
Posts Tagged ‘College Thesis’

Before you vote, will you answer these questions?

February 28th, 2010 19 comments

What do you think about obama’s tax plan and being called selfish and unpatriotic if you are not willing to pay more taxes? What about the people who are not paying taxes and will receive a check (that comes out of taxpayers pockets?) What about the biased press and media – ACORN – his aunt here illegally (who will vote?) No birth certificate, health records, release of college thesis? What about his prediction that the coal industry will go bankrupt under him? What about Rev. Wright and other reputable friends/advisers? What about Joe the Plumber getting death threats for asking a simple question? About the McCain supporters getting kicked off Air Obama- the Florida anchorwoman? My son’s friend’s car which was keyed for having a McCain sticker? My other son’s friend who was punched for supporting McCain? Please answer these questions honestly and not in anger and I may vote for obama tomorrow.

Due to the uncertainty of Obama, I voted for McCain. I was a Hillary voter. I voted Republican across the board. Your question solidified my vote for McCain.