
Posts Tagged ‘Fahrenheit Temperature’

Math homework help!!?

March 30th, 2011 5 comments

I need help with the multiple answer question below:

In Death Valley, California, the highest ground temperature recorded was 94°C on July 15,1972. In the formula

C = 5/9(F – 32), C represents the temperature in degrees Celsius and F represents the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit. To the nearest degree, what is the highest ground temperature in Death Valley in Fahrenheit?

F. 201°F G. 84°F H. 34°F J. 137°F

You are being asked for this:

C = 5/9(F – 32), then F=(9/5)C+32, if you have 94°C as your objective Fahrenheit temperature then you have to do the following

F=(9/5)94+32: 1.8(94)+32: 169.2+32=201.2°F
Hope this helps