
Posts Tagged ‘Medical Issues’

My widowed mother threatened to ditch me for Foster Care/City House care in Texas. Is it legally possible?

April 16th, 2011 2 comments

Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal if it was once, but this is the 5th time this year and she says she wants to kick me out because I’m a medical burden and rebellious.

She threatens to have a lawyer sign me over and have me live at city house with life insurance for my dad’s recent death. She also threatened foster care and abandonment in an Ikea store. I want to know if this is legal for her to do any of the above 3.

We have a CPS record for various things but nothing serious. She assaulted me 2 weeks ago but the police blew me off and told me to grow up.

Me: 15/Male/High School Student in texas. Suffering from various medical issues that have to be taken care of ASAP.
Mom: Widowed for a little over a year.

I would REALLY appreciate it if you informed me about the legality of these threats. It sounds possible but then again, don’t all parents want to ditch their kids?

We got into the arguments about my life-threatening case of pectus excavatum.

Yes some days all parents want to ditch their kids and go to the beach. Then the kids come screaming in the house and need lunch and the parents forget about it and tend to their little darlings. I am sorry she is verbalizing these things to you, she sounds like she is at the end of her rope and concerned that she cannot take care of you. Legal, I don’t know. Appropriate to say to your kids, NO. Hope you can find a counselor at your next school and talk to someone about how all this is affecting you.