Home > Washington Death Records > Why do Christians say this nation was founded on Christianity by the founding fathers?

Why do Christians say this nation was founded on Christianity by the founding fathers?

Why can’t everyone call the U.S. a religiously free nation with a majority of Christians? Why do Christians call it a Christian nation founded on Christianity. Thomas Jefferson disliked the bible enough to strip it and rewrite it, leaving it behind in secret so that it could be published after his death. After interviewing the people closest to George Washington on religion after his death, they claimed he was a proud deist in hiding. We see letters criss crossing founding fathers left and right explaining to each other their disregard for Christianity. From Pain, Franklin, Jefferson, Madison, all the way to Adams we have letters mocking Christianity. What grounds do Christians have to make their claim? Most Christians would call me everything other than a Christian if I rewrote the bible and left it behind for people to find after my death. There are many records showing the top Christian founders rarely showing up at church. Please write in detail why the founders were so Christian.

The answer is: They werent!

This nation is NOT based on Judeo-Christian values. If anything it bases its ideals on Greco-roman philosophy and principles.

This is the reality but people like to fool themselves that there is something "righteous" and "godly(in the sense of being on God’s side)"about America when in reality it is nothing like that!

The founding forefathers were mostly deist and reject the idea of divine revelation.

  1. Jedi
    April 30th, 2010 at 01:54 | #1

    lol the founding fathers were deist anyways.
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  2. Steve A
    April 30th, 2010 at 02:38 | #2

    People say this because they do not know their history.

    A seperation of church and state was made clear.

    Yes, most of the founding fathers were Christian (there were a couple based on their writings that appeared agnostic), but who wasn’t Christian back then in that part of the world?

    The United States has never had an official religion which was a big step at the time.

    There IS a difference between a country founded as a Christian nation and a country founded by people who happen to be Christians. Some people cannot tell the difference.
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  3. J.P.
    April 30th, 2010 at 02:49 | #3

    Understand that most Christians confuse the colonization of the Americas with the founding of the nation.

    The original settlers were overwhelmingly Christian, and were moving specifically for that reason. In this sense, many of the colonies were founded as Christian colonies. This started to see a rapid downfall, however, after the Salem Witch Trials, when the governor of Massachusetts forbade spectral evidence when the girls pointed their murderous fingers at his wife.

    When the founding fathers came together, most were Christian in one form or another, but many of the authors of the documents were in fact Deists. So why did the Christians sign off on Deistic texts?

    Had any one of the Christian groups won, the other groups would have been slighted. The Deists really ultimately had no stake in that war, so were a logical neutral position, and one that ensured that no matter what faith was believed, it could be practiced in good faith so long as the civility of the society was maintained. Thus, the Christians among the founding fathers knowingly and intentionally signed off on Deistic documents, to ensure their own continued freedom to worship as they saw fit.

    The physical colonization was Christian in origin, however, the legalistic founding of the USA (the Declaration of Indepedance and the Constitution of the USA) was Deistic in nature, and did not describe any one true correct religion. In fact, the Declaration references only once the Creator (a term Deists use since it’s the only definition they ascribe to the divine), and the Constitution never mentions a creator at all.

    Further, Washington signed off on the Treaty of Tripoli which outright stated that the USA was in no way founded as a Christian nation — which is true. The nation was founded on Deistic principles, even though the colonies were founded on christian principles.

    Once you separate the two types of involved ‘foundings’, the issue becomes very clear.
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  4. lnfrared Loaf
    April 30th, 2010 at 02:56 | #4

    more on spreading their lies just to cross the bridge
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  5. Gabe L
    April 30th, 2010 at 03:34 | #5

    The answer is: They werent!

    This nation is NOT based on Judeo-Christian values. If anything it bases its ideals on Greco-roman philosophy and principles.

    This is the reality but people like to fool themselves that there is something "righteous" and "godly(in the sense of being on God’s side)"about America when in reality it is nothing like that!

    The founding forefathers were mostly deist and reject the idea of divine revelation.
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  6. copperbean
    April 30th, 2010 at 03:45 | #6

    these are the same people who deny evolution and homosexuality, if they deny science, why not deny history too, eh.
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