
Posts Tagged ‘Tea Party’

What is happening to this country?

April 28th, 2011 2 comments

Right now, something is happening in America that, try as they might, the liberal media can’t stop simply by distorting or ignoring it.

I’m talking about the surging opposition to President Obama’s plans to "remake" America (his word) from an independent republic of freedom-loving, self-reliant citizens into a Euro-socialist nanny state.

Call it a backlash. Call it a counter-revolution. Call it a conservative comeback. Call it what you will — but it’s real, it’s massive, and it’s about to boil over into something the liberals can’t deny any longer.

IN THE POLLS showing a sudden and dramatic erosion in President Obama’s approval ratings — and an even steeper, faster decline in support for his neo-socialist policies

ON THE STREETS of mainstream America where "tea party" tax protests and other expressions of populist outrage are spreading like wildfire from town to town, city to city nationwide

IN STATEHOUSES AND LOCAL GOVERNMENTS where voters are forcing legislators — by popular referendum if necessary — to roll back the tax-and-spend policies that have brought so many states and localities to the brink of bankruptcy

ON THE AIRWAVES where conservative TV and radio personalities such as Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, and Sean Hannity are soaring to new heights of popularity — while the ratings for liberals like Chris Matthews and Keith Olberman are plummeting

ON THE BESTSELLER LISTS where books like Mark Levin’s " Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto" and "Glenn Beck’s Common Sense" have dominated for months, outselling liberal tomes by hundreds of thousands

AND EVEN, AT LONG LAST, IN CONGRESS where, after years of selling out conservative principles, a small but growing number of Republicans are loudly voicing and voting those principles once again — despite the loud complaints of the liberal media.
What’s driving this extraordinary phenomenon? In a word — outrage.

After trusting Barack Obama’s soothing promises, and the media’s constant reassurances, that once in office he would "transcend" partisan politics, Americans quickly realized they had elected the most radical leftist ever to serve as President of the United States.

They also realized that for all Obama’s talk of "transparency" and "accountability," his administration was creating the conditions for a level of political sleaze, corruption and back-room wheeling-and-dealing far worse than anything Washington has seen in a very long time.

And now that the gap between Obama’s smooth-talking rhetoric and his actual performance has finally become plain to anyone but the most besotted of his admirers, Americans have had enough.
They have had enough of the out-of-control spending on bailouts and "stimulus" that have sent the federal deficit soaring to $1.8 trillion for 2009 alone — and even higher down the road — threatening to bankrupt our nation, destroy our currency, and impoverish our descendents for generations to come

They have had enough of Obama’s crusade to replace private healthcare with a government-run system that will empower federal bureaucrats to make life-and-death decisions about your medical care — and that will put all your private medical records in a government database (don’t worry, they promise never to use them to harm you)

They have had enough of Obama’s proposed tax hikes and tax "surcharges" to pay for all his spending programs that will drive U.S. tax rates higher even than the welfare-state economies of Europe (New Yorkers, for instance, could face a combined federal-state income tax rate of nearly 60 percent)

They have had enough of the appalling rogue’s gallery of crooks, cronies, tax cheats, and political big-spending leftists that Obama has appointed to the highest levels of our government — while firing or abruptly "retiring" official government watchdogs who have blown the whistle on his cronies and their schemes

They have had enough of the outrageous threats to investigate and prosecute Bush-era anti-terrorist agents and officials for the heroic work they did in keeping our country safe

They have had enough of the endless procession of unelected "czars" President Obama has appointed — 32 at last count! — to bring one sector after another of our economy and government under his direct control (come to think of it, why don’t we just call him "Czar Obama"?)

They have had enough, in short, of how President Obama and his allies are rapidly destroying so much of what has made our country prosperous and free — while arrogating to themselves a degree of power that would make Hugo Chavez blush.
And what about you, my friend? Have you had enough? Are you ready to join the swelling ranks of Americans who are determined to put a stop to this madness? Are you ready to add your voice to theirs in demanding an end to this assault on our liberties… an end to this era of fiscal insanity… an end to this government "of the cronies, by the croni

obama sucks

Do US Progressives and Unions follow the Fabian motto "Let your mouth deny what your hands are doing"?

April 14th, 2011 6 comments

Union/Progressive Protests are ugly, threatening, they work to scare / intimidate people into allowing a minority to push policy over the will of the Majority. Yet those entities and their operatives in the Media say Tea Party Protesters who do no damage, don’t take over buildings, clean up leaving areas cleaner than they found them without having to have that mentioned, because that’s just who they are … The Progressives call dangerous and thuggish. They call them racist, while there is no incidence of racism recorded except Progs like SEIU and obvious Prog infiltrators at tea party protests. Yet at the Union & other Prog protests A black man should be lynched, sent back to the fields, tortured, made to eat his own toes. Blacks who disagree with the Union Thugs told to get back on their side of the fence … just a bunch of language common at KKK rallies. Not totally surprising because the Progressives created the KKK, but they are trying to pretend they are not racist.

There are many incidence of assault & battery by Progressives. Bullying, intimidation, threats of death. Democrat politicians tell their Prog groups they have to go out and get bloody to get what they want. Democrat politicians often point at those who disagree with them and yell "You’re Dead!" like recently in Wisconsin, and Dead Fish Immanuel deserves dishonorable mention because he kind of typifies this mob like Prog behavior.

Yet in the Progressive Dominated media, it’s the Tea Party that’s dangerous, racist, anything bad they can think of. They completely ignore and dismiss the racism, violence, bullying, intimidation tactics, and general thuggish behavior of the left. They even have the idiot sheep trained. Damage to the Capital Building in Wisconsin? We didn’t see no damage, there is no damage …

"LET YOUR MOUTH DENY WHAT YOUR HANDS ARE DOING" Fabian Society motto for a group that uses corruption, violence and lies to push their goals. Be it no surprise that the Fabian Society created the Progressive movement in the US to help bring the US down and back under Anglo / British Control, as well as the rest of the world. Be not surprised that our Progressives work with Fabians to destabilize the Middle East, that the Fabians work with the Muslim brotherhood who stood back while Egyptians revolted, knowing they didn’t want the Muslim Brotherhood in control, until they had pushed out the Dictator, then the Muslim Brotherhood took it over. Not even allowing the hero’s of the Revolution to speak to the crowd of millions that the sick murderous head of the Muslim brotherhood addressed in his stead calling for death to Israel & the West.

The world is connected, the tactics we see here, and others see in other countries, are those of the ones who are directing the whole world into flames of the forge so they can remold it closer to their hearts desire. That’s the Fabian Society goal in a nutshell. Their own words.

Check out this info that helps put it together if you pay attention:
And don’t be surprized to know George Soros, "the man who crashed the bank of England" he brags. Convicted of Currency manipulation in France. Former Nazi Collaborator who said that was the best time in his life and he has no regrets … the man who Brags of bringing down 5 government systems though "revolution" and has his sights set on the US right now … he’s a Fabian, just one of the small ones. He’s a henchman for the Rothschilds. There is much behind George Soros you don’t see or hear about. Obama’s bestest money man pushing propaganda through dosens of organizations he funds and many he created. Don’t be surprised to know George Soros, is a Fabian Society member.
Socrates … read the links, that is the Fabian Society motto which they created. Let your mouth deny what your hands are doing. Kind of fits their Wolves in Sheep’s clothing organizational symbol. They say what they are all about. They are so confident of the stupidity of the common people of the world. Sadly the Fabians and Progressives dupes yelling in the streets prove they are right about so many.
Texas Liberaterian … the simple world is nice, but it’s not the real world. I wish with all my heart that it were. BUT going back to the human proclivity to bury our heads in the sand only leads to horrors in the world that could have been stopped had people not refused to believe what was right in their faces. Men like Churchill who were absolutely right are hated for the truth they see. If there is to be hope for us we must rise above putting our heads in the sand and hoping it will all be ok.

Of course – this is how we Public Uniion Employees retire as multimillionaires, while telling everyone we’re just "workin folks"


What are your thoughts on this? (Sarah Palin)?

March 15th, 2011 12 comments

Five myths about Sarah Palin 1. Palin cost McCain the 2008 election. She didn’t. CNN’s 2008 national exit poll, for example, asked voters whether Palin was a factor when they stepped into the voting booth. Those who said yes broke for McCain 56 percent to 43 percent. With her by his side, McCain’s fundraising and support from conservatives improved.
2. Resigning as governor was rash. When Palin returned to Alaska , she confronted three problems. The political coalition on which she had based her governorship had collapsed. Her critics were using Alaska’s tough ethics laws to launch investigations into her behavior, sapping her finances and her energy. Finally, every time she traveled to the Lower 48, Alaskans criticized her for putting her political interests above the state’s. Palin’s solution was to resign. Her agenda stood a better chance of passing if Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell succeeded her as governor. As a private citizen, meanwhile, Palin could make enough money to pay her legal bills.
3. Palin and the tea party are destroying the GOP.The reality is that Palin and the tea party are saving the GOP by dragging it back to its roots and mobilizing conservative voters. Remember, by the time Palin arrived on the national scene, the Republican Party was depleted, exhausted and held in disrepute. An unpopular war in Iraq, an economy in recession and GOP corruption had driven away independents. Meanwhile, massive government spending and a liberal immigration policy had dispirited conservatives. In the wake of Obama’s historic victory, she and countless other grass-roots activists could have abandoned the GOP and turned the tea party into a conservative third party. They didn’t. They decided instead to refashion the Republican Party from the ground up, pressuring it to live up to its limited-government ideals. Now, two years after Obama’s win, Republicans have reaped major gains in the midterm elections. Palin and the tea party haven’t hurt the GOP one bit.
4. Palin is extreme. On many of the most important issues of the day, Palin holds positions that are squarely in the center-right of American political discourse. And many of those positions, not incidentally, are held by a large segment or even a majority of the public. For instance, neither the public nor Palin believes the stimulus worked. While most Americans may not share Palin’s views regarding "death panels," many join her in opposing Obama’s health-care overhaul. Over the past two years, Pew and Gallup surveys have tracked the public as it has moved to the right — not on just one or two issues but on a whole constellation of issues. Even on the controversial topics of abortion, guns and same-sex marriage, Palin is not far away from the center. A May 2009 Gallup poll, for example, found that a majority of Americans identified as "pro-life" rather than "pro-choice." In October 2009, Gallup measured record-low support for gun control. The public is divided on same-sex marriage, with about half the country joining Palin’s opposition.
5. Palin is unelectable. Without question, a Palin 2012 campaign would be an uphill battle. Palin is unpopular — massively so among Democrats, decisively so among independents. Even many Republicans don’t believe she’s ready to be president. But opinions can change. Look at the political resuscitations of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and Hillary Rodham Clinton. If Palin works hard and runs an impressive campaign, wavering Republicans and skeptical independents may give her a second look. To earn that second look, she may need to find a big idea. It’s hard to become president without one. Reagan had supply-side economics and the end of detente with the Soviets. George W. Bush had compassionate conservatism and the freedom agenda. Obama had national unity and hope and change. At the moment, however, Palin still expresses her agenda mainly in negative terms, focusing on her opposition to Obama and the Washington establishment. She hasn’t defined her common-sense conservatism" in positive language. And she hasn’t found a unifying, exhilarating theme. Then again, she just might get along without one. After all, a presidential contest is a choice. The public might not love Palin. But by 2012, Americans might absolutely despise Obama. Two more years of a bad economy and an unpopular Afghan war and anything could happen.
Alvin….It is the "seasoned hand" that has resulted in the decline of America’s influence in the world. She could not do a worse job than Obama…. His bowing, scraping and pandering to every nation, including our enemies, not only has been a national embarrassment but has made us the "joke" of the world. Maybe a little fresh faced national pride, open and honest, is what our nation needs.
Governor Palin negotiated with a hard nose greedy oil industry and won a contract that even her severest critics say was a major win for the people of Alaska. She is plain speaking and honest….a refrehing change in American politics
Bobby…..I keep hearing she is "dumb"…..but none of her history would seem to support that conclusion…She had the highest approval rating for job performance of any governor in America…..she got straight A’s in school and was a member of the Honor Society….she earned a degree….. she has core principles which even when it is to her advantage….she won’t compromise. She is plain spoken, no vacillation or political double speak. Yes, she has made some gaffs…..misspoke…..but then so has President Obama…..and do not even mention the Vice President…..his gaffs are a national embarrassment and the stuff of which legends are composed

I think nothing about it.

I’m not obsessed with Sarah Palin.