Home > New York Death Records > how to search death records for the state of new york?

how to search death records for the state of new york?

New York City Death Index
1891 to 1897 Manhattan
1862 to 1897 Manhattan and Brooklyn
1898 to 1948 All Boroughs
If you have ever tried to use the New York City death index for the early years, you will appreciate this latest database. If you look at the microfilm for these early years you know that you have to look at every month, every year and every borough.

Now the volunteers of the Genealogy Federation of Long Island have put these records in a very searchable database that will enable you to search with just a push of the button. Phase 1 of this effort covered the period 1891 – 1907. The second phase added the years 1908 through 1936 and will eventually include the indexes up to 1948. http://www.italiangen.org/NYCDeath.stm
New York Death Records
Enter a first and/or last name to search New York death records. This website was created to provide genealogists with access to the New York death records from a single place. Additional information on how to obtain New York death certificates is available below.

You can search some of the indexes on Ancestry.com and you can also search the indexes at many New York Public libraries.

  1. Tina
    May 17th, 2010 at 01:24 | #1

    New York City Death Index
    1891 to 1897 Manhattan
    1862 to 1897 Manhattan and Brooklyn
    1898 to 1948 All Boroughs
    If you have ever tried to use the New York City death index for the early years, you will appreciate this latest database. If you look at the microfilm for these early years you know that you have to look at every month, every year and every borough.

    Now the volunteers of the Genealogy Federation of Long Island have put these records in a very searchable database that will enable you to search with just a push of the button. Phase 1 of this effort covered the period 1891 – 1907. The second phase added the years 1908 through 1936 and will eventually include the indexes up to 1948. http://www.italiangen.org/NYCDeath.stm
    New York Death Records
    Enter a first and/or last name to search New York death records. This website was created to provide genealogists with access to the New York death records from a single place. Additional information on how to obtain New York death certificates is available below.

    You can search some of the indexes on Ancestry.com and you can also search the indexes at many New York Public libraries.
    References :
    Sources in text of answer.

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