Home > California Death Records > Why were the highest temperatures ever recorded so long ago almost 90 years ago?

Why were the highest temperatures ever recorded so long ago almost 90 years ago?

Surely with all the global warming and so called CO2 pollution that has been going on, the 1922 record from almost 90 years ago would be broken!

In 1922 the temperature reached 136° Fahrenheit (58° C) in Libya.
Death Valley in California holds the record for the highest temperature in the U.S. at 134° in 1913.
Pearl your logic is flawed as those deserts are still there today but colder now after decades of so called global warming.
The non city locations are the best indicators of temperature as there is not urban heat island effect as can be seen in many of the locations here which are cities http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_weather_records#Highest_temperature_ever_recorded
Stormwolf… what a stupid name is an idiot as hot weather is quoted all the time to support global warming/climate change… just a pity that most of the really hot weather records were so long ago… fool!

You do point out some (Inconvenient Truths) which the ‘believers’ wish to either ignore or attack, since their ‘faith’ is under attack and the faithful must defend.

There were a few valid points mentioned by other respondents, and it IS true that taking one particular year as an indication of any long-term events could be considered as ‘cherry picking’.
This is however what the believers have been doing themselves for the last decade!
It is a situation of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’, which they (the faithful) could not understand.

We require the ‘heat island effect’ in order to ‘PROVE’ AGW.
We also need to remove all monitoring stations and/or data which may alter our belief!
We must continue to ‘Fight to the Death’ against capitalism, and promote ‘Socialism’ until we are back in the ‘STONE AGE’!

The real science is nothing to pay any attention to.
History and science mean nothing unless your computer model agrees!

We are now living in a very sad time.
Greed, arrogance, corruption,ignorance abound in today’s society!
Is it any wonder that we are in such a mess?

  1. Pearl
    March 24th, 2011 at 11:11 | #1

    You’re talking about deserts, hardly something to base your premise on.
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  2. Mike H
    March 24th, 2011 at 11:45 | #2

    Maybe their thermometers were crap.
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  3. A Modest Proposal
    March 24th, 2011 at 12:10 | #3

    Then how come 27/62 of the hottest temps were recorded in the last decade and 14 of those temps occurred this year?

    Oh really, so then why do you cite a location that’s a city to "disprove" global warming?

    It’s important to do some actual research into the issues if you want to complain about them. The overall effect of the UHIE is very minimal in terms of global temperatures.

    >>>Pearl your logic is flawed as those deserts are still there today but colder now after decades of so called global warming.

    Your logic is flawed if you honestly do not know the difference between a record high and a decreasing trend in averages. If we accept your logic, then MIT will be vaporized in just several decades since 7 years ago they were able to produce temperatures almost at absolute zero.

    Even besides that point, your statement that they’ve been cooling is simply flat-out wrong. Here’s data for Death Valley:
    Here’s data for Tripoli (very close to Al ‘Aziziyah):
    (and a map, in case you don’t believe me):

    Both show INCREASING temperature trends.
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  4. Misscpb
    March 24th, 2011 at 12:35 | #4


    Don’t believe everything you read. The governments for a long time have been using weather manipulation technology to eradicate certain races/cultures. Plus, they are terrified of the truth that will be revealed when the ice melts in general. The history we have been brainwashed to believe in general is a lie.

    Lots of Love
    Misscpb xxx
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  5. alindoes
    March 24th, 2011 at 13:12 | #5

    i don’t no what your trying to get at here but you should talk to a local meteorologist
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  6. Paul B
    March 24th, 2011 at 13:56 | #6

    Large deviations from the norm happen rarely, so some of them will have happened a long time ago.

    However, cherrypicking of single points is cheating; statistics (like those Modest Proposal offers) are much much better.

    But I think you know this.
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  7. antarcticice
    March 24th, 2011 at 14:36 | #7

    Oh dear these just keep getting sillier, O.K. you want to try and use 1922 these are the global averages for the last 130 years 1922 (or any period in the 20s or 30s) is well below the the temps of the last couple of decades.

    As is sea level, which is another indicator of global average temperature again it has also climbed steadily over the last hundred years, or do you also want to try and blame urban heat island for that as well.
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  8. 2B or not 2B
    March 24th, 2011 at 15:24 | #8

    You do point out some (Inconvenient Truths) which the ‘believers’ wish to either ignore or attack, since their ‘faith’ is under attack and the faithful must defend.

    There were a few valid points mentioned by other respondents, and it IS true that taking one particular year as an indication of any long-term events could be considered as ‘cherry picking’.
    This is however what the believers have been doing themselves for the last decade!
    It is a situation of the ‘pot calling the kettle black’, which they (the faithful) could not understand.

    We require the ‘heat island effect’ in order to ‘PROVE’ AGW.
    We also need to remove all monitoring stations and/or data which may alter our belief!
    We must continue to ‘Fight to the Death’ against capitalism, and promote ‘Socialism’ until we are back in the ‘STONE AGE’!

    The real science is nothing to pay any attention to.
    History and science mean nothing unless your computer model agrees!

    We are now living in a very sad time.
    Greed, arrogance, corruption,ignorance abound in today’s society!
    Is it any wonder that we are in such a mess?
    References :

  9. jerry
    March 24th, 2011 at 16:08 | #9

    gotta love the warmists answers here, they are insane, with their runaway global warming all these records should have been broken , but none have. where i live all the hottest days were in the 30’s and we haven’t come close to breaking any of them, but we do break the coldest records all the time, i guess that’s runaway global warming at its finest
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