
Posts Tagged ‘New Health Care’

what would you rank this financial and policy plan for use to save America?

September 29th, 2011 1 comment

on a scale of 1-10 how would rate this plan?
1 Cut all federal elected officials pay by 5%

2 Cut food stamps by 10 %

3 Cut foreign aid by 70%

4 Get rid of all deductibles and loop holes

5 Insert a flat tax of 10%

6 Cut TSA FDA EPA all BY 10%

7 Reduce regulation by 60%

8 Insert a 20% import tax

9 Reconfigure social security by
Implementing a pay in rise by 5%
Make legislation that government cannot withdraw or barrow money from the social security pool.

10 Tighten down on unions

11 Make it possible for all schools to become charter schools

12 Cut military by 20% by removing military bases from 75% of the current foreign countries that we have bases in.

13 Stop cuddling countries who support or harbor terrorist and stop sending those countries foreign aid.

14 We tighten down on illegal immigration

15 We build better border security by taking 50%of the 75% of the removed military bases and add them to the American, Mexican border.

16 Get rid of government investments into companies, legislation to make it illegal for the federal, state or local government to invest into privet companies.

17 Pass legislation that prohibits the government to bail out companies.

18 get rid of the new health care law.

19. Make it law that the federal government cannot spend more than it took in the prior year so if they took in 3 trillion than that would be the limit for the next year they must cut their own spending so not to go over.

20 If the government does go over then all government employees must take a percentage cut in pay that year until the spending is under the limit.

five things that will save America from the crash and burn that we’re heading towards. After implementing the twenty things above.

1. We stop rebuilding countries after we’ve went to war with them.

2. We reinstate the death penalty nation wide and make it mandatory that their is only a one year grace period so after one year if that person hasn’t been exonerated than he or she is put to death.
This will help clear out the prison population at the same time doing what is right once someone commits murder he or she forfeits they’re right to life.

3. Putting in double penalty crimes for first offenders to teach them that crime is not the way to live but do not put it on they’re permanent record only on concealed records for the federal governments use.

4. After one year of pulling 50% of the bases over seas pull the 100% out and bring them back inside American borders and have the bases near the borders.

5. After one year of social security reform in the above it should start restricting the amount those that are under 50 years old can receive by 25%.

More programs and government agencies that should be cut by 10 to 20% to save more money.

1 cut the government housing.20%
2 cut Department of Agriculture.20%
3 cut Department of Health & Human Services 20%
4 cut the department of interior by 20%
5 cut Department of Labor 20%
6 cut Federal Housing Finance Board 15%
7 cut Neighborhood Reinvestment Corp 15%
8 cut the CFTC, by 20%
9 cut Justice, by 20%
10cut Labor by 20%
11 cut EEOC by 20%
12 cut Commerce 20%
13 cut Homeland Security by 10%

Many don’t know but China, France, Russia and others got together without the U.S. knowledge to discuss the start of trading with one another and peg the cost to oil to the Euro, yen and other currencies instead of U.S. currency.

Further more in Mexico china, France and other places some companies has stopped accepting U.S dollars when selling products. That means when you enter that country you will be have to exchange your us dollars into the currency of that nation

But the number one thing the U.S. Government could do to save it self is to stop trying to control every aspect of the free market.

Naive and impossible to implement.

I question to an Atheist, from a follower of Christ?

April 1st, 2010 33 comments

I have a question for an Atheist.

I was wondering (Not trying to offend anyone) but I was thinking, and I would just like someone who was atheist to explain to me what their take is on these things are:

1. In Revelations the bible speaks about a mark that will be given to all either on their right hand or forehead.
Revelation 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:
Revelation 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Revelation 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. (666)
How would Prophets 2,000 years ago who were before the time of computers, cars, electronics know that there would be a chip used to buy and sell???
Now my first question is, doesn’t is strike you odd that every thing that the Bible said would happen in the end times is happening.
Earthquakes would be in diverse places (Matthew 24:7); Haiti, Chile, illinois, Japan …..
Deadly diseases would be prevalent (Matthew 24:7). The worldwide increase in AIDS deaths is almost inestimable. Over 160,000 Americans die of cancer each year
And now with the new health care plan stuff starting up, there is much to be said about the (V-Chip) and how it may be needed to help put all of our medical records in electronic files.
The V-Chip is inserted in your right hand. (Mark of the beast).
Revelation 16:2 tells us that a noisome, grievous sore befalls those who take the mark of the beast.
Revelation 16: 10, 11 tells us that they gnaw their tongues in pain from the sores
After the chip is inserted they keep saying that "Oh and you may get a few sores but its just a reaction to the chip,"
Now come on!
1. My second question is something i was thinking about while i was watching The Prince of Egypt.
My question is how does an Atheist explain how the Jewish people left Egypt without the wonders of God (parting the Sea etc)?
They didn’t make themselves a whole bunch of boats, and they didn’t shake hands with the Egyptians and say, "Hey, seriously you guys we are tired, we can’t work here anymore we’re leaving." Egypt was one of the most powerful nations.
And there are sooo many more things that the Bible pin pointed that are happening how do you explain all of those.
Anyways those are my questions, and please no rude comments that are unnecessary.

Atheists probably do not like you talking about these kinds of things,but one day they will be sorry that they did not care.