Home > Public Death Records > Where can I find birth, marriage, death, and burial records for Switzerland?

Where can I find birth, marriage, death, and burial records for Switzerland?

My great grandparents immigrated from Sevelen, St. Gallen, Switzerland and some ancestors I believe lived in Berne, Switzerland also. I’m trying to find out how to access public records, such as birth, marriage, and death records. If anyone could help me it would be greatly appreciated.

Hey Swissdece…,

Here is some information, you will have to read it and do what it says to do.

  1. newinfiniteabyss
    April 9th, 2010 at 16:48 | #1

    1) Ok, maybe this is too obvious, but why GO TO SWITZERLAND? Usually older records are not available in digital format, hence are not available over the web. But many churches and town centers have information that goes back as far as the town does! Besides, it’ll be a nice holiday.
    2) Why don’t you check out the Swiss Consulate? Maybe they have some information (though I doubt it). http://www.eda.admin.ch/washington_emb/e/home.html
    3) The Mormons are known throughout the country for their genealogy research. If you haven’t tried already, why not go down to the local Mormon church and see what information they have. You may need to go to Salt Lake City to get access to all their records.
    References :

  2. rustskipper
    April 9th, 2010 at 17:26 | #2

    Hey Swissdece…,

    Here is some information, you will have to read it and do what it says to do.
    References :
    http://www.swissemb.org/clubs/geneal.pdf#search='Switzerland%20vital%20records‘ – most likely
    http://www-vitalrecords.org/ -this is a maybe for you.

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