
Posts Tagged ‘sounds’

My widowed mother threatened to ditch me for Foster Care/City House care in Texas. Is it legally possible?

April 16th, 2011 2 comments

Normally this wouldn’t be a big deal if it was once, but this is the 5th time this year and she says she wants to kick me out because I’m a medical burden and rebellious.

She threatens to have a lawyer sign me over and have me live at city house with life insurance for my dad’s recent death. She also threatened foster care and abandonment in an Ikea store. I want to know if this is legal for her to do any of the above 3.

We have a CPS record for various things but nothing serious. She assaulted me 2 weeks ago but the police blew me off and told me to grow up.

Me: 15/Male/High School Student in texas. Suffering from various medical issues that have to be taken care of ASAP.
Mom: Widowed for a little over a year.

I would REALLY appreciate it if you informed me about the legality of these threats. It sounds possible but then again, don’t all parents want to ditch their kids?

We got into the arguments about my life-threatening case of pectus excavatum.

Yes some days all parents want to ditch their kids and go to the beach. Then the kids come screaming in the house and need lunch and the parents forget about it and tend to their little darlings. I am sorry she is verbalizing these things to you, she sounds like she is at the end of her rope and concerned that she cannot take care of you. Legal, I don’t know. Appropriate to say to your kids, NO. Hope you can find a counselor at your next school and talk to someone about how all this is affecting you.

Why are Texas records so much more accessible than those of other states?

May 20th, 2010 3 comments

I have many ancestors and relatives who have lived in Texas, but I occasionally need to access birth, marriage, death records from other states, and many of them are not accessible through or any other site.

Hmmm, I don’t know — it sounds unlikely that Texas has determined its policy on public records access entirely as a way to make money off of one specific website.

More likely, they just want to have a high level of customer service.

Death Penalty in the US.?

December 11th, 2009 6 comments

Do you think it is ironic that some states have outlawed the death penalty while Texas still executes people weekly?? I understand of federalist system that allows states to govern their own laws, but I think with something so important, the government should be the final authority. I am not opening the death penalty can of worms as much as I am questioning the consistency throughout the country. If I lived in Texas I would do my dirty work in Kansas were there is no death penalty!! That sounds sick to even think about, but I am sure someone has looked into it!! Would it be easier if the entire country was one way or the other???

And for the record…I have never been prouder to be a Jayhawk!!!!

Well the answer is real simple..,if you dont break a law or murder any one,life should be good.I support the death penalty..,or put the waiting list on the front lines of the war.We are spending more money housing and feeding prisioners that we spend on defense for our country.Something wrong with that picture?Prisioners are allowed to beef themselves up and over power the authority in prisons,some have pool tables in the prisons,they have a/c,free meals,television..,and most when release purposely violate a probation or commit another crime to return to a gravy way of life with no responsibilites.In prison they have none.I think if we enacted the death penalty it would not look so appealing to spend a life time in prison with luxuries our poor dont have.

Snoop Dogg smoking in New York

December 10th, 2009 25 comments

From the public access show STREETFUNKTV.
The great Snoop Dogg with Mr. Excitement (1999), backstage at
The Tunnel Club in New York City.
Footage owned by StreetfunkTV.
MIKE JACOBS (Mr. Excitement)
MIKE WHEELER (DJ Mello Mike Hype)

Duration : 0:3:51

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