
Posts Tagged ‘NBC’

What the ethical codes of conduct for MTV,especially their take on mobile phone audio, picture, and video?

June 29th, 2010 1 comment

With advanced technology comes responsibility. Lets talk about how someone used a cell phone to record the death of Saddam Hussein. With this recording device they then played it ad nauseam all over the world and within hours of his death a child in Texas and now it’s been reported in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East children have hung themselves to see how it felt for Saddam to die! Granted some experts are saying they didn’t need the visual to set them off, and that they may have been over the edge anyway, but does this give us the right to act in such an irresponsible manner? I think not. For these families to having to deal with their children’s demise it may have well been an explosive device that someone detonated right in the privacy of their own homes.
Now that anyone can become a common-citizen journalist with broadcasting power similar to large media companies, do we as responsible individuals have to follow the same code of ethics as CNN TV, Time Magazine, NBC TV,

Being nice.

GUILTY : Senator Ted Stevens Of Alaska Found Guilty on All 7 counts. Obama Assasination plot.

January 12th, 2010 1 comment

Go to and Comment and add as favourite. Sen. Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) was convicted today on seven counts of failing to report more than $250000 in improper gifts he received from 1999 to 2006, a stunning blow to a political career that has lasted more than 40 years and marked Alaskas entire history as a part of the United States. Stevens, 84, now faces a question over whether he will resign, and if he does not, whether he can win re-election Nov …

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