Home > New Mexico Death Records > So now that Mexico has legalized drugs?

So now that Mexico has legalized drugs?

December 29th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

will that mean addicts can take a trip to Mexico for a trip and not get arrested? Border towns may have to thank Mexico for the increase in real estate market.

And for the record, I side with Mexico with their approach. It’s the only sensible alternative to thwarting crime and death from enforcement which has failed miserably.

So, what is your opinion of Mexico legalizing the possession of heroin, cocaine and marijuana?


Hooray for the government of Mexico’s respect for individual freedom. Consenting adults should decide for themselves (with easy access to factual information to base the decision on, of course) whether they wish to take the risks involed in using mind altering substances like marijuana, tobacco, cocaine, caffeine, alcohol, etc … not have Nanny Government make their decisions for them. I hope that Act 2 is Mexico giving the USA the same message Canada gave us when asked to cooperate with our efforts to enforce Alcohol Prohibition: "Enforce your own stupid law."

  1. I do not like them, Sam I am.
    December 30th, 2009 at 02:43 | #1

    I bet you a bazillion dollars that their crime rate goes down.

    No sense in fighting over something that is LEGAL. Same thing happened here when we repealed prohibition on alcohol.
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  2. kill_yr_television
    December 30th, 2009 at 03:20 | #2

    Hooray for the government of Mexico’s respect for individual freedom. Consenting adults should decide for themselves (with easy access to factual information to base the decision on, of course) whether they wish to take the risks involed in using mind altering substances like marijuana, tobacco, cocaine, caffeine, alcohol, etc … not have Nanny Government make their decisions for them. I hope that Act 2 is Mexico giving the USA the same message Canada gave us when asked to cooperate with our efforts to enforce Alcohol Prohibition: "Enforce your own stupid law."
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  3. Samurai
    December 30th, 2009 at 03:25 | #3

    I don’t agree with legalizing cocaine or heroin, but marijuana should be legalized and taxed much the same as alcohol.
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  4. Linda K Texan for Life
    December 30th, 2009 at 04:05 | #4

    I never thought cocaine, heroin, and LSD would be legal anywhere.

    I see Obama following suit. I have said since he was elected that he would legalize marijuana and cocaine.
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  5. Sam
    December 30th, 2009 at 04:35 | #5

    Actually its not that great, they only legalized SMALL QUANTITIES…like 40 milligrams of meth/50 milligrams of Heroin/.5 gram of Cocaine/5 grams of pot. I don’t know about you but when I smoked weed I always bought half ounces and ounces for personal use which is 3 & 6 times the legalized amount, in all its not enough and the permissible amounts must be increased.
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  6. Grscraps
    December 30th, 2009 at 04:49 | #6

    Totally and utterly agree. Making drugs illegal is a horrible thing to do. It takes so many resources to fight this war which should not be a war at all. We should help people that want to be help. But discourage it of course.
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  7. why hate?
    December 30th, 2009 at 05:16 | #7

    Finally a government using common sense over it’s pocket book.
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