
Posts Tagged ‘Court Houses’

How do I look at online records without having to pay at all for them?

March 15th, 2011 1 comment

I’m doing family history research, and I’ve been trying to look up birth, death, marriage, etc records. Every site I go to you have to pay SOMETHING for them. I want FREE online records that I can look at ONLINE without having to pay or get them shipped to my house.

My Mom said to look at court houses, but I can’t find our court houses online.
I live in Mississippi, but I’m looking for records in Pemiscot County of Missouri. That’s where most of my family moved to in the 1900’s on my Dad’s side. On my Mom’s side, I have no clue. Probably Tennessee because they were full Cherokee Indians. And she is half Cherokee Indian.

My Great Aunt has done my Dad’s side of the familys history all the way back to before the civial war, but she’s too picky to share with me any of it.

Anyway, if anyone knows a completely free website where you can look at ONLINE records, then please tell me. And remember NO PAYMENTS. NONE. lol. Most people that answer me always give me a website and they still have some kind of a payment on there. And I don’t want to have to pay anything at all.

There is a site called Heritage Quest that is completely free, but you must get the access code from your public library. Call the library and ask if they subscribe to Heritage Quest and how to access it. You do this online from home, but most libraries require you to have a library card to get the access code.

Are death records public?? And if so, is there a website where you can find them?

February 20th, 2010 3 comments

I have spent a lot of time researching how to obtain public records on people and discovered there are essentially two ways to do it.

The Free Way –

You will first need some basic information on the person such as their full name and different counties they have lived in. Once you get this data, check out a list of the court houses in the areas the person has lived. The court houses will never give you any information on the phone so you need to go down and request the information in person.

Hopefully you have selected the correct court house which is storing the records you would like to view (sometimes this can be a crapshoot). Some places will only let you look at the records at the court while others will make a copy for free or for a minor fee.

The Other Way –

For folks who do not have the time to act like a private investigator, for a small fee you can access an online data base of public records which stores information on all citizens in all 50 states. While it’s not free, for the amount of time it can actually save you the service is quite a bargain.

The results can be obtained within minutes. The service also offers a full 60 day guarantee, so if you are unhappy you have two months to get a refund.

The service I have used with the most success is Spyspace –

Simply enter their first and last name and get a free instant preview of the results.