
Posts Tagged ‘Supreme Court’

Supreme Court Death Sentence on Alaskan Lake

October 12th, 2011 3 comments

In a 6-3 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court has given Lower Slate Lake in the Tongass National Forest of Alaska, a death sentence. The ruling overturns a 9th District Court decision that revoked the permit issued by the Army Corps of Engineers that allowed Coeur Alaska’s Kensington gold mine to dump its mine tailings directly into the lake, killing all aquatic life in it. The Clean Water Act clearly states that you can’t dump mine waste into a water body, but the Corp of Engineers cleverly changed the name “waste” to “fill” and permitted the action, essentially killing the lake.

I find this decision appalling and in defiance of logic. Where is the justice in a decision like this. Are the 370 well paying jobs that this mining operation is creating worth the environmental destruction that it creates? I don’t think so.

Duration : 0:3:40

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Should Texas Repeal/Review its Death Penalty because of the new wave of people freed due to DNA?

January 20th, 2010 4 comments

Texas killed 78 inmates last year, that is more than one a week. They refused to honor the Supreme Court suggestion on a moratorium on killing the mentally impaired. Most of the other states have either repealed or put a moratorium on the death penalty while they review all cases that hinged on DNA and a record number of people have been freed after being wrongfully convicted. Texas is not actively looking at reviewing cases where DNA or circumstantial evidence could free a inmate. Is this fair? I am not advocating freeing those who are guilty and believe that in most cases Life without the possibilityof parole is sufficient. BUT should we take the chance of killing innoncent people rather than admitting there maybe a mistake? The justice system is not set up to kill the innoncent, but instead protect them.

The death penalty is there for a reason and I support it. I do think that with new evidence-DNA-you should have a right to appeal your sentence. And I do believe that a lot of poor people don’t get the same treatment as those with $ for a good lawyer. On the other hand I have known people that are so evil they do not deserve to live among other humans and when they commit "that" crime they need to know that if they are caught and proven guilty, they are going to die. You don’t do a simple murder and get the death sentence, you have to do something heinous. Look at it from the victim’s viewpoint instead of the criminals. . .it will give you a whole new viewpoint about who really has the rights and who doesn’t.

Why aren’t the missing Obama records subpoenaed?

December 14th, 2009 9 comments

Hospital records showing his birth in Hawaii
2. Mother (allegedly dead) death certificate showing who survivors are.
3, Funeral home records showing who attended mother’s funeral, who paid for it and when it occured and where.
4. Mother probate estate records showing who heirs are.
4. Brothers and sisters names, addresses and their birth certificates showing parentage and their information re Obama
5. Father’s name and address,. and if dead, his death certificate.
6, High school records of Obama showing who parents were said to be
7. Immigration records of alleged father of Obama
8. Law school application, showing who his parents are, where and when he was born, which HE WOULD HAVE WRITTEN HIMSELF.
All these records other than immigration records can be subpoenaed.

If I’m not mistaken, such records can only be subpoenaed if it can be demonstrated in court that the person asking for them has the legal need to do so as part of a valid case.

Just wanting to see them doesn’t meet that criteria. As the Supreme Court has pointed out, btw.