Fellow Christians, what do you think about this?
One only has to check out Bush’s record as Governor of Texas to see his own preference for death over life. During his tenure as Governor, Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions, including the 1998 execution of fellow born-again Christian Karla Faye Tucker, a convicted murderer who later led a prison ministry. Forty of Bush’s executions were carried out in 2000, the year the Bush presidential campaign was spotlighting their candidate’s strong law enforcement record. The Washington Post’s Richard Cohen reported in October 2000 that one of the execution chamber’s "tie-down team" members, Fred Allen, had to prepare so many people for lethal injections during 2000, he quit his job in disgust.
Bush mocked Tucker’s appeal for clemency. In an interview with Talk magazine, Bush imitated Tucker’s appeal for him to spare her life – pursing his lips, squinting his eyes, and in a squeaky voice saying, "Please don’t kill me."
My point is the mocking behavior. that is just cruel
I am 100% for the death penalty for aggravated murder and brutal rape.
However, that does not mean that Bush did not abuse his power as governor by acting like "Hangin’ Judge Roy Bean."
Nor does it mean he is right to be so hypocritical about pretending to be "pro-life" to get the votes of the religious right while being so cavalier about the lives of adult human beings both in Texas and Iraq.
Nor is he right in playing to his political base by professing to "protect the rights" of undifferentiated stem cells at the extreme cost to living, breathing human beings who are suffering intolerably from unspeakable diseases.
Nor is he right in manipulating the truth (lying) in order to pursue a war that he vowed to wage even before becoming President, costing the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi’s, and causing the deaths of over 3100 brave young Americans, more victims than died during the terrorist attacks of 9/11, which he claimed to be avenging.
Bush does not care about human life any more than he cares about that record number of Americans living in poverty, whose programs he has consistently cut in order to pay for tax breaks for his wealthy friends (and to give a pittance to the middle class, in order to secure the votes of the more gullible among them).
With the possible exception of James Buchanan, George W. Bush is by far the worst and most devastating President ever elected in the United States. The destruction he has cause to the United States in power, international prestige, internal division, and our economy will take decades to repair.
Unfortunately, at least 3,100 young Americans will not be here to see that happen, victims of a President who professes to be "pro-life."
It’s just another example of how disgusting he is.
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HAHAHA! I saw that mocking, and it was hysterical!
Capital crimes deserve capital punishment. I don’t give a rat’s azz what your "bible" says.
>>During his tenure as Governor, Bush presided over a record setting 152 executions<<—I know, thats one reason I voted for him.
I bet you cried a river when the scumbag "Tookie" was executed too.
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Bush rocks!
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Good for Bush, maybe you’d like to pay 80,000 a year for each inmate on death row that has killed somebody’s mom, dad, child. Execution is a financially good decision for most of these monsters. Maybe one day if your wife or mom gets raped and brutally murdered you’ll think twice about your stand on the death penalty.
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Are you looking for affirmation to Bush’s inhumanity ? Look at what hes doing around the world now . He’s evil to the core.
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Bush is the devil.
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I think he is despicable in so many ways and that the Christians are being used. He has created a faith-based presidency which is very well suited for a group of faith-based people. War, fear-mongering, intolerance to groups of people, taking away help for the poor and catering to the rich. Seriously, WWJD?
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It’s all an illusion.That’s how Jesus could forgive not boast.
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A murderer can squirt out a few tears, start bawling for forgiveness and that excuses her crime? The "lord" may forgive her, but what about the victim who lies buried in the ground. I guess the victim isn’t around to say: "no, actually, I do not forgive you."
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Why are you more worried about 152 murderers being killed than the several thousand Innocent people murdered through no fault of their own every year?
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Sounds like the prez is a little psycho to me. Power is something maybe this man never should have had.
If you think about it though, our government is so crooked, you HAVE to be crooked to get "in." It’s a sad sad thing…
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I think that that was wrong of Bush and even though he may be President , He is not God . God is our help in the time of need just like he is our one true judge , so people need to let God do his work and stop trying to do it for him… for all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. God says where and when we will die , not man.
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First of all, I am a born-again Christian, but I do support capital punishment.
Secondly, in the case of Karla Faye Tucker, although I sympathized with her, and did honestly believe she repented of her sin of murder and got saved by Christ, she did indeed murder someone and was subject to execution just as any other inmate in the Texas system. Karla said herself that she accepted the execution sentence, but was content that she would be with the Lord upon her death. If George Bush made such comments, I was not aware of it. But you must realize that he is a politician. And politicians do not care about anything but themselves, and furthering their agendas, whether Democrat or Republican. If he made such a comment, it was certainly unprofessional to do so.
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Those executions are only a fraction of the deaths he "presided " over. He "presided" over a lot more abortions than executions. I’m sure you don’t care about that little fact. If the victim of the death is a fetus (baby) it doesn’t count but if its a murderer heaven forbid.
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Murder is a horrendous crime! Why can’t people accept that horrendous crimes have just as horrendous consequences. Taking an innocent life is completely stupid, shouldn’t the consequences be just? I can forgive, but why the heck do we find Bush to be the worst president in history and have to complain about it when we as a people chose him????? What kind of people are we when we complain about things that we chose????
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i think it is incorrect to mix religious sentiments with politics. mr. Bush is also using religious jargons if they help his political goals.
Mr. Bush represents a hungry capitalist. he and his many political associates have huge stakes in oil-business. that is why he is so perticular about the execution of saddam. his present utterences against Iran is also motivated by his oil-politics.
A capitalist is always in pursuit of profits and super-profits. political-power is one of the means to have access to super-profits. the deeds of Mr.Bush are the deeds of capitalist-class.
so fight against the system, not against religion or individual
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I am 100% for the death penalty for aggravated murder and brutal rape.
However, that does not mean that Bush did not abuse his power as governor by acting like "Hangin’ Judge Roy Bean."
Nor does it mean he is right to be so hypocritical about pretending to be "pro-life" to get the votes of the religious right while being so cavalier about the lives of adult human beings both in Texas and Iraq.
Nor is he right in playing to his political base by professing to "protect the rights" of undifferentiated stem cells at the extreme cost to living, breathing human beings who are suffering intolerably from unspeakable diseases.
Nor is he right in manipulating the truth (lying) in order to pursue a war that he vowed to wage even before becoming President, costing the lives of tens of thousands of Iraqi’s, and causing the deaths of over 3100 brave young Americans, more victims than died during the terrorist attacks of 9/11, which he claimed to be avenging.
Bush does not care about human life any more than he cares about that record number of Americans living in poverty, whose programs he has consistently cut in order to pay for tax breaks for his wealthy friends (and to give a pittance to the middle class, in order to secure the votes of the more gullible among them).
With the possible exception of James Buchanan, George W. Bush is by far the worst and most devastating President ever elected in the United States. The destruction he has cause to the United States in power, international prestige, internal division, and our economy will take decades to repair.
Unfortunately, at least 3,100 young Americans will not be here to see that happen, victims of a President who professes to be "pro-life."
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P.S.: For those who give this answer a "thumbs down" I challenge you to point out one false fact or illogical conclusion in it. If you can’t, then you are just giving it a thumbs-down because you care more about your religious and/or political affiliations than you do about this country or its people, including its courageous veterans and military personnel.
Was it Tuckers appeal or her defense teams appeal. From what I heard Tucker said she was ready for death. That God had forgived her. I think we need more executions in this land.
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So sad that bush had to mock that lady afterall we all make mistakes and she made a stupid sad one, but were is the sympathy for the victim(s)? this lady died because she murdered someone and she was aware that her death could be one of the consequences, whoever she murdered was innocent and had their life taken away wrongfully! And yes abortions are murder so screw bush for that!!!!! ——–BOTTOM LINE——- KARLA FAYE TUCKER WAS WRONG AND SO IS BUSH!
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I sincerely doubt that the "Little Usurper" could pass a Psychological battery if his life depended on it.
The term for his illness is..Sociopathy..and he is a prime example of the pathology..
..Do-Nothing..Succeed At Nothing…
Its no wonder that those LIKE him raise him up to such high standards as they do [see others answers here]…he is the PERFECT Under-Achiever…the "Paris Hilton" of politics..
We should all be ashamed….and then kill him now!! I say he needs to be Impeached…tried on treasonous grounds..taken out..and shot behind the White House
Let God sort it out.
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First, let’s all acknowledge the fact that in Texas, a governor cannot prevent an execution from being carried out – he doesn’t have that power. He can only grant a stay.
But if there is no reason to grant a stay, then why would he?
As for Tucker, IMO, a born-again Christian would understand the need for the punishment to occur, and should accept their fate. Jesus didn’t spare the lives of the theives who were crucified with him – he saved their eternal souls.
As for Bush mocking her, yes, that was a bad moment for him. Not that it wasn’t funny, but hardly what you’d expect from a presidential candidate.
Of course, the saddest thing is that for 2 elections running, Bush was by far the best candidate out there.
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As a fellow christian, you might consider keeping Pres. Bush in constent prayer. He is not exempted from satin’s firery darts. Pres. really doesn’t have last word or first word on death. Lots of red tape before anything can be chaged, That’s why most never get done. Veto, that to is a forever process. I must go on hear say where the talk show interviewed the Pres. If indeed it is true, it is very sad to me, and I think he should veiw the tape and ask himself, "How did I glorify God with this interview." Then make a public appolagie. I would think that the effect it has on you, would be shared by many others. Thanks!
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Sorry…but she wasn’t in prison for singing too loudly in church…she MURDERED someone…he mocked her? booo hoo. someone is 6 feet in the ground because of her actions. Stop being a bleeding heart…these people who are on death row did horredous crimes…you know you wouldnt be typing this stuff if he mocked the woman who killed someone in your family. Point is…he mocked her…maybe not in the best taste on his part…but this woman took a life…and I think thats much worse than a cheap imitation of her plea for life.
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I remember the Tucker story very well. I did miss the fact that Bush made fun of her. If this is true than he is a stupid man. I see that they keep news about his stupid, lazy, non funtional daughters out of the press. Like the one who had her purse taken from under her own feet! See. this is sad and unscriptual because Tucker had achieved something very blessed and she never should have been put to death. I think if his own girls were a little more acomplished in the word as Tucker was, they would not be hanging out in bars.He will indeed regret sending her to her death someday!
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Just a logical person, and American.