
Posts Tagged ‘First Black President’

Where are the missing Obama records?

March 12th, 2010 4 comments

1.Hospital records showing his birth in Hawaii
2. Mother (allegedly dead) death certificate showing who survivors are.
3, Funeral home records showing who attended mother’s funeral, who paid for it and when it occured and where.
4. Mother probate estate records showing who heirs are.
4. Brothers and sisters names, addresses and their birth certificates showing parentage and their information re Obama
5. Father’s name and address,. and if dead, his death certificate.
6, High school records of Obama showing who parents were said to be
7. Immigration records of alleged father of Obama

Dude I don’t even like the new president. I didn’t vote for him. He is a fake and he is already spending more $$$ in office making the U.S. more in debt. Next 4 years are going to be hell with him in office. Thanks America for voting for him that wanted Change!?!?! You got what you asked for America! I think it wasn’t about electing him in office b/c of politics, I think people elected him in office to make history for the first black president. Next thing you know it, America will have Indian, Native American, Chinese, Japanese, Hispanic, Hindu, Islamic, German and more presidents like that. & when that happens America will be a wasteland.