Clinton administration went out of its way to appease a few of the
20th century’s most notorious terror groups: the Revolutionary Armed
Forces of Colombia (FARC), the PLO and the Irish Republican Army.
All are heavily involved in the drug trade.
On the eve of the 1993 handshake on the White House lawn between
Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin and PLO Chairman Yasser Arafat,
Britain’s National Criminal Intelligence Service estimated the PLO’s
ill-gotten gains to total between $8 billion to $10 billion, with an
annual income of about $1.5 billion to $2 billion from "donations,
extortion, payoffs, illegal arms dealing, drug trafficking, money
laundering, fraud, etc."
Since then, Washington has only aided and abetted the PLO. Since the
start of the Oslo process, Arafat has received at least $3 billion
more from the United States and the international community, without
any serious demand for accountability, according to a report this
year to Congress. Arafat, in well-documented instances, has been
systematically skimming off portions of these funds, as he has with
monies given to him on behalf of the refugees in the camps.
The PLO was in the drug trafficking business almost from the
beginning. Operating from Lebanon, under Habash’s able leadership
and assisted by a PLO-owned shipping company SUMUD, the organization
exported hashish, opium, heroin and cocaine, first to Europe and
later even to the United States and Australia. In return, it
obtained weapons for their war against Israel and the West, and
amassed a massive treasure trove. In addition, the PLO and Arafat,
who enjoy the financial and strategic support of Hussein and bin
Laden, have the distinction of being the organization that
promoted "suicide bombers" as a weapon.
Yet the Clinton administration subsidized a multitude of radical
Palestinian groups, ranging from Arafat’s Fatah branch of the PLO
and its military wing, the Tanzim, to the socialist-nationalist
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), headed by
George Habash, all with close ties to bin Laden, Iraq and Iran.
…It was the Clinton White House that, despite evidence to the
contrary, removed Syria from its list of the drug trafficking
countries, to entice Syria to join the "peace process" in the Middle
The failure of that process and the compromises the United States
has made to maintain an illusion of peaceful prospects had no doubt
added to the Muslim radical terrorists’ resolve to attack what they
see as a naive and vulnerable America.
In another example of self-delusion, in 1999, then Secretary of
State Madeleine Albright suggested a U.S.-led coalition to negotiate
with the FARC and supported Colombia President Pastrana’s "land for
peace" initiative, despite a report from the General Accounting
Office that the FARC is running a major international criminal
enterprise that, among other things, supplies hundreds of tons of
cocaine and heroin to the U.S. black market.
This second Clinton "land for peace" initiative gave half of
Colombia to the narco-terrorist FARC, while doing nothing to
diminish its violence or appetite to control the rest of the

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called the Palestinian Authority
a "gang of corrupt assassins and terrorists." "There is an obstacle
[to peace] with the gang of corrupt assassins and terrorists that
lead the Palestinian Authority," Sharon said in a televised speech
in Israel. "The only way to peace is to remove this murderous
posse." – Source:
New York Daily News –
Sharon raps Arafat `assassins’ By KENNETH R. BAZINET DAILY NEWS
WASHINGTON BUREAU Thursday, August 8th, 2002
"Bush back from surprise Iraq trip
President Bush has arrived back in the United States after a
surprise trip to Baghdad, where he spent two hours with US troops
celebrating Thanksgiving Day.
Mr. Bush told troops the US would not be swayed by ongoing attacks
in Iraq.
"We did not charge hundreds of miles into the heart of Iraq, pay a
bitter cost of casualties, defeat a ruthless dictator and liberate
25 million people only to retreat before a band of thugs and
assassins," he told 600 US soldiers.
"President Bush and his wife, Laura, along with former president
George H. W.
Bush, welcome the King and Queen of Spain, Juan and Sofia Carlos, to
their ranch
Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2004, in Crawford, Texas.(AP Photo/Lawrence
A small jet chartered to fly former President Bush to Ecuador
22nd, 2004 was well below normal altitude when it clipped a toll
road light
tower and crashed into a muddy field three miles south of Hobby
Airport, killing
the crew of three.The plane, which belonged to Jet Place Inc. of
Tulsa, Okla.,
came from Love Field in Dallas. It was approaching the runway when
the wing and
the landing gear on the right side clipped the pole on a tollway
"Weeks after the last pile of debris from EgyptAir Flight 990 was
pulled from the sea, investigators say they are more
convinced than ever of their original theory: The jet was crashed
deliberately." "The
co-pilot under scrutiny in the crash of EgyptAir Flight 990 uttered
an Arabic prayer not once but as many as 10 times just
before the doomed airliner went down"
"Aviation Analyst John Nance Talks About Flight 990 When a commercial
aircraft goes into a dive as steep and precipitous as the preliminary
radar data seems to indicate."
"The White House is bordered on three sides by buildings that are as
tall or taller than itself. (OEOB, Treasury, and Blair House.) Beyond
these buildings there are still more buildings, that also are taller
than the White House. The only flight path that is relatively
unobstructed if making a controlled, straight-in approach, is from
south, over the ellipse. Even the Marine helicopter the president
uses comes in from this direction and lands on the South Lawn. The
problem with flying a plane the size of a 757 or 767 in from this
direction is that there’s a 555 ft tall structure in the way called
the Washington Monument. The Capitol, although a bigger target, is
similarly situated. There are buildings on all sides except for the
west side, which faces the Mall. Again, for a controlled, straight-in
approach, a pilot first would need to avoid the Washington Monument,
and then fly straight down the Mall. There is more room to do this,
but again, it would take considerable skill. Moreover, the buildings
in Roslyn, just across the river from and to the west of the Mall,
would have to be cleared, which means the plane’s altitude would
probably be too high, or the angle of descent too steep to permit a
successful attack by anyone other than a skilled, experienced pilot."

Imagine the rage and fury of Saddam Hussein
"On February 26th, 1982 the Reagan Administration told Congress that
it had dropped Iraq from the list of nations that supported acts of
international terrorism. Baghdad would now be eligible for American
government loan guarantees." source: SPIDER’S WEB: THE SECRET HISTORY
Imagine Saddam’s rage and fury when Kuwait was liberated on February
26th, 1991, 9 years to the day after the event described above! Is it
any wonder that Saddam would launch the first of his 2 attacks on the
World Trade Center on February 26th, 1993, the 2nd anniversary of the
liberation of Kuwait City, and the 11th anniversary of the event
described above, and that he would launch his 2nd attack on the World
Trade Center on September 11th, 2001, the 11th anniversary of the
I speech to Congress on Iraq. Saddam loves 11th anniversaries, for
instance " Saddam Hussein’s speech on the 11th Anniversary of the
Great Victory Day In the Name of God, Most Compassionate, Most
Merciful Great People, The Valiant of Our Brave Armed Forces, Sons of
our Glorious Arab Nation…"

Saddam took credit for the September 11th attacks on America on
Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television. Saddam sent his henchman Osama
bin Laden to attack America and to assassinate former President
Bush, who was at the White House on the morning of September 11th,
2001,just as he had tried to assassinate former President Bush in
Kuwait in 1993. That is why Flight 93 was selected to hit the White
House on the morning of September 11th, 2001. Fortunately the heroes
of Flight 93 stopped that from happening and the plane went down in
Second Attempt to Assassinate President Bush.
We all know that Saddam Hussein attempted to assassinate former
Bush in Kuwait in 1993. Laura Bush, wife of the current President
along with the current President Bush’s brothers, his parents, and
former Secretary of State Baker were actually in the air enroute to
Kuwait when the intelligence came in and their plane was turned back.
Then President Clinton later bombed an empty Iraqi intelligence
in retaliation for that attempt in which Saddam’s homicide bombers
caught in Kuwait.
We believe that the Second Attempt to assassinate former President
George Herbert Walker Bush was made by Saddam Hussein using his
henchman Osama bin Laden on September 11th, 2001.
September 11th, 1990 Dubya’s Dad Speaks to Congress on Iraq When
September 11th Yes ! September 11th 1990. Exactly 11 years to the
day before the infamous September 11th 2001 attacks on America.
Saddam’s Revenge !!! How clear it is!!! "Address Before a Joint
Session of the Congress on the Persian Gulf Crisis and the Federal
Budget Deficit September 11, 1990.
We gather tonight, witness to events in the Persian Gulf as
significant as they are tragic. In the early morning hours of August
2d, following negotiations and promises by Iraq’s dictator Saddam
Hussein not to use force, a powerful Iraqi army invaded its trusting
and much weaker neighbor, Kuwait. *** The crisis in the Persian Gulf,
as grave as it is, also offers a rare opportunity to move toward an
historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled times, our
objective-a new world order-can emerge. ***" READ THE WHOLE OF
DADDY’S SPEECH TO CONGRESS ON SEPTEMBER 11TH, 1990 AT "Note: The President spoke at 9:09
the House Chamber at the Capitol.. The address was broadcast live on
nationwide television and radio." Iraq
Cheers September 11th Attacks on America "Wednesday, September 12,
2001 Baghdad TV Commentary: US `Reaping Fruits of Crimes Against
Humanity’ Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television in Arabic 1700 GMT 11
Sep 01 [TV Commentary by Sa’d Yasin Yusuf read by announcer over
footage of explosions in New York] [FBIS Translated Text] [With
to Laurie Mylorie – Iraq Watch] The American cowboy is reaping the
fruits of his crimes against humanity. It is a black day in the
history of America, which is tasting the bitter defeat of its crimes
and disregard for peoples’ will to lead a free, decent life. The
massive explosions in the centers of power in America, notably the
Pentagon, is a painful slap in the face of US politicians to stop
their illegitimate hegemony and attempts to impose custodianship on
peoples. It was no coincidence that the World Trade Center was
destroyed in suicidal operations involving two planes that have
through all US security barriers to carry the operation of the
and to express rejection of the reckless US policy. Panic has spread
among US official circles, which evacuated the White House following
series of explosions. They also evacuated the Pentagon, the State
Department, and Congress and closed down the airports and government
institutions. The collapse of US centers of power is a collapse of
US policy, which deviates from human values and stands by world
Zionism at all international forums to continue to slaughter the
Palestinian Arab people and implement US plans to dominate the world
under the cover of what is called the new [world] order. These are
fruits of the new US order. [Video of explosion rocking World Trade
Center] [Description of Source: Baghdad Republic of Iraq Television
Arabic-Official television station of the Iraqi Government]"

"BLITZER: That’s Osama bin Laden’s group. Now you also have some
new information, David, about Mohamed Atta. He’s the suspected
ringleader of the September 11th hijackings.
ENSOR: Well, that’s right. As you know, he was one of the suicide
hijackers who died on September 11th on one of those aircraft. And we
had previously reported on September 19th that he met with an Iraqi
intelligence official somewhere in Europe. Well, I’m now able to tell
you, based on information from U.S. sources, he met not once but
twice with Iraqi intelligence officers in Prague in the Czech
once last year in June of 2000 and once in April of 2001."
Aired 9/11/2001 "Baghdad Republic of Iraq TV: These are
the fruits of the new US order.[Video of explosion rocking World
Center]Panic has spread among US official circles, which evacuated
the White House following a series of explosions."

"CNN LARRY KING LIVE Aired October 2, 2001 LARRY KING: Have you
spoken to your father- in-law? (George Herbert Walker Bush)
LAURA BUSH: I’ve spoken to my father-in-law. They were-they had
actually spent that Monday night here.(at the White House) I had
just seen them off that morning (9/11/2001) when I got in the car
and found out about the first plane.(going into the World Trade

"Senator Joseph Lieberman: (Saddam) tried to kill former President
Bush (in 1993)"

Former President Bush Speech to Congress September 11th 1990. 11
years to the day before September 11th 2001 "In the early morning
hours of August 2d,(1990),a powerful Iraqi army invaded Kuwait.The
crisis in the Persian Gulf also offers a rare opportunity to move
toward an historic period of cooperation. Out of these troubled
times, our fifth objective-a new world order-can emerge."

"(White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer: we have real and
credible information that the airplane that landed at the Pentagon
was originally intended to hit the White House."

"White House Was Flight 93 Target
A high-ranking al Qaeda detainee told investigators the intended
target of United Airlines Flight 93, which crashed into a
Pennsylvania field on Sept. 11, was the White House. Government
sources said Abu Zubaydah, now in U.S. custody, believed to be the
source of the information." "Moussaoui Says He Was to Hijack 5th
By MATTHEW BARAKAT, Associated Press Writer (Monday March 27, 2006)
Al-Qaida conspirator Zacarias Moussaoui testified Monday that he and
would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid were supposed to hijack a fifth
airplane on Sept. 11, 2001, and fly it into the White House.
Moussaoui’s testimony on his own behalf stunned the courtroom. His
account was in stark contrast to his previous statements in which he
said the White House attack was to come later if the United States
refused to release a radical Egyptian sheik imprisoned on earlier
terrorist convictions.
On Dec. 22, 2001, Reid was subdued by passengers when he attempted
to detonate a bomb in his shoe aboard American Airlines Flight 63
from Paris to Miami. There were 197 people on board. The plane was
diverted to Boston, where it landed safely.
Moussaoui told the court he knew the World Trade Center attack was
coming and that he lied to investigators when arrested in August
2001 because he wanted it to happen.
"You lied because you wanted to conceal that you were a member of al-
Qaida?" prosecutor Rob Spencer asked.
"That’s correct," Moussaoui said.
Spencer: "You lied so the plan could go forward?"
Moussaoui: "That’s correct."
The exchange was key to the government’s case that the attacks might
have been averted if Moussaoui had been more cooperative following
his arrest.
Moussaoui told the court he knew the attacks were coming some time
after August 2001 and bought a radio so he could hear them unfold.
Specifically, he said he knew the World Trade Center was going to be
attacked, but asserted he was not part of that plot and didn’t know
the details.
Nineteen men pulled off the Sept. 11 attacks on New York in
Washington in the worst act of terrorism ever on U.S. soil.
"I had knowledge that the Twin Towers would be hit," Moussaoui
said. "I didn’t know the details of this."
Asked by his lawyer why he signed his guilty plea in April as "the
20th hijacker," Moussaoui replied: "Because everybody used to refer
to me as the 20th hijacker and it was a bit of fun."
Before Moussaoui took the stand, his lawyers made a last attempt to
stop him from testifying, but failed. Defense attorney Gerald Zerkin
argued that his client would not be a competent witness because he
has contempt for the court, only recognizes Islamic law and
therefore "the affirmation he undertakes would be meaningless."
Moussaoui at first denied he was to have been a fifth hijack pilot
Sept. 11 but under cross examination spoke of the plan that would
have him attack the White House. He said Reid was the only person he
knew for sure would have been on that mission, but others were
The 19 terrorists on Sept. 11 hijacked and crashed four airliners,
killing nearly 3,000 people in the World Trade Center, the Pentagon
and on the planes. The intended target of the plane that crashed
into a Pennsylvania field remains unknown.
Moussaoui said he talked with an al-Qaida official in 1999 about why
a 1993 bombing at the World Trade Center failed to bring the towers
down. He said "was asked in the same period for the first time if I
want to be a suicide pilot and I declined."
Just before Moussaoui took the stand, the court heard testimony that
two months before the attacks that a CIA deputy chief waited in vain
for permission to tell the FBI about a "very high interest" al-Qaida
operative who became one of the hijackers.
The official, a senior figure in the CIA’s Osama bin Laden unit,
said he sought authorization on July 13, 2001, to send information
to the FBI but got no response for 10 days, then asked again.
As it turned out, the information on Khalid al-Mihdhar did not reach
the FBI until late August. At the time, CIA officers needed
permission from a special unit before passing certain intelligence
on to the FBI.
The official was identified only as John. His written testimony was
read into the record.
"John’s" testimony was part of the defense’s case that federal
authorities missed multiple opportunities to catch hijackers and
perhaps thwart the 9/11 plot.
His testimony included an e-mail sent by FBI supervisor Michael
Maltbie discussing Moussaoui but playing down his terrorist
connections. Maltbie’s e-mail said "there’s no indication that
(Moussaoui) had plans for any nefarious activity."
He sent that e-mail to the CIA even after receiving a lengthy memo
from the FBI agent who arrested Moussaoui and suspected him of being
a terrorist with plans to hijack aircraft.
Prosecutors argue that Moussaoui, a French citizen, thwarted a prime
opportunity to track down the 9/11 hijackers and possibly unravel
the plot when he was arrested in August 2001 on immigration
violations and lied to the FBI about his al-Qaida membership and
plans to hijack a plane.
Had Moussaoui confessed, the FBI could have pursued leads that would
have led them to most of the hijackers, government witnesses have
To win the death penalty, prosecutors must first prove that
Moussaoui’s actions — specifically, his lies — were directly
responsible for at least one death on Sept. 11.
If they fail, Moussaoui would get life in prison.
Associated Press Writer Michael J. Sniffen contributed to this report

I think Hillery Clinton summarized Saddam’s relationship with 9/11 best ..
In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members. It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."
Sen. Hillary Clinton (D, NY), Oct 10, 2002
As a sanctuary and an aid to al qaeda the threat of WMD including nuclear possibilities made him an important target for the well being of the US and the world. Afghanistan alone is not a threat , it did not have the capabilities of Iraq which is why both areas became targets..

Can you sue a parent for medical records?

December 19th, 2009 5 comments

I have a chronic illness that is hereditary. It runs on my father’s side. My Father will not tell me what illness he has. I feel as a parent you owe that to your children where health is concerned. For my own children’s saftey and mine too. Are there any legal actions I can take? It could be a life or death situation if my father chooses to remain silent. I don’t want the info to go to me just my doctor’s so they know. I suffered for years and my father never even told me he had it! If I had known it was Rheumatoid Arthritis it would have been able to be controlled. Since it is to late for me would like to know for future generations! Can you take these deadly secrets to the grave? I live in Minnesota.
The doctors were stumped for years. Insane I know! My mother thought she had heard about it previously, but wasn’t sure. Not everyone shows it. I found out by process of elimination and $25,000 LATER! !
I am an Adult and dealing with it. Just feel there is more hidden that could be key for the rest of my family.

Your fathers medical records are confidential, just as yours are. So no, as much as it would help you to know (which I totally understand) you are not entitled to them.

You could try to have your doctor contact his to ask if there is anything he/she should be made aware of but I still would not count on it.

Testicular Seizure – Hash Eating Sac of Shit

December 17th, 2009 6 comments

From the free internet download “Atrocious Records Compilation”.

Check out this dudes myspace!

Brutal Slam Death from Minnesota, USA!!!!

Duration : 0:2:9

Read more…

Is it good to drink milk? The text is too long but worthwhile read….?

December 16th, 2009 10 comments

"MILK" Just the word itself sounds comforting! "How about a
nice cup of hot milk?" The last time you heard that question
it was from someone who cared for you–and you appreciated
their effort.

The entire matter of food and especially that of milk is
surrounded with emotional and cultural importance. Milk was
our very first food. If we were fortunate it was our
mother’s milk. A loving link, given and taken. It was the
only path to survival. If not mother’s milk it was cow’s
milk or soy milk "formula"–rarely it was goat, camel or
water buffalo milk.

Now, we are a nation of milk drinkers. Nearly all of us.
Infants, the young, adolescents, adults and even the aged.
We drink dozens or even several hundred gallons a year and
add to that many pounds of "dairy products" such as cheese,
butter, and yogurt.

Can there be anything wrong with this? We see reassuring
images of healthy, beautiful people on our television
screens and hear messages that assure us that, "Milk is good
for your body." Our dieticians insist that: "You’ve got to
have milk, or where will you get your calcium?" School
lunches always include milk and nearly every hospital meal
will have milk added. And if that isn’t enough, our
nutritionists told us for years that dairy products make up
an "essential food group." Industry spokesmen made sure that
colourful charts proclaiming the necessity of milk and other
essential nutrients were made available at no cost for
schools. Cow’s milk became "normal."

You may be surprised to learn that most of the human beings
that live on planet Earth today do not drink or use cow’s
milk. Further, most of them can’t drink milk because it
makes them ill.

There are students of human nutrition who are not supportive
of milk use for adults. Here is a quotation from the
March/April 1991 Utne Reader:

If you really want to play it safe, you may decide to join
the growing number of Americans who are eliminating dairy
products from their diets altogether. Although this sounds
radical to those of us weaned on milk and the five basic
food groups, it is eminently viable. Indeed, of all the
mammals, only humans–and then only a minority, principally
Caucasians–continue to drink milk beyond babyhood.

Who is right? Why the confusion? Where best to get our
answers? Can we trust milk industry spokesmen? Can you trust
any industry spokesmen? Are nutritionists up to date or are
they simply repeating what their professors learned years
ago? What about the new voices urging caution?

I believe that there are three reliable sources of
information. The first, and probably the best, is a study of
nature. The second is to study the history of our own
species. Finally we need to look at the world’s scientific
literature on the subject of milk.

Let’s look at the scientific literature first. From 1988 to
1993 there were over 2,700 articles dealing with milk
recorded in the ‘Medicine’ archives. Fifteen hundred of
theses had milk as the main focus of the article. There is
no lack of scientific information on this subject. I
reviewed over 500 of the 1,500 articles, discarding articles
that dealt exclusively with animals, esoteric research and
inconclusive studies.

How would I summarize the articles? They were only slightly
less than horrifying. First of all, none of the authors
spoke of cow’s milk as an excellent food, free of side
effects and the ‘perfect food’ as we have been led to
believe by the industry. The main focus of the published
reports seems to be on intestinal colic, intestinal
irritation, intestinal bleeding, anemia, allergic reactions
in infants and children as well as infections such as
salmonella. More ominous is the fear of viral infection with
bovine leukemia virus or an AIDS-like virus as well as
concern for childhood diabetes. Contamination of milk by
blood and white (pus) cells as well as a variety of
chemicals and insecticides was also discussed. Among
children the problems were allergy, ear and tonsillar
infections, bedwetting, asthma, intestinal bleeding, colic
and childhood diabetes. In adults the problems seemed
centered more around heart disease and arthritis, allergy,
sinusitis, and the more serious questions of leukemia,
lymphoma and cancer.

I think that an answer can also be found in a consideration
of what occurs in nature & what happens with free living
mammals and what happens with human groups living in close
to a natural state as ‘hunter-gatherers’.

Our paleolithic ancestors are another crucial and
interesting group to study. Here we are limited to
speculation and indirect evidences, but the bony remains
available for our study are remarkable. There is no doubt
whatever that these skeletal remains reflect great strength,
muscularity (the size of the muscular insertions show this),
and total absence of advanced osteoporosis. And if you feel
that these people are not important for us to study,
consider that today our genes are programming our bodies in
almost exactly the same way as our ancestors of 50,000 to
100,000 years ago.


Milk is a maternal lactating secretion, a short term
nutrient for new-borns. Nothing more, nothing less.
Invariably, the mother of any mammal will provide her milk
for a short period of time immediately after birth. When the
time comes for ‘weaning’, the young offspring is introduced
to the proper food for that species of mammal. A familiar
example is that of a puppy. The mother nurses the pup for
just a few weeks and then rejects the young animal and
teaches it to eat solid food. Nursing is provided by nature
only for the very youngest of mammals. Of course, it is not
possible for animals living in a natural state to continue
with the drinking of milk after weaning.


Then there is the matter of where we get our milk. We have
settled on the cow because of its docile nature, its size,
and its abundant milk supply. Somehow this choice seems
‘normal’ and blessed by nature, our culture, and our
customs. But is it natural? Is it wise to drink the milk of
another species of mammal?

Consider for a moment, if it was possible, to drink the milk
of a mammal other than a cow, let’s say a rat. Or perhaps
the milk of a dog would be more to your liking. Possibly
some horse milk or cat milk. Do you get the idea? Well, I’m
not serious about this, except to suggest that human milk is
for human infants, dogs’ milk is for pups, cows’ milk is for
calves, cats’ milk is for kittens, and so forth. Clearly,
this is the way nature intends it. Just use your own good
judgement on this one.

Milk is not just milk. The milk of every species of mammal
is unique and specifically tailored to the requirements of
that animal. For example, cows’ milk is very much richer in
protein than human milk. Three to four times as much. It has
five to seven times the mineral content. However, it is
markedly deficient in essential fatty acids when compared to
human mothers’ milk. Mothers’ milk has six to ten times as
much of the essential fatty acids, especially linoleic acid.
(Incidentally, skimmed cow’s milk has no linoleic acid). It
simply is not designed for humans.

Food is not just food, and milk is not just milk. It is not
only the proper amount of food but the proper qualitative
composition that is critical for the very best in health and
growth. Biochemists and physiologists -and rarely medical
doctors – are gradually learning that foods contain the
crucial elements that allow a particular species to develop
its unique specializations.

Clearly, our specialization is for advanced neurological
development and delicate neuromuscular control. We do not
have much need of massive skeletal growth or huge muscle
groups as does a calf. Think of the difference between the
demands make on the human hand and the demands on a cow’s
hoof. Human new-borns specifically need critical material
for their brains, spinal cord and nerves.

Can mother’s milk increase intelligence? It seems that it
can. In a remarkable study published in Lancet during 1992
(Vol. 339, p. 261-4), a group of British workers randomly
placed premature infants into two groups. One group received
a proper formula, the other group received human breast
milk. Both fluids were given by stomach tube. These children
were followed up for over 10 years. In intelligence testing,
the human milk children averaged 10 IQ points higher! Well,
why not? Why wouldn’t the correct building blocks for the
rapidly maturing and growing brain have a positive effect?

In the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (1982) Ralph
Holman described an infant who developed profound
neurological disease while being nourished by intravenous
fluids only. The fluids used contained only linoleic acid –
just one of the essential fatty acids. When the other, alpha
linoleic acid, was added to the intravenous fluids the
neurological disorders cleared.

In the same journal five years later Bjerve, Mostad and
Thoresen, working in Norway found exactly the same problem
in adult patients on long term gastric tube feeding.

In 1930 Dr. G.O. Burr in Minnesota working with rats found
that linoleic acid deficiencies created a deficiency
syndrome. Why is this mentioned? In the early 1960s
pediatricians found skin lesions in children fed formulas
without the same linoleic acid. Remembering the research,
the addition of the acid to the formula cured the problem.
Essential fatty acids are just that and cows’ milk is
markedly deficient in these when compared to human milk.


Or is it? Fifty years ago an average cow produced 2,000
pounds of milk per year. Today the top producers give 50,000
pounds! How was this accomplished? Drugs, antibiotics,
hormones, forced feeding plans and specialized breeding;
that’s how.

The latest high-tech onslaught on the poor cow is bovine
growth hormone or BGH. This genetically engineered drug is
supposed to stimulate milk production but, according to
Monsanto, the hormone’s manufacturer, does not affect the
milk or meat. There are three other manufacturers: Upjohn,
Eli Lilly, and American Cyanamid Company. Obviously, there
have been no long-term studies on the hormone’s effect on
the humans drinking the milk. Other countries have banned
BGH because of safety concerns. One of the problems with
adding molecules to a milk cows’ body is that the molecules
usually come out in the milk. I don’t know how you feel, but
I don’t want to experiment with the ingestion of a growth
hormone. A related problem is that it causes a marked
increase (50 to 70 per cent) in mastitis. This, then,
requires antibiotic therapy, and the residues of the
antibiotics appear in the milk. It seems that the public is
uneasy about this product and in one survey 43 per cent felt
that growth hormone treated milk represented a health risk.
A vice president for public policy at Monsanto was opposed
to labelling for that reason, and because the labelling
would create an ‘artificial distinction’. The country is
awash with milk as it is, we produce more milk than we can
consume. Let’s not create storage costs and further taxpayer
burdens, because the law requires the USDA to buy any
surplus of butter, cheese, or non-fat dry milk at a support
price set by Congress! In fiscal 1991, the USDA spent $757
million on surplus butter, and one billion dollars a year on
average for price supports during the 1980s (Consumer
Reports, May 1992: 330-32).

Any lactating mammal excretes toxins through her milk. This
includes antibiotics, pesticides, chemicals and hormones.
Also, all cows’ milk contains blood! The inspectors are
simply asked to keep it under certain limits. You may be
horrified to learn that the USDA allows milk to contain from
one to one and a half million white blood cells per
millilitre. (That’s only 1/30 of an ounce). If you don’t
already know this, I’m sorry to tell you that another way to
describe white cells where they don’t belong would be to
call them pus cells. To get to the point, is milk pure or is
it a chemical, biological, and bacterial cocktail? Finally,
will the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) protect you? The
United States General Accounting Office (GAO) tells us that
the FDA and the individual States are failing to protect the
public from drug residues in milk. Authorities test for only
4 of the 82 drugs in dairy cows.

As you can imagine, the Milk Industry Foundation’s spokesman
claims it’s perfectly safe. Jerome Kozak says, "I still
think that milk is the safest product we have."

Other, perhaps less biased observers, have found the
following: 38% of milk samples in 10 cities were
contaminated with sulfa drugs or other antibiotics. (This
from the Centre for Science in the Public Interest and The
Wall Street Journal, Dec. 29, 1989).. A similar study in
Washington, DC found a 20 percent contamination rate
(Nutrition Action Healthletter, April 1990).

What’s going on here? When the FDA tested milk, they found
few problems. However, they used very lax standards. When
they used the same criteria, the FDA data showed 51 percent
of the milk samples showed drug traces.

Let’s focus in on this because itÂ’s critical to our
understanding of the apparent discrepancies. The FDA uses a
disk-assay method that can detect only 2 of the 30 or so
drugs found in milk. Also, the test detects only at the
relatively high level. A more powerful test called the
‘Charm II test’ can detect drugs down to 5 parts per

One nasty subject must be discussed. It seems that cows are
forever getting infections around the udder that require
ointments and antibiotics. An article from France tells us
that when a cow receives penicillin, that penicillin appears
in the milk for from 4 to 7 milkings. Another study from the
University of Nevada, Reno tells of cells in ‘mastic milk’,
milk from cows with infected udders. An elaborate analysis
of the cell fragments, employing cell cultures, flow
cytometric analysis , and a great deal of high tech stuff.
Do you know what the conclusion was? If the cow has
mastitis, there is pus in the milk. Sorry, itÂ’s in the
study, all concealed with language such as "macrophages
containing many vacuoles and phagocytosed particles," etc.


Well, at least human mothers’ milk is pure! Sorry. A huge
study showed that human breast milk in over 14,000 women had
contamination by pesticides! Further, it seems that the
sources of the pesticides are meat and–you guessed it–
dairy products. Well, why not? These pesticides are
concentrated in fat and that’s what’s in these products. (Of
interest, a subgroup of lactating vegetarian mothers had
only half the levels of contamination).

A recent report showed an increased concentration of
pesticides in the breast tissue of women with breast cancer
when compared to the tissue of women with fibrocystic
disease. Other articles in the standard medical literature
describe problems. Just scan these titles:

1.Cow’s Milk as a Cause of Infantile Colic Breast-Fed
Infants. Lancet 2 (1978): 437 2.Dietary Protein-Induced
Colitis in Breast- Fed Infants, J. Pediatr. I01 (1982): 906
3.The Question of the Elimination of Foreign Protein in
Women’s Milk, J. Immunology 19 (1930): 15

There are many others. There are dozens of studies
describing the prompt appearance of cows’ milk allergy in
children being exclusively breast-fed! The cows’ milk
allergens simply appear in the mother’s milk and are
transmitted to the infant.

A committee on nutrition of the American Academy of
Pediatrics reported on the use of whole cows’ milk in
infancy (Pediatrics 1983: 72-253). They were unable to
provide any cogent reason why bovine milk should be used
before the first birthday yet continued to recommend its
use! Doctor Frank Oski from the Upstate Medical Centre
Department of Pediatrics, commenting on the recommendation,
cited the problems of acute gastrointestinal blood loss in
infants, the lack of iron, recurrent abdominal pain, milk-
borne infections and contaminants, and said:

Why give it at all – then or ever? In the face of
uncertainty about many of the potential dangers of whole
bovine milk, it would seem prudent to recommend that whole
milk not be started until the answers are available. Isn’t
it time for these uncontrolled experiments on human
nutrition to come to an end?

In the same issue of Pediatrics he further commented:

It is my thesis that whole milk should not be fed to the
infant in the first year of life because of its association
with iron deficiency anemia (milk is so deficient in iron
that an infant would have to drink an impossible 31 quarts a
day to get the RDA of 15 mg), acute gastrointiestinal
bleeding, and various manifestations of food allergy.

I suggest that unmodified whole bovine milk should not be
consumed after infancy because of the problems of lactose
intolerance, its contribution to the genesis of
atherosclerosis, and its possible link to other diseases.

In late 1992 Dr. Benjamin Spock, possibly the best known
pediatrician in history, shocked the country when he
articulated the same thoughts and specified avoidance for
the first two years of life. Here is his quotation:

I want to pass on the word to parents that cows’ milk from
the carton has definite faults for some babies. Human milk
is the right one for babies. A study comparing the incidence
of allergy and colic in the breast-fed infants of omnivorous
and vegan mothers would be important. I haven’t found such a
study; it would be both important and inexpensive. And it
will probably never be done. There is simply no academic or
economic profit involved.


Let’s just mention the problems of bacterial contamination.
Salmonella, E. coli, and staphylococcal infections can be
traced to milk. In the old days tuberculosis was a major
problem and some folks want to go back to those times by
insisting on raw milk on the basis that it’s "natural." This
is insanity! A study from UCLA showed that over a third of
all cases of salmonella infection in California, 1980-1983
were traced to raw milk. That’ll be a way to revive good old
brucellosis again and I would fear leukemia, too. (More
about that later). In England, and Wales where raw milk is
still consumed there have been outbreaks of milk-borne
diseases. The Journal of the American Medical Association
(251: 483, 1984) reported a multi-state series of infections
caused by Yersinia enterocolitica in pasteurised whole milk.
This is despite safety precautions.

All parents dread juvenile diabetes for their children. A
Canadian study reported in the American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, Mar. 1990, describes a "…significant positive
correlation between consumption of unfermented milk protein
and incidence of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in data
from various countries. Conversely a possible negative
relationship is observed between breast-feeding at age 3
months and diabetes risk.".

Another study from Finland found that diabetic children had
higher levels of serum antibodies to cowsÂ’ milk (Diabetes
Research 7(3): 137-140 March 1988). Here is a quotation from
this study:

We infer that either the pattern of cows’ milk consumption
is altered in children who will have insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus or, their immunological reactivity to
proteins in cows’ milk is enhanced, or the permeability of
their intestines to cows’ milk protein is higher than

The April 18, 1992 British Medical Journal has a fascinating
study contrasting the difference in incidence of juvenile
insulin dependent diabetes in Pakistani children who have
migrated to England. The incidence is roughly 10 times
greater in the English group compared to children remaining
in Pakistan! What caused this highly significant increase?
The authors said that "the diet was unchanged in Great
Britain." Do you believe that? Do you think that the
availability of milk, sugar and fat is the same in Pakistan
as it is in England? That a grocery store in England has the
same products as food sources in Pakistan? I don’t believe
that for a minute. Remember, we’re not talking here about
adult onset, type II diabetes which all workers agree is
strongly linked to diet as well as to a genetic
predisposition. This study is a major blow to the "it’s all
in your genes" crowd. Type I diabetes was always considered
to be genetic or possibly viral, but now this? So resistant
are we to consider diet as causation that the authors of the
last article concluded that the cooler climate in England
altered viruses and caused the very real increase in
diabetes! The first two authors had the same reluctance top
admit the obvious. The milk just may have had something to
do with the disease.

The latest in this remarkable list of reports, a New England
Journal of Medicine article (July 30, 1992), also reported
in the Los Angeles Times. This study comes from the Hospital
for Sick Children in Toronto and from Finnish researchers.
In Finland there is "…the world’s highest rate of dairy
product consumption and the world’s highest rate of insulin
dependent diabetes. The disease strikes about 40 children
out of every 1,000 there contrasted with six to eight per
1,000 in the United States…. Antibodies produced against
the milk protein during the first year of life, the
researchers speculate, also attack and destroy the pancreas
in a so-called auto-immune reaction, producing diabetes in
people whose genetic makeup leaves them vulnerable." "…142
Finnish children with newly diagnosed diabetes. They found
that every one had at least eight times as many antibodies
against the milk protein as did healthy children, clear
evidence that the children had a raging auto immune
disorder." The team has now expanded the study to 400
children and is starting a trial where 3,000 children will
receive no dairy products during the first nine months of
life. "The study may take 10 years, but we’ll get a
definitive answer one way or the other," according to one of
the researchers. I would caution them to be certain that the
breast feeding mothers use on cows’ milk in their diets or
the results will be confounded by the transmission of the
cows’ milk protein in the mother’s breast milk…. Now what
was the reaction from the diabetes association? This is very
interesting! Dr. F. Xavier Pi-Sunyer, the president of the
association says: "It does not mean that children should
stop drinking milk or that parents of diabetics should
withdraw dairy products. These are rich sources of good
protein." (Emphasis added) My God, it’s the "good protein"
that causes the problem! Do you suspect that the dairy
industry may have helped the American Diabetes Association
in the past?


I hate to tell you this, but the bovine leukemia virus is
found in more than three of five dairy cows in the United
States! This involves about 80% of dairy herds.
Unfortunately, when the milk is pooled, a very large
percentage of all milk produced is contaminated (90 to 95
per cent). Of course the virus is killed in pasteurisation–
if the pasteurisation was done correctly. What if the milk
is raw? In a study of randomly collected raw milk samples
the bovine leukemia virus was recovered from two-thirds. I
sincerely hope that the raw milk dairy herds are carefully
monitored when compared to the regular herds. (Science 1981;

This is a world-wide problem. One lengthy study from Germany
deplored the problem and admitted the impossibility of
keeping the virus from infected cows’ milk from the rest of
the milk. Several European countries, including Germany and
Switzerland, have attempted to "cull" the infected cows from
their herds. Certainly the United States must be the leader
in the fight against leukemic dairy cows, right? Wrong! We
are the worst in the world with the former exception of
Venezuela according to Virgil Hulse MD, a milk specialist
who also has a B.S. in Dairy Manufacturing as well as a
Master’s degree in Public Health.

As mentioned, the leukemia virus is rendered inactive by
pasteurisation. Of course. However, there can be Chernobyl
like accidents. One of these occurred in the Chicago area in
April, 1985. At a modern, large, milk processing plant an
accidental "cross connection" between raw and pasteurized
milk occurred. A violent salmonella outbreak followed,
killing 4 and making an estimated 150,000 ill. Now the
question I would pose to the dairy industry people is this:
"How can you assure the people who drank this milk that they
were not exposed to the ingestion of raw, unkilled, bully
active bovine leukemia viruses?" Further, it would be
fascinating to know if a "cluster" of leukemia cases
blossoms in that area in 1 to 3 decades. There are reports
of "leukemia clusters" elsewhere, one of them mentioned in
the June 10, 1990 San Francisco Chronicle involving Northern

What happens to other species of mammals when they are
exposed to the bovine leukemia virus? It’s a fair question
and the answer is not reassuring. Virtually all animals
exposed to the virus develop leukemia. This includes sheep,
goats, and even primates such as rhesus monkeys and
chimpanzees. The route of transmission includes ingestion
(both intravenous and intramuscular) and cells present in
milk. There are obviously no instances of transfer attempts
to human beings, but we know that the virus can infect human
cells in vitro. There is evidence of human antibody
formation to the bovine leukemia virus; this is disturbing.
How did the bovine leukemia virus particles gain access to
humans and become antigens? Was it as small, denatured

If the bovine leukemia viruses causes human leukemia, we
could expect the dairy states with known leukemic herds to
have a higher incidence of human leukemia. Is this so?
Unfortunately, it seems to be the case! Iowa, Nebraska,
South Dakota, Minnesota and Wisconsin have statistically
higher incidence of leukemia than the national average. In
Russia and in Sweden, areas with uncontrolled bovine
leukemia virus have been linked with increases in human
leukemia. I am also told that veterinarians have higher
rates of leukemia than the general public. Dairy farmers
have significantly elevated leukemia rates. Recent research
shows lymphocytes from milk fed to neonatal mammals gains
access to bodily tissues by passing directly through the
intestinal wall.

An optimistic note from the University of Illinois, Ubana
from the Department of Animal Sciences shows the importance
of one’s perspective. Since they are concerned with the
economics of milk and not primarily the health aspects, they
noted that the production of milk was greater in the cows
with the bovine leukemia virus. However when the leukemia
produced a persistent and significant lymphocytosis
(increased white blood cell count), the production fell off.
They suggested "a need to re-evaluate the economic impact of
bovine leukemia virus infection on the dairy industry". Does
this mean that leukemia is good for profits only if we can
keep it under control? You can get the details on this
business concern from Proc. Nat. Acad. Sciences, U.S. Feb.
1989. I added emphasis and am insulted that a university
department feels that this is an economic and not a human
health issue. Do not expect help from the Department of
Agriculture or the universities. The money stakes and the
political pressures are too great. You’re on you own.

What does this all mean? We know that virus is capable of
producing leukemia in other animals. Is it proven that it
can contribute to human leukemia (or lymphoma, a related
cancer)? Several articles tackle this one:

1.Epidemiologic Relationships of the Bovine Population and
Human Leukemia in Iowa. Am Journal of Epidemiology 112
(1980):80 2.Milk of Dairy Cows Frequently Contains a
Leukemogenic Virus. Science 213 (1981): 1014 3.Beware of the
Cow. (Editorial) Lancet 2 (1974):30 4.Is Bovine Milk A
Health Hazard?. Pediatrics; Suppl. Feeding the Normal
Infant. 75:182-186; 1985

In Norway, 1422 individuals were followed for 11 and a half
years. Those drinking 2 or more glasses of milk per day had
3.5 times the incidence of cancer of the lymphatic organs.
British Med. Journal 61:456-9, March 1990.

One of the more thoughtful articles on this subject is from
Allan S. Cunningham of Cooperstown, New York. Writing in the
Lancet, November 27, 1976 (page 1184), his article is
entitled, "Lymphomas and Animal-Protein Consumption". Many
people think of milk as “liquid meat” and Dr. Cunningham
agrees with this. He tracked the beef and dairy consumption
in terms of grams per day for a one year period, 1955-1956.,
in 15 countries . New Zealand, United States and Canada were
highest in that order. The lowest was Japan followed by
Yugoslavia and France. The difference between the highest
and lowest was quite pronounced: 43.8 grams/day for New
Zealanders versus 1.5 for Japan. Nearly a 30-fold
difference! (Parenthetically, the last 36 years have seen a
startling increase in the amount of beef and milk used in
Japan and their disease patterns are reflecting this,
confirming the lack of ‘genetic protection’ seen in
migration studies. Formerly the increase in frequency of
lymphomas in Japanese people was only in those who moved to
the USA)!

An interesting bit of trivia is to note the memorial built
at the Gyokusenji Temple in Shimoda, Japan. This marked the
spot where the first cow was killed in Japan for human
consumption! The chains around this memorial were a gift
from the US Navy. Where do you suppose the Japanese got the
idea to eat beef? The year? 1930.

Cunningham found a highly significant positive correlation
between deaths from lymphomas and beef and dairy ingestion
in the 15 countries analysed. A few quotations from his
article follow:

The average intake of protein in many countries is far in
excess of the recommended requirements. Excessive
consumption of animal protein may be one co-factor in the
causation of lymphomas by acting in the following manner.
Ingestion of certain proteins results in the adsorption of
antigenic fragments through the gastrointestinal mucous

This results in chronic stimulation of lymphoid tissue to
which these fragments gain access "Chronic immunological
stimulation causes lymphomas in laboratory animals and is
believed to cause lymphoid cancers in men." The
gastrointestinal mucous membrane is only a partial barrier
to the absorption of food antigens, and circulating
antibodies to food protein is commonplace especially potent
lymphoid stimulants. Ingestion of cows’ milk can produce
generalized lymphadenopathy, hepatosplenomegaly, and
profound adenoid hypertrophy. It has been conservatively
estimated that more than 100 distinct antigens are released
by the normal digestion of cows’ milk which evoke production
of all antibody classes [This may explain why pasteurized,
killed viruses are still antigenic and can still cause

Here’s more. A large prospective study from Norway was
reported in the British Journal of Cancer 61 (3):456-9,
March 1990. (Almost 16,000 individuals were followed for 11
and a half years). For most cancers there was no association
between the tumour and milk ingestion. However, in lymphoma,
there was a strong positive association. If one drank two
glasses or more daily (or the equivalent in dairy products),
the odds were 3.4 times greater than in persons drinking
less than one glass of developing a lymphoma.

There are two other cow-related diseases that you should be
aware of. At this time they are not known to be spread by
the use of dairy products and are not known to involve man.
The first is bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE), and the
second is the bovine immunodeficiency virus (BIV). The first
of these diseases, we hope, is confined to England and
causes cavities in the animal’s brain. Sheep have long been
known to suffer from a disease called scrapie. It seems to
have been started by the feeding of contaminated sheep
parts, especially brains, to the British cows. Now, use your
good sense. Do cows seem like carnivores? Should they eat
meat? This profit-motivated practice backfired and bovine
spongiform encephalopathy, or Mad Cow Disease, swept
Britain. The disease literally causes dementia in the
unfortunate animal and is 100 per cent incurable. To date,
over 100,000 cows have been incinerated in England in
keeping with British law. Four hundred to 500 cows are
reported as infected each month. The British public is
concerned and has dropped its beef consumption by 25 per
cent, while some 2,000 schools have stopped serving beef to
children. Several farmers have developed a fatal disease
syndrome that resembles both BSE and CJD (Creutzfeldt-Jakob-
Disease). But the British Veterinary Association says that
transmission of BSE to humans is "remote."

The USDA agrees that the British epidemic was due to the
feeding of cattle with bonemeal or animal protein produced
at rendering plants from the carcasses of scrapie-infected
sheep. The have prohibited the importation of live cattle
and zoo ruminants from Great Britain and claim that the
disease does not exist in the United States. However, there
may be a problem. "Downer cows" are animals who arrive at
auction yards or slaughter houses dead, trampled, lacerated,
dehydrated, or too ill from viral or bacterial diseases to
walk. Thus they are "down." If they cannot respond to
electrical shocks by walking, they are dragged by chains to
dumpsters and transported to rendering plants where, if they
are not already dead, they are killed. Even a "humane" death
is usually denied them. They are then turned into protein
food for animals as well as other preparations. Minks that
have been fed this protein have developed a fatal
encephalopathy that has some resemblance to BSE. Entire
colonies of minks have been lost in this manner,
particularly in Wisconsin. It is feared that the infective
agent is a prion or slow virus possible obtained from the
ill "downer cows."

The British Medical Journal in an editorial whimsically
entitled "How Now Mad Cow?" (BMJ vol. 304, 11 Apr. 1992:929-
30) describes cases of BSE in species not previously known
to be affected, such as cats. They admit that produce
contaminated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy entered
the human food chain in England between 1986 and 1989. They
say. "The result of this experiment is awaited." As the
incubation period can be up to three decades, wait we must.

The immunodeficency virus is seen in cattle in the United
States and is more worrisome. Its structure is closely
related to that of the human AIDS virus. At this time we do
not know if exposure to the raw BIV proteins can cause the
sera of humans to become positive for HIV. The extent of the
virus among American herds is said to be "widespread". (The
USDA refuses to inspect the meat and milk to see if
antibodies to this retrovirus is present). It also has no
plans to quarantine the infected animals. As in the case of
humans with AIDS, there is no cure for BIV in cows. Each day
we consume beef and diary products from cows infected with
these viruses and no scientific assurance exists that the
products are safe. Eating raw beef (as in steak Tartare)
strikes me as being very risky, especially after the Seattle
E. coli deaths of 1993.

A report in the Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research,
October 1992, Vol. 56 pp.353-359 and another from the
Russian literature, tell of a horrifying development. They
report the first detection in human serum of the antibody to
a bovine immunodeficiency virus protein. In addition to this
disturbing report, is another from Russia telling us of the
presence of virus proteins related to the bovine leukemia
virus in 5 of 89 women with breast disease (Acta Virologica
Feb. 1990 34(1): 19-26). The implications of these
developments are unknown at present. However, it is safe to
assume that these animal viruses are unlikely to "stay" in
the animal kingdom.


Unfortunately it does. Ovarian cancer–a particularly nasty
tumour–was associated with milk consumption by workers at
Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, New York.
Drinking more than one glass of whole milk or equivalent
daily gave a woman a 3.1 times risk over non-milk users.
They felt that the reduced fat milk products helped reduce
the risk. This association has been made repeatedly by
numerous investigators.

Another important study, this from the Harvard Medical
School, analyzed data from 27 countries mainly from the
1970s. Again a significant positive correlation is revealed
between ovarian cancer and per capita milk consumption.
These investigators feel that the lactose component of milk
is the responsible fraction, and the digestion of this is
facilitated by the persistence of the ability to digest the
lactose (lactose persistence) – a little different emphasis,
but the same conclusion. This study was reported in the
American Journal of Epidemiology 130 (5): 904-10 Nov. 1989.
These articles come from two of the country’s leading
institutions, not the Rodale Press or Prevention Magazine.

Even lung cancer has been associated with milk ingestion?
The beverage habits of 569 lung cancer patients and 569
controls again at Roswell Park were studied in the
International Journal of Cancer, April 15, 1989. Persons
drinking whole milk 3 or more times daily had a 2-fold
increase in lung cancer risk when compared to those never
drinking whole milk.

For many years we have been watching the lung cancer rates
for Japanese men who smoke far more than American or
European men but who develop fewer lung cancers. Workers in
this research area feel that the total fat intake is the

There are not many reports studying an association between
milk ingestion and prostate cancer. One such report though
was of great interest. This is from the Roswell Park
Memorial Institute and is found in Cancer 64 (3): 605-12,
1989. They analyzed the diets of 371 prostate cancer
patients and comparable control subjects:

Men who reported drinking three or more glasses of whole
milk daily had a relative risk of 2.49 compared with men who
reported never drinking whole milk the weight of the
evidence appears to favour the hypothesis that animal fat is
related to increased risk of prostate cancer. Prostate
cancer is now the most common cancer diagnosed in US men and
is the second leading cause of cancer mortality.


Is there any health reason at all for an adult human to
drink cows’ milk?

It’s hard for me to come up with even one good reason other
than simple preference. But if you try hard, in my opinion,
these would be the best two: milk is a source of calcium and
it’s a source of amino acids (proteins).

Let’s look at the calcium first. Why are we concerned at all
about calcium? Obviously, we intend it to build strong bones
and protect us against osteoporosis. And no doubt about it,
milk is loaded with calcium. But is it a good calcium source
for humans? I think not. These are the reasons. Excessive
amounts of dairy products actually interfere with calcium
absorption. Secondly, the excess of protein that the milk
provides is a major cause of the osteoporosis problem. Dr. H
egsted in England has been writing for years about the
geographical distribution of osteoporosis. It seems that the
countries with the highest intake of dairy products are
invariably the countries with the most osteoporosis. He
feels that milk is a cause of osteoporosis. Reasons to be
given below.

Numerous studies have shown that the level of calcium
ingestion and especially calcium supplementation has no
effect whatever on the development of osteoporosis. The most
important such article appeared recently in the British
Journal of Medicine where the long arm of our dairy industry
can’t reach. Another study in the United States actually
showed a worsening in calcium balance in post-menopausal
women given three 8-ounce glasses of cows’ milk per day.
(Am. Journal of Clin. Nutrition, 1985). The effects of
hormone, gender, weight bearing on the axial bones, and in
particular protein intake, are critically important. Another
observation that may be helpful to our analysis is to note
the absence of any recorded dietary deficiencies of calcium
among people living on a natural diet without milk.

For the key to the osteoporosis riddle, donÂ’t look at
calcium, look at protein. Consider these two contrasting
groups. Eskimos have an exceptionally high protein intake
estimated at 25 percent of total calories. They also have a
high calcium intake at 2,500 mg/day. Their osteoporosis is
among the worst in the world. The other instructive group
are the Bantus of South Africa. They have a 12 percent
protein diet, mostly p lant protein, and only 200 to 350
mg/day of calcium, about half our women’s intake. The women
have virtually no osteoporosis despite bearing six or more
children and nursing them for prolonged periods! When
African women immigrate to the United States, do they
develop osteoporosis? The answer is yes, but not quite are
much as Caucasian or Asian women. Thus, there is a genetic
difference that is modified by diet.

To answer the obvious question, "Well, where do you get your
calcium?" The answer is: "From exactly the same place the
cow gets the calcium, from green things that grow in the
ground," mainly from leafy vegetables. After all, elephants
and rhinos develop their huge bones (after being weaned) by
eating green leafy plants, so do horses. Carnivorous animals
also do quite nicely without leafy plants. It seems that all
of earth’s mammals do well if they live in harmony with
their genetic programming and natural food. Only humans
living an affluent life style have rampant osteoporosis.

If animal references do not convince you, think of the
several billion humans on this earth who have never seen
cows’ milk. Wouldn’t you think osteoporosis would be
prevalent in this huge group? The dairy people would suggest
this but the truth is exactly the opposite. They have far
less than that seen in the countries where dairy products
are commonly consumed. It is the subject of another paper,
but the truly significant determinants of osteoporosis are
grossly excessive protein intakes and lack of weight bearing
on long bones, both taking place over decades. Hormones play
a secondary, but not trivial role in women. Milk is a
deterrent to good bone health.


Remember when you were a kid and the adults all told you to
"make sure you get plenty of good protein". Protein was the
nutritional "good guy”" when I was young. And of course
milk is fitted right in.

As regards protein, milk is indeed a rich source of protein-
-"liquid meat," remember? However that isn’t necessarily
what we need. In actual fact it is a source of difficulty.
Nearly all Americans eat too much protein.

For this information we rely on the most authoritative
source that I am aware of. This is the latest edition (1oth,
1989: 4th printing, Jan. 1992) of the Recommended Dietary
Allowances produced by the National Research Council. Of
interest, the current editor of this important work is Dr.
Richard Havel of the University of California in San

First to be noted is that the recommended protein has been
steadily revised downward in successive editions. The
current recommendation is 0.75 g/kilo/day for adults 19
through 51 years. This, of course, is only 45 grams per day
for the mythical 60 kilogram adult. You should also know
that the WHO estimated the need for protein in adults to by
.6g/kilo per day. (All RDA’s are calculated with large
safety allowances in case you’re the type that wants to add
some more to "be sure.") You can "get by" on 28 to 30 grams
a day if necessary!

Now 45 grams a day is a tiny amount of protein. That’s an
ounce and a half! Consider too, that the protein does not
have to be animal protein. Vegetable protein is identical
for all practical purposes and has no cholesterol and vastly
less saturated fat. (Do not be misled by the antiquated
belief that plant proteins must be carefully balanced to
avoid deficiencies. This is not a realistic concern.)
Therefore virtually all Americans, Canadians, British and
European people are in a protein overloaded state. This has
serious consequences when maintained over decades. The
problems are the already mentioned osteoporosis,
atherosclerosis and kidney damage. There is good evidence
that certain malignancies, chiefly colon and rectal, are
related to excessive meat intake. Barry Brenner, an eminent
renal physiologist was the first to fully point out the
dangers of excess protein for the kidney tubule. The dangers
of the fat and cholesterol are known to all. Finally, you
should know that the protein content of human milk is amount
the lowest (0.9%) in mammals.


Sorry, there’s more. Remember lactose? This is the principal
carbohydrate of milk. It seems that nature provides new-
borns with the enzymatic equipment to metabolize lactose,
but this ability often extinguishes by age 4 or 5 years.

What is the problem with lactose or milk sugar? It seems
that it is a disaccharide which is too large to be absorbed
into the blood stream without first being broken down into
monosaccharides, namely galactose and glucose. This requires
the presence of an enzyme, lactase plus additional enzymes
to break down the galactose into glucose.

Let’s think about his for a moment. Nature gives us the
ability to metabolize lactose for a few years and then shuts
off the mechanism. Is Mother Nature trying to tell us
something? Clearly all infants must drink milk. The fact
that so many adults cannot seems to be related to the
tendency for nature to abandon mechanisms that are not
needed. At least half of the adult humans on this earth are
lactose intolerant. It was not until the relatively recent
introduction of dairy herding and the ability to "borrow"
milk from another group of mammals that the survival
advantage of preserving lactase (the enzyme that allows us
to digest lactose) became evident. But why would it be
advantageous to drink cows’ milk? After all, most of the
human beings in the history of the world did. And further,
why was it just the white or light skinned humans who
retained this knack while the pigmented people tended to
lose it?

Some students of evolution feel that white skin is a fairly
recent innovation, perhaps not more than 20,000 or 30,000
years old. It clearly has to do with the Northward migration
of early man to cold and relatively sunless areas when skins
and clothing became available. Fair skin allows the
production of Vitamin D from sunlight more readily than does
dark skin. However, when only the face was exposed to
sunlight that area of fair skin was insufficient to provide
the vitamin D from sunlight. If dietary and sunlight sources
were poorly available, the ability to use the abundant
calcium in cows’ milk would give a survival advantage to
humans who could digest that milk. This seems to be the only
logical explanation for fair skinned humans having a high
degree of lactose tolerance when compared to dark skinned

How does this break down? Certain racial groups, namely
blacks are up to 90% lactose intolerant as adults.
Caucasians are 20 to 40% lactose intolerant. Orientals are
midway between the above two groups. Diarrhea, gas and
abdominal cramps are the results of substantial milk intake
in such persons. Most American Indians cannot tolerate milk.
The milk industry admits that lactose intolerance plays
intestinal havoc with as many as 50 million Americans. A
lactose-intolerance industry has sprung up and had sales of
$117 million in 1992 (Time May 17, 1993.)

What if you are lactose-intolerant and lust after dairy
products? Is all lost? Not at all. It seems that lactose is
largely digested by bacteria and you will be able to enjoy
your cheese despite lactose intolerance. Yogurt is similar
in this respect. Finally, and I could never have dreamed
this up, geneticists want to splice genes to alter the
composition of milk (Am J Clin Nutr 1993 Suppl 302s).

One could quibble and say that milk is totally devoid of
fiber content and that its habitual use will predispose to
constipation and bowel disorders.

The association with anemia and occult intestinal bleeding
in infants is known to all physicians. This is chiefly from
its lack of iron and its irritating qualities for the
intestinal mucosa. The pediatric literature abounds with
articles describing irritated intestinal lining, bleeding,
increased permeability as well as colic, diarrhea and
vomiting in cows’milk-sensitive babies. The anemia gets a
double push by loss of blood and iron as well as deficiency
of iron in the cows’ milk. Milk is also the leading cause of
childhood allergy.


One additional topic: the matter of "low fat" milk. A common
and sincere question is: "Well, low fat milk is OK, isn’t

The answer to this question is that low fat milk isn’t low
fat. The term "low fat" is a marketing term used to gull the
public. Low fat milk contains from 24 to 33% fat as
calories! The 2% figure is also misleading. This refers to
weight. They don’t tell you that, by weight, the milk is 87%

"Well, then, kill-joy surely you must approve of non-fat
milk!" I hear this quite a bit. (Another constant concern
is: "What do you put on your cereal?") True, there is little
or no fat, but now you have a relative overburden of protein
and lactose. It there is something that we do not need more
of it is another simple sugar-lactose, composed of galactose
and glucose. Millions of Americans are lactose intolerant to
boot, as noted. As for protein, as stated earlier, we live
in a society that routinely ingests far more protein than we
need. It is a burden for our bodies, especially the kidneys,
and a prominent cause of osteoporosis. Concerning the dry
cereal issue, I would suggest soy milk, rice milk or almond
milk as a healthy substitute. If you’re still concerned
about calcium, "Westsoy" is formulated to have the same
calcium concentration as milk.


To my thinking, there is only one valid reason to drink milk
or use milk products. That is just because we simply want
to. Because we like it and because it has become a part of
our culture. Because we have become accustomed to its taste
and texture. Because we like the way it slides down our
throat. Because our parents did the very best they could for
us and provided milk in our earliest training and
conditioning. They taught us to like it. And then probably
the very best reason is ice cream! I’ve heard it described
"to die for".

I had one patient who did exactly that. He had no obvious
vices. He didn’t smoke or drink, he didnÂ’t eat meat, his
diet and lifestyle was nearly a perfectly health promoting
one; but he had a passion. You guessed it, he loved rich ice
cream. A pint of the richest would be a lean day’s ration
for him. On many occasions he would eat an entire quart –
and yes there were some cookies and other pastries. Good ice
cream deserves this after all. He seemed to be in good
health despite some expected "middle age spread" when he had
a devastating stroke which left him paralyzed, miserable and
helpless, and he had additional strokes and d ied several
years later never having left a hospital or rehabilitation
unit. Was he old? I don’t think so. He was in his 50s.

So don’t drink milk for health. I am convinced on the weight
of the scientific evidence that it does not "do a body
good." Inclusion of milk will only reduce your diet’s
nutritional value and safety.

Most of the people on this planet live very healthfully
without cows’ milk. You can too.

It will be difficult to change; we’ve been conditioned since
childhood to think of milk as "nature’s most perfect food."
I’ll guarantee you that it will be safe, improve your health
and it won’t cost anything. What can you lose?
es esta pagina

The most important information dissemination my.

Not that, but I can make your text too long jajaja.

If I write bad is that I am leading a translator jaja

wow. Looks like you had allot of thought to this. My thoughts to this. People have been drinking milk for positively centuries and millenia. If you like it, drink it. If you don’t, don’t.

Does anyone know a website that actually works?

December 14th, 2009 3 comments

So I’m trying to find some family mbrs.. dad & brother… I think I have spent several days all together trying to find something… always end up coming to a website that makes you pay. I thought these records were free… I have called the Round Rock Texas death records and they say I need to come in there and proove I’m family…. I live in Minnesota so…. I’m not even sure if he passed away, I want to know! I google, yahoo… zaba, zoom, whitepages… pretty much you name it I’ve more then likely been there… Any other suggestions other then having to pay? I’m looking for a Craig A. Ladwig, last know to live in Round Rock, Tx… born 1956…. And my brother whos name is also Craig, his age is somewhere around 21 (I think), last known to have lived with his mom Michel in Chaska… Anyone… any suggestions that wouldnt be obvious to me?
Thank you Pax for going the extra mile.. although I came up with the same info & know that none of that is recent. He has been dovorced to Collett and also has moved from Waco as well… But thank you very much!

Agreed, is a great place provided you have a membership. I did a search on your behalf and came up with the following information, I pray that this will help you in your search.

I found a Marriage in Scott, Minnesota for a Craig A. Ladwig who was 34 at the time, married Collette B. Lehne (born 1955) on June 8, 1990.

Also, a listing for a Craig Ladwig (no middle initial) Born April 1956 living at 2828 N. 15th A St., Waco, Texas 76708 with a telphone listing 254-753-5621, this came from the public record No. 555016429