Home > Washington Death Records > Obama I said let the illegals go free but Fed agents frustrated by judges’ immigration decisions?

Obama I said let the illegals go free but Fed agents frustrated by judges’ immigration decisions?

In March, Jose Manuel Gonzalez-Sandoval — who had committed serious crimes in the United States since 1998 — stood before Florence, Ariz., Immigration Judge Bruce Taylor on a deportation hearing. That day the judge canceled his removal proceedings, allowing him to stay in the United States.

Four months later, Sandoval was arrested again on an outstanding warrant but was released. Three days after that release he led police on a 100 mph car chase. Then in August, in response to a 911 call from his family, he shot at Arizona deputies who came to his home. That night, he escaped. He later turned himself into authorities after they began a public manhunt for him.

Sandoval, who had resident status, is only one example of a legal system that lacks working mechanisms for deporting criminal aliens, said Rep. Ted Poe, a Texas Republican and former judge.

“The federal government has the responsibility, the moral duty to send these criminal aliens back where they came from after they do their prison time and before they commit more crimes,” said Poe, who is co-chair of the Victims’ Rights Caucus. He said both the Obama and Bush administrations handled the issue ineffectively, hiding facts from the American people and “sugar-coating” the truth regarding the deportation of criminal aliens.

This month, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency announced that the Obama administration is planning to dismiss thousands of illegal alien deportation cases, possibly 17,000, if the immigrants have a potential path to legal residency or overstayed their visas.

But critics say many illegal aliens with long criminal records composed of what some courts consider to be lesser charges will see their deportation cases dismissed as well. They cite Sandoval as an example.

“The system is skewed to release these criminals,” said Poe, a former judge. He recalled many times he saw repeat criminal offenders back in his courtroom after issuing detainers, which required the federal government to deport them after they served their U.S. sentences.

“The detainers don’t work, because we either don’t have enough federal agents, the administration doesn’t make it a priority and there isn’t any accountability when alien criminals are released back into society,” Poe said.

ICE, Border Patrol and local law enforcement officers told The Washington Examiner that law enforcement agencies are frustrated by the judicial system’s approach to handling immigrants charged with crimes.

“In the case of Sandoval, ICE did the right thing,” said a federal official who spoke on the condition that he not be named. “They checked his long criminal history, he had two or more crimes involving morale turpitude and should have been deported and had his residency taken away. What does the administration have to say about this? He’s only one of thousands of bad guys that get away with this.”

Said an ICE agent: “What can we do when immigration judges are granted this huge discretionary authority? There is no oversight. This case could have resulted in the death of a police officer.”

Kathryn Mattingly, with the Executive Office for Immigration Reform, said, “The Office of the Chief Immigration Judge regularly monitors immigration judge performance and conduct through EOIR’s performance management program and through its daily supervision of the courts.”

She said that in “instances where concerns regarding an immigration judge’s conduct arise … any allegations are investigated and resolved in a fair and expeditious manner,” adding that “such investigations could include scenarios where an immigration judge consistently makes ill-advised decisions.”

Sandoval’s Department of Homeland Security arrest record history was obtained by The Examiner.

He had used an alias, Samuel Mendoza, and as early as 1998 he had been arrested for damage to private property and simple assault. Since then he has been arrested for drunken driving, drug charges multiple aggravated assaults, multiple endangerment charges and use of a deadly weapon. In many cases, he was not prosecuted, simply fined and released, according to the documents.

The federal law governing criminal immigrants states that “if you have been convicted of two crimes involving moral turpitude not arising out of a single scheme of criminal misconduct,” you are supposed to be deported.

However, judges have repeatedly used their own discretion not to deport him.

“There is no legal liability on the part of the judge, and you can’t charge a judge for using their discretion,” Poe said. “The judge is morally responsible to follow through with the law because if someone is killed or injured, the blood is on the judge’s hands.

Read more at the Washington Examiner: http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/world/Fed-agents-frustrated-by-judges-immigration-decisions_08_31-101840693.html#ixzz0y8qKvvie

Hussein Obama is the worst disaster that has ever happen to this great nation, and needs to be impeached, NOW!

If he is reelected I would not be able to write this, because he will destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights because they get in his way of doing what he wants to do to much.

  1. artgal
    May 6th, 2011 at 23:35 | #1

    We can build the Hoover Dam,we can put men on the moon,but we can not enforce immigration law or seal our borders?Something is just wrong.I do not know who will fix it.The American people i guess.
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  2. Brittanicus
    May 7th, 2011 at 00:22 | #2


    Since the 1986 Immigration Control and Reform Act those in power has lied to the US people? Just sufficient laws have been passed, to give the impression that President Obama, George Bush or back to Ronald Reagan, promised to secure fully the border. That they would enforce immigration laws, but candidly nothing serious as ever been accomplished? We need to revisit President Linden B. Johnson, Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 policy “Quotas System”, so only certain amounts of foreign nationals are given entry visas. Its requirements were Numerical limits on immigration from Europe and the use of a Quota system for establishing those limitations. Similar legislation had been advanced several times previously without success. Recommencement of immigration and the widespread unemployment that followed the end of World War One demanded change, lending strength to the anti-immigration movement. In 1965, the American people were guaranteed that immigration would never exceed its then low level of 250,000 annually. Currently, it is at an all-time high of over a million a year and still rising.

    Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, a veiled Liberal progressive killed this law, attributing to the 20 million or more who have settled in this country today. You cannot trust any administration, the Liberal press, the liberal Extremists in Academia or any of the open border quasi organization, such as The Council of Foreign Relations. These organizations are for open borders, although we have upwards to 10 million US citizens and resident without a job. Leftists and equivalents all have their own agenda’s and Obama and his Leftist administration wants citizenship for the invaders, who stole into our country. There has been so much fraud within work visa programs, the agricultural Guest Worker and fabricated paperwork for skilled immigrants who have come here. The 1986 immigration bill has been a failure, but not because it’s—BROKEN–but because the laws were never enforced.

    The laws enacted, were intentionally made to be broken, underfunded still leaving access to cheap labor for Republicans and more votes for liberals and Democrats; legal or illegal. Ted Kennedy played on the sympathy of American Society, when he ardently promised in 1986, that there would never be another–AMNESTY. E-Verify was nearly killed by Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), Secure Communities is not mandatory and the true 2006 Secure Fence Act, less than a 6 months later Texas Republican Sens. Kay Bailey Hutchison and John Cornyn pushed for “flexibility to choose other options instead of fencing, if needed.” Politicians obdurately vowed to keep America safe. The law specifically called for “at least 2 layers of reinforced fencing, topped with concertina barbed razor wire with the installation of additional physical barriers, patrol roads, lighting, cameras and sensors” at five exact areas of border totaling approximately 700 miles.

    The revolution that is the TEA PARTY promises no citizenship for illegal aliens, or any of the clandestine Amnesties of which there has been six since 2004. The Tea Party leadership will vote out Pro-Amnesty law, which includes Sanctuary City ordinances and push in opposition to such bills as the dream Act, Chain Migration and any Immigration reform bills. What I really don’t understand is why Sanctuary Cities are passed over by (ICE) Immigration & Customs Service.?Its very obvious to me large populations of foreign nationals are hiding under the very noses of the enforcement authorities, its an the anomaly nobody is apprehended? WHY ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS PROTECTED BY THE US GOVERNMENT? WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM WHERE ALLEGIANCE IS CONCERNED. US Senator Rand Paul, a TEA PARTY activist in a letter to me opposes any citizenship for illegal aliens. He also said, “He didn’t think American taxpayers should be forced to pay for welfare, medical care or other expenses. If you are legally arrived in America you have an opportunity to join the TEA PARTY, as they are awaiting you to stop more of your taxes being taken to pay for illegal aliens. So much more interesting facts to be found at NumbersUSA, that connects you with the truth about the illegal alien invasion. Illegal aliens have discovered a fraudulent avenue to aid President Obama predominantly become a strong contender in the 2012 election. Using forged absentee ballots illegal aliens in four States so far have discovered, but how deep in previous election has this deception gone? In States as California and Nevada that are soft on election oversight, was the absentee ballot forgeries go undetected in huge populace States of nationwide?

  3. Ron
    May 7th, 2011 at 00:25 | #3

    wasn’t it Shakesphere that said ‘first we kill all the lawyers?’
    no more judge for life positions. every judge should stand for election.
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  4. The Wolf
    May 7th, 2011 at 00:52 | #4

    Hussein Obama is the worst disaster that has ever happen to this great nation, and needs to be impeached, NOW!

    If he is reelected I would not be able to write this, because he will destroy the Constitution and Bill of Rights because they get in his way of doing what he wants to do to much.
    References :

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