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Please help: I’m terrified of flying?

I know this might be kind of strange or pathetic to some people, but I’m scared to death of flying on airplanes. I have to at least three times a year for family trips, but I just get more and more scared every time. I know that it’s the safest form of transportation and everything, but I still can’t get over the idea of a crash and dying. Also, my mom has to go away on buisness a lot and evertime she’s gone I freak out and make her call me right before and right after and I check her flight online… that may sound really weird but I’m so frightened I’m going to lose someone to that. Do you guys have any ideas or tips that will make flying less scary for me? I’m going on a plane to hawaii for spring break in a month. I’m going on Hawaiian airlines and they have a perfect safety record… but I"m just so nervous. Any tips or advice to help me?

As crazy as it sounds, one thing to do is put yourself in that position. For example, if you’re afraid of a roller coaster, how do you break the fear? Avoiding it? No, repetition. Believe it or not, your mind can train itself to not be afraid. Mind over matter. If you want to have help with your repetition in breaking your fear, take some relaxing prescribed medication, listen to music, eat your favorite handy snack. And just relax. Take deep breaths. Look out the window every once in a while, and know that soon you will be at your destination having a good time. And eventually, flying will be like nature.

  1. Phfff
    March 24th, 2011 at 11:06 | #1

    Learning about the realities of air travel can diminish concern about physical safety. Learning how aircraft fly, how airliners are flown in practice, and other aspects of aviation can help with a fear of flying in overcoming its irrational nature. Many people have overcome their fear of flying by learning to fly or skydive, and effectively removing their fear of the unknown. Some people with a fear of flying educate themselves; others attend courses (for people with the phobia or for people interested in aviation) to achieve the same result. Some airline and travel companies run courses to help people get over the fear of flying.

    Also, understanding what a certain sound is or that an encounter with turbulence will not destroy the aircraft is beneficial to easing the fear of the unknown. Nevertheless, when airborne and experiencing turbulence, the person can be terrified despite having every reason to know logically that the plane is not in danger. In such cases, therapy — in addition to education — is needed to gain relief.
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    I didn’t know EXACTLY how to answer, so I looked some of this up ;D Really though, you just gotta keep in mind that aircrafts are safe and if flying is inevitable, try to take your mind off it by listening to music, reading a book, etc. Good luck!

  2. Arien
    March 24th, 2011 at 11:55 | #2

    To chill yourself out;
    Take a low dose of Phenergan to make you a little less on-edge, load up your iPod with fresh music you haven’t heard before, and make sure it’s charged.
    Sit at a window seat on, or level with the wing, clear of exits, and take in the view (and the feeling of being thrust into your seat upon takeoff).

    And above all, tell yourself that this fear of planes is pointless. Your anxiety does has no benefit, both to you, and those around you.

    This probably isn’t the answer you’re looking for, and I am sceptical whether anyone on Yahoo could give you that. Perhaps you could seek some professional advice, from a doctor, or religious leader.
    That would probably be the best route if your fear doesn’t subside.
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  3. Capt Tom Bunn LCSW
    March 24th, 2011 at 12:24 | #3

    The problem you are dealing with is called "psychic equivalence" which means that what you have in mind is too easily confused mentally with reality. It is important to be able to distinguish what is real from what is imaginary. We do this by reflecting on our own mental processes. If we look "at" our own thinking, we can tell whether we are using imagination inside the mind or are perceiving something from outside the mind.

    But in some families, looking at what is going on inside is discouraged. In those cases, "reflective function" – what this ability to look at ones own mental processes is called – does not develop. If you are in school, do some sessions with the school psychologist or counselor. Or, if it can be arranged, get into therapy. It is important to build as much reflective function as you can, in order to be successful in anything you want to do in life.

    Meanwhile, there are some tips at http://www.fearofflying.com/resources/freehelp.shtml
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  4. Jorge Padua
    March 24th, 2011 at 12:50 | #4

    i sed to be scared…but then i just forced myself to look out the window and look 30000ft down and i started flying more frequently. Eventually i just got used to flying and stopped. Also, another good way to help ease ur fear is by looking up how planes work…they are the safest form of transportation…u are more likely to die on ur way to the airport then u are flying to hawaii
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  5. Southwest Airlines
    March 24th, 2011 at 13:20 | #5

    As crazy as it sounds, one thing to do is put yourself in that position. For example, if you’re afraid of a roller coaster, how do you break the fear? Avoiding it? No, repetition. Believe it or not, your mind can train itself to not be afraid. Mind over matter. If you want to have help with your repetition in breaking your fear, take some relaxing prescribed medication, listen to music, eat your favorite handy snack. And just relax. Take deep breaths. Look out the window every once in a while, and know that soon you will be at your destination having a good time. And eventually, flying will be like nature.
    References :
    Frequent Southwest Airlines Flier~

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