Home > Michigan Death Records > Trying to find out if any crime happened at a particular address in Detroit, MI. How do I search?

Trying to find out if any crime happened at a particular address in Detroit, MI. How do I search?

January 15th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

My dog is EXTREMELY spooked when taken to a house that my son has purchased and is working on. I want to find out if the dog may be sensing something that happened there–perhaps a death. The second time the dog was taken to the house, he had to be pushed, pulled and lifted to get him in the door.
How do I go about finding out if there are any records of a crime or something that may have occurred at this house, which is in Detroit Michigan.

Find a legitimate paranormalist or pshycic.
Go talk to a cop who is sympathetic to your question

  1. rockinpacker
    January 15th, 2010 at 13:35 | #1

    I think you should go to the local police station and ask, thats why you pay taxes isnt it?
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  2. wi_saint
    January 15th, 2010 at 13:47 | #2

    Find a legitimate paranormalist or pshycic.
    Go talk to a cop who is sympathetic to your question
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  3. kiki
    January 15th, 2010 at 14:05 | #3

    search the police website or a search engine for the address or just the city.
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