Home > Pennsylvania Death Record > how can i find death records for free online or find mary ann browne from newcastle pennsylvania?

how can i find death records for free online or find mary ann browne from newcastle pennsylvania?

February 20th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

is the largest free data base of death records in the USA.
There are others. If you edit your question to include a county and decade, we can help you with specifics.

If Mary Ann Browne is on the SSDI, she is dead. if she is not on it, she may be dead or alive. Not everyone who dies makes it to the SSDI.

There are three towns named Newcastle in Pennsylvania, according to
so you’ll have to decide which one beofre you try the Advanced search in the SSDI. Try all the spellings of Maryann / Marianne / Mary Ann / Mary Anne, too. If she put a space between the Mary and the Ann, she might be there as just "Mary Browne".

  1. Ted Pack
    February 21st, 2010 at 04:41 | #1

    The SSDI
    is the largest free data base of death records in the USA.
    There are others. If you edit your question to include a county and decade, we can help you with specifics.

    If Mary Ann Browne is on the SSDI, she is dead. if she is not on it, she may be dead or alive. Not everyone who dies makes it to the SSDI.

    There are three towns named Newcastle in Pennsylvania, according to
    so you’ll have to decide which one beofre you try the Advanced search in the SSDI. Try all the spellings of Maryann / Marianne / Mary Ann / Mary Anne, too. If she put a space between the Mary and the Ann, she might be there as just "Mary Browne".
    References :

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