
Archive for June, 2010

Mother Cow Report Card

June 30th, 2010 No comments

In one respect, possibly the best person to do a preliminary assessment of a cow protection program is an accountant, because of his or her training to evaluate performance in terms of names, dates and numbers. These factors reveal a lot about the quality of cow protection, even before the project is visited.

Let’s evaluate the Mother Cow program by a set of standards (abbreviated here) that I posted a year ago. The point here is not to attack Mother Cow, but rather by revealing positive standards of cow protection to promote the defense of Dharma in all cow protection programs.


1. The entire herd should be counted daily.

  • Whether Mother Cow follows this standard is unknown, but probably it would not be difficult at least to count the cows still being maintained at Mother Cow.

2. Every cow should have a name.

  • It appears that all Mother Cow’s milking cows have names, but it’s worth noting that the website doesn’t give names of any calves or bulls. Thus it’s harder to know what becomes of them, and less noticeable when they are missing.

3. Records should be kept with the name, sex, date of birth of each cow. When a cow or calf dies, the cause of death and date of death should be recorded. Annual records should be provided to members each year.

  • Unknown. Website does not specify whether members receive an annual cow census.

4. Calf mortality should be less than 10%. In the absence of proper records, this can be determined retroactively by seeing how many cows have been milking in the last 2-3 years and determining how many of their calves are still alive.

  • Website indicates over 50 calves born to 22 milking cows – yet Mother Cow states it is protecting only 12 calves. What happened to the other 40 calves?

5. Analyzed by sex, the herd should be approximately 50% cows, 50% bulls or oxen. If there are far more females than males, it’s a sign of a discrepancy – either in the organization’s incomplete understanding of cow protection, or in substandard protection for bull calves.

  • Website indicates over 50 calves born to 22 milking cows – yet Mother Cow states that it has only one bull and one ox. Of the total of 70 animals, only 2 males are currently protected by Mother cow (less than 3 percent). The oxen shown in the website’s photo don’t appear to be from Mother Cow, since all the cows are taurean breeds, but the oxen shown are Indic or Brahmin breed.

6. Any cow who has taken shelter on Krsna’s land or in Krsna’s temple should never be subsequently sold, traded, given away or killed.

  • Statistics show that several dozen cows are missing from the herd. We’re assured that bull calves are given to a Jain project where they will be “protected for life.” Out of site, out of mind. On one hand, if the Jain temple is protecting these cows, why not donate money directly to the Jains? On the other hand, getting rid of unprofitable cows by giving them to others makes Mother Cow’s claims of providing life-time protection unconvincing.


7. No cow should be bred for milk production alone, without plans for the resulting calf. No cow should be bred unless there is a clear and concrete plan for the care of the calf for its entire life, which may be 10-20 years. This means there must be adequate land, adequate funding and adequate trained personnel to care for the resulting calf.

  • The statement of goals indicates that cows are being bred primarily for milk production: “Our plans for expansion include the purchase of 6 acres of land (in addition to our present 3 acres of land), 40 milk cows.” Cows are not being bred to produce working oxen, nor is there any description of training the resulting bull calves, who appear to be simply unwanted offspring.

8. Cows should not be acquired based on sentiment alone. A goshalla should not allow itself to be exploited by those who “donate” animals with mixed motives.

  • Mother Cow cannot be accused of this flaw.

9. Milking should be a pleasurable experience for the cow.

  • Milking techniques are unknown. This is generally difficult to assess without being on-site. There seem to be enough cowherds to prevent the necessity of machine milking.

10. Milk production should not be developed primarily as a profit-making venture. “You say we must have a gosala trust, that is our real purpose. krsi-goraksya-vanijyam vaisya karma svabhava-jam, [Bg 18.44]. Where there is agriculture there must be cows. That is our mission: Cow protection and agriculture and if there is excess, trade. This is a no-profit scheme…

  • It seems clear that this project has been developed primarily as a profit-making venture, which is why most of the calves are missing. It’s simply not profitable to keep them. Profit-motive, especially in a competitive capitalist system, always endangers the welfare of cows. (See also my article, “Why Commercial Dairies Can’t Stop Killing,” Back To Godhead, Vol. 30, No 6, 1996.)


11. In general, all bull calves should be trained to work. As Srila Prabhupada stated, “If you do not use the bulls for plowing, one day you will say, let us cut their throats.”

  • Out of 70 animals, it appears that one ox is being trained to work.

12. No ox should be overworked or worked by force only.

  • Not relevant at this point, since no oxen are working.

13. In general, bull calves should be castrated by the time they are 1 year old, or whatever age is appropriate for that breed. This can be done with minimum discomfort by using a bloodless emasculator or burdizzo, which only pinches the semen tubes to achieve sterilization.

  • Whether oxen are castrated before being given to the Jains is unknown.


14. The cows’ living conditions should be clean and comfortable.

  • The 30 animals who have been permitted to remain at Mother Cow appear to have clean facilities. The living conditions of animals donated to the Jain goshalla are unknown.

15. All cows should have adequate shelter.

  • Again, the 30 animals who remain at Mother Cow seem to have adequate shelter. It is unknown what kind of shelter the other 40 animals have.

16. Adequate fencing should be maintained.

  • Apparently the fencing is adequate since the goshalla stresses that cows are not permitted to wander the streets eating hazardous garbage. Thus they are also protected from street injuries and from slaughter by rustlers.

17. Cows must be provided sufficient grazing opportunity. And, as stated by Bhismadeva in the Mahabharata, no cow should be kept always tethered.

  • Grazing opportunities unknown.

18. The program should maintain adequate pasture for animals. Generally the minimum would be at least 1/2 acre (1/4 hectare) per animal, preferably 1 acre per animal.

  • 30 cows on 3 acres of land means 1/10 acre of land for each animal, probably less, because buildings occupy some land. Mother Cow plans to purchase more land, but indicates land will be for 40 more cows (and presumably their 40 more calves). “Our plans for expansion include the purchase of 6 acres of land (in addition to our present 3 acres of land), 40 milk cows, 2 fully equipped barns…” It appears that to increase profitability of the dairy, conditions will become more crowded, not less crowded.

19. Cows should be sufficiently well fed.

  • It appears that the 22 milking cows are well fed. The conditions of the animals sent to the Jain goshalla are unknown.

20. Ideally, feed for the cows should be grown on site, not purchased from outside.

  • Given the small amount of land, most feed must be purchased from outside, but it appears from the photos that some is grown on site.


21. The goshalla should have an accurate and clear method of keeping accounts, and members should be presented with an annual statement of accounts.

  • It is unknown whether members are presented with an annual statement of accounts. Since the endeavor is set up primarily as a profit-making dairy rather than as a cow protection program, it seems doubtful that the standard of public accounting exists at this stage.

22. Ideally, funds collected for a goshalla or cow protection program should be kept separate from other accounts, such as that of a temple or community facility. Funds should not be invested in any speculative business enterprise.

  • Unknown.


23. Cowherds should be recognized as important members in the spiritual community.

  • Whether cowherd are regarded as members of the spiritual community is unknown. The fact that their photos are highlighted on the website seems positive. When cowherds are publicly praised, they take pride in their work. This usually results in better care for the cows.

24. Ideally, the goshalla should maintain a well designed program for training cowherds and ox-power farmers.

  • Training program for cowherds is unknown, but probably there is some program in place or the facilities would not look as good as they do. It is doubtful that there is a training program for teamsters, since most bull calves are sent away,

25. Cowherds should be facilitated and supported so they can have a decent, if simple, standard of living… Without proper training, facility and care of its cowherds, a cow protection program is threatened by constant turnover of staff and may eventually collapse.

  • Standard of living and rate of turnover among the cowherds is unknown.


26. A goshalla should use its cow protection program as a means of attracting the public to Krsna consciousness.

*Difficult to assess at this point.

27. Activities of the cow protection program should be highlighted on community websites and during religious holidays and festivals such as Gaura Purnima, Janmastami, Govardhana Puja and Ratha Yatra. The Deities can be read accounts of the activities of the year, not only how much milk or burfi was produced, but also how many oxen were trained, how much area they plowed, how much wood they hauled, how many bushels of vegetables they produced, etc ­ showcasing the offerings of the animals to the Lord.

  • Unknown.

28. A cow protection program should provide opportunity for members’ input and participation. This can be achieved through questionnaires, newsletters, workshops, and pre-festival meetings.

  • Members are invited to come to the farm, and they exchange letters at Mother Cow’s public website.


Though established primarily as a profit-making dairy, Mother Cow displays interest in some aspects cow protection. An informed membership can guide this interest to greater incorporation of the principles of Dharma, especially through proper protection, training and utilization of Father Bull, which will be more in keeping with the practice of Krsna consciousness.

Victor Epand

Categories: Public Death Records Tags:

For those against the Amnesty Bill….?

June 29th, 2010 20 comments

Like some shambling undead Thing from a horror movie, the amnesty bill we all thought buried with a stake in its heart has been resurrected. Once again it’s headed to the senate floor to wreak havoc. But this is the kind of summer sequel most people don’t want to see. Neither Democrats nor Republicans in Washington seem to understand — or care — how unhappy the American people are about this bill.
And we are unhappy about it… Many Americans are outraged by the idea of rewarding criminals by allowing them to keep what they took. While hundreds of thousands of people around the world patiently await permission to come to this country, or go home when their visas expire, illegals decided the rules didn’t apply to them. Allowing them to become permanent residents violates our sense of fair play almost as much as it violates our laws. We’re assured that they will be at the "back of the line" for citizenship… but that line is supposed to form on the other side of the border.
We’re unhappy about rewarding criminal behavior. We’re told that these illegals should be honored because they wanted to become Americans so badly that many of them risked death to come here. (We’ll just ignore the fact that money was probably the real motivation for most of them.) But becoming American must include showing some regard for American sovereignty, and American laws. Those who deliberately crossed our borders illegally or overstayed their visas did not show that respect. Many ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS falsify records and documents on a daily basis, supply false Social Security numbers to employers, and lie to obtain drivers’ licenses, credit cards and other documents. Moreover, those hundreds of thousands who marched protesting law enforcement waving mexican flags and holding signs saying "This is our continent not yours" didn’t appear to want to become Americans, did they? Why should we reward them for that?
We don’t like the idea of creating a huge permanent underclass of low-level workers, either. Once granted legal status, all those people doing "jobs Americans won’t do" won’t want to do them either — not at the low wages they’re currently paid. They’ll want better jobs, with better pay. Prices for agricultural products and construction will rise as employers are forced to pay minimum wage, but that’s not the worst effect of a mass legalisation. Competition for available jobs in other areas will rise sharply. Competition for many blue-collar jobs will force wages to dip towards minimum wage level, creating a sharper division between blue-collar and white-collar workers, or lower class and middle class. Unemployment and entitlements will rise, and taxes will follow. Class warfare and envy politics fueled by racial divisions — the staples of Democratic campaigns — will escalate, granting the Democrats a huge vote windfall for many years to come. The fact that so many Republicans (including the President himself) are willing to sign the death warrant of their own party is amazing.
Many people are unhappy about this bill because of the way members of Congress and the President tried to shove it through the Senate quickly, without time for the bill to be amended before debate. The Bill was introduced on Thursday 17 May, and a vote to open debate on the final version was scheduled for Monday 21 June. The bill was not even written in final form until that Sunday, and most Senators hadn’t even seen it by the time they were expected to vote, much less had time to draft amendments. Public outcry pushed back the vote to give Senators time to propose amendments and gauge public opinion. After the move for cloture — an attempt to bring the bill up for a vote — failed, the bill was removed from the floor. But President Bush, when attacking opponents of the bill didn’t work, pushed his supporters in the Senate to bring it back after adding some money for border security — the security that was mandated in a bill last year, and about which nothing much was done.
But it’s still the same terrible bill, which grants a de facto amnesty to millions of criminal trespassers (no matter what its proponents want to call it), allowing them to stay as permanent residents and bring tens of millions of new immigrants into the country. Thanks to Liberal "multiculturalism," many of those people will never integrate into American society. It’s like a home invasion on a massive scale, while the government’s response is to tell us we just have to live with our new housemates. And the border fence that was mandated in the Secure Fence Act of 2006 is still not built, which means that in another decade or so, we’ll have to go through all of this again. Before we decide what to do about the estimated 12-20 million illegal immigrants in this country, we have got to ensure that it’s the last time we have to deal with the problem.
Back in 1986, we were told that we would have real border security, in exchange for a one-time amnesty. Well, the politicians got their one-time amnesty. Now, we want our security.
Yeah, I realize its long, but its OUR country, and its worth it…
Hey Spazz or Spass or whatever your calling your next account that will pop up with the same question….you are so funny, wow….ya know what? Just call your senator and say no to the bill…ok?
Let me tell you this…The ILLEGAL mexicans are actually laughing at people like you. They will get as many Stupid American citizens to fight for their cause and when they inevitably take over the country, you will be singing a different tune. Let me ask YOU this….How does it make you feel when they go around waving their flag, burning our flag, and demanding that we speak their language let alone saying that this continent belongs to them….Let me ask you this? How fair is it that other LEGAL immigrants worked hard and patiently waited for their citizenship, only to have this crap thrown in their faces? These are people who fought/worked and sweat off their backs for this country, only to have these disease spreading roaches want to take credit? I think not… OH and let me TELL you this, I will GLADLY welcome a price raise in milk and Macdonalds burgers as long as they arent touching it with their dirty ecoli spreading hands….notice the increase in disease lately?
The above statement is directed to Greg P

Well stated. I completely agree with you.. Also, if this thing passes, imigrants are going to be flooding in and claiming amnesty. I’m kind of scared of all the chaos that will ensue.

What the ethical codes of conduct for MTV,especially their take on mobile phone audio, picture, and video?

June 29th, 2010 1 comment

With advanced technology comes responsibility. Lets talk about how someone used a cell phone to record the death of Saddam Hussein. With this recording device they then played it ad nauseam all over the world and within hours of his death a child in Texas and now it’s been reported in Egypt and other parts of the Middle East children have hung themselves to see how it felt for Saddam to die! Granted some experts are saying they didn’t need the visual to set them off, and that they may have been over the edge anyway, but does this give us the right to act in such an irresponsible manner? I think not. For these families to having to deal with their children’s demise it may have well been an explosive device that someone detonated right in the privacy of their own homes.
Now that anyone can become a common-citizen journalist with broadcasting power similar to large media companies, do we as responsible individuals have to follow the same code of ethics as CNN TV, Time Magazine, NBC TV,

Being nice.

i need help! any of u who are able to access public records such as birth, marriage, and death certificates.?

June 29th, 2010 1 comment

i really really need access to my ancestors records but every site i go to cost money and i dnt have any money at all, i need to get my indian card because if i can prove that im indian i can get into fort lewis for free but i need my ancestors info for that. can anyone help me get these documents for free?

You really need to give a little more info, such as what tribe of Indians are you descended from, what state or area, etc. Then perhaps we can direct you to the right place.

Which tribe are more peaceful, the Chicago tribe or the Zulu tribe?

June 29th, 2010 7 comments

Shaka Zulu

Shaka became King in 1816 and died in 1828. In the twelve years that he was King the Zulu nation became the mightiest military force in Southern Africa. Shaka was killed by his half bother Dingane kaSenzangakhona who stabbed him to death. He took the body and threw it in an empty tomb.

It was a tradition in Zululand that when a King dies, before he can be put in a tomb, people are executed (these people volunteered to die for the king or were forced) and put inside before him, but this went overboard later when Nandi died over 7,000 were executed "in grief",the Zulu clan.

But in comparison with other major cities, Chicago has an elevated murder total. For instance, in 2009, Chicago recorded 458 homicides and New York City 471 – when New York’s population is nearly three times as large as Chicago’s.

I will go with the Zulu tribe, they were savages, unlike the "highly educated" Obama supporters in Chicago

I think they are one and the same

The Universal Zulu Nation was a gang which I’m sure still has the remnants of a chapter in Chicago question?

June 29th, 2010 4 comments

My great-grandfather, Ignazio Messina (b. approx. 1895), died in March 15th, 1925 in Michigan. I’ve searched and searched for his death records but has no record even close to his name. Does this happen often? Can anyone else find anything?
Wife: Nardina Dibella (b. approx. 1895)
Pauline Messina,
Bertha Messina,
and Anthony George Messina (b. 1931)

So…. how is it that Ignazio died in 1925 and….. Anthony George was born in 1931 !!!!!

Could this be them, listed as StepChildren, in the 1930 Michigan census?

Name Age
Frank Sonsone 45
Leona Sonsone 28
Jack Sonsone 1 8/12
Mike Sonsone 9/12
Pauline Mesina 9
Tony Mesina 6
Bertha Messina 3 4/12

Has there ever been such a far left radical out of touch with the mainstream President as B Hussein Obama?

June 29th, 2010 17 comments

While in the Illinois State Senate, Obama supported homosexual marriage, racial preferences, the banning of all firearms, flag-burning, socialized medicine and the absolute right to abortion, including partial-birth abortions. He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive an abortion. He is anti-war, voted against the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act, against privatizing Social Security and opposes the death penalty, three strikes laws and school vouchers. He has no military service record. He strongly supports the decriminalization of marijuana.

Barack Hussein Obama was voted the most liberal Senator of 2007

because he lets muslims recruit in america.
because he tells the world how he hates us.
He is the first pres to side with the enemy we are fighting in 2 wars.
He is a chicago money changer for organized crime.
He is pushing a Godless Communist agenda and we won’t stand for it any longer.

How to obtain medical records of deceased relative from Florida?

June 29th, 2010 1 comment

I’ve lost 3 people in my family to a disease. I’ve been told to get their medical records for screening purposes regarding my own health and the health of my children. I’ve been able to get the records of all but one. This is my brother whom died in Florida in 2007. We are told the only people that can get the records are the three listed on the death certificate. I had one of them do this. Now, we’re being told differently – that only the person who filled out the death certificate form (his wife) can access the records. Currently she is already remarried and wants no part in helping. What is the law? Who exactly can get the records and how do we go about this without getting help from the wife? We are out of state. We also were told my doctor could not request these records without a court order showing "just cause" – family history of a disease is not a reason… so we are told. Please help.

I would suggest you hire an attorney who specializes in health and/or family law. Good luck.

Mother Cow Report Card

June 28th, 2010 No comments

In one respect, possibly the best person to do a preliminary assessment of a cow protection program is an accountant, because of his or her training to evaluate performance in terms of names, dates and numbers. These factors reveal a lot about the quality of cow protection, even before the project is visited.

Let’s evaluate the Mother Cow program by a set of standards (abbreviated here) that I posted a year ago. The point here is not to attack Mother Cow, but rather by revealing positive standards of cow protection to promote the defense of Dharma in all cow protection programs.


1. The entire herd should be counted daily.

  • Whether Mother Cow follows this standard is unknown, but probably it would not be difficult at least to count the cows still being maintained at Mother Cow.

2. Every cow should have a name.

  • It appears that all Mother Cow’s milking cows have names, but it’s worth noting that the website doesn’t give names of any calves or bulls. Thus it’s harder to know what becomes of them, and less noticeable when they are missing.

3. Records should be kept with the name, sex, date of birth of each cow. When a cow or calf dies, the cause of death and date of death should be recorded. Annual records should be provided to members each year.

  • Unknown. Website does not specify whether members receive an annual cow census.

4. Calf mortality should be less than 10%. In the absence of proper records, this can be determined retroactively by seeing how many cows have been milking in the last 2-3 years and determining how many of their calves are still alive.

  • Website indicates over 50 calves born to 22 milking cows – yet Mother Cow states it is protecting only 12 calves. What happened to the other 40 calves?

5. Analyzed by sex, the herd should be approximately 50% cows, 50% bulls or oxen. If there are far more females than males, it’s a sign of a discrepancy – either in the organization’s incomplete understanding of cow protection, or in substandard protection for bull calves.

  • Website indicates over 50 calves born to 22 milking cows – yet Mother Cow states that it has only one bull and one ox. Of the total of 70 animals, only 2 males are currently protected by Mother cow (less than 3 percent). The oxen shown in the website’s photo don’t appear to be from Mother Cow, since all the cows are taurean breeds, but the oxen shown are Indic or Brahmin breed.

6. Any cow who has taken shelter on Krsna’s land or in Krsna’s temple should never be subsequently sold, traded, given away or killed.

  • Statistics show that several dozen cows are missing from the herd. We’re assured that bull calves are given to a Jain project where they will be “protected for life.” Out of site, out of mind. On one hand, if the Jain temple is protecting these cows, why not donate money directly to the Jains? On the other hand, getting rid of unprofitable cows by giving them to others makes Mother Cow’s claims of providing life-time protection unconvincing.


7. No cow should be bred for milk production alone, without plans for the resulting calf. No cow should be bred unless there is a clear and concrete plan for the care of the calf for its entire life, which may be 10-20 years. This means there must be adequate land, adequate funding and adequate trained personnel to care for the resulting calf.

  • The statement of goals indicates that cows are being bred primarily for milk production: “Our plans for expansion include the purchase of 6 acres of land (in addition to our present 3 acres of land), 40 milk cows.” Cows are not being bred to produce working oxen, nor is there any description of training the resulting bull calves, who appear to be simply unwanted offspring.

8. Cows should not be acquired based on sentiment alone. A goshalla should not allow itself to be exploited by those who “donate” animals with mixed motives.

  • Mother Cow cannot be accused of this flaw.

9. Milking should be a pleasurable experience for the cow.

  • Milking techniques are unknown. This is generally difficult to assess without being on-site. There seem to be enough cowherds to prevent the necessity of machine milking.

10. Milk production should not be developed primarily as a profit-making venture. “You say we must have a gosala trust, that is our real purpose. krsi-goraksya-vanijyam vaisya karma svabhava-jam, [Bg 18.44]. Where there is agriculture there must be cows. That is our mission: Cow protection and agriculture and if there is excess, trade. This is a no-profit scheme…

  • It seems clear that this project has been developed primarily as a profit-making venture, which is why most of the calves are missing. It’s simply not profitable to keep them. Profit-motive, especially in a competitive capitalist system, always endangers the welfare of cows. (See also my article, “Why Commercial Dairies Can’t Stop Killing,” Back To Godhead, Vol. 30, No 6, 1996.)


11. In general, all bull calves should be trained to work. As Srila Prabhupada stated, “If you do not use the bulls for plowing, one day you will say, let us cut their throats.”

  • Out of 70 animals, it appears that one ox is being trained to work.

12. No ox should be overworked or worked by force only.

  • Not relevant at this point, since no oxen are working.

13. In general, bull calves should be castrated by the time they are 1 year old, or whatever age is appropriate for that breed. This can be done with minimum discomfort by using a bloodless emasculator or burdizzo, which only pinches the semen tubes to achieve sterilization.

  • Whether oxen are castrated before being given to the Jains is unknown.


14. The cows’ living conditions should be clean and comfortable.

  • The 30 animals who have been permitted to remain at Mother Cow appear to have clean facilities. The living conditions of animals donated to the Jain goshalla are unknown.

15. All cows should have adequate shelter.

  • Again, the 30 animals who remain at Mother Cow seem to have adequate shelter. It is unknown what kind of shelter the other 40 animals have.

16. Adequate fencing should be maintained.

  • Apparently the fencing is adequate since the goshalla stresses that cows are not permitted to wander the streets eating hazardous garbage. Thus they are also protected from street injuries and from slaughter by rustlers.

17. Cows must be provided sufficient grazing opportunity. And, as stated by Bhismadeva in the Mahabharata, no cow should be kept always tethered.

  • Grazing opportunities unknown.

18. The program should maintain adequate pasture for animals. Generally the minimum would be at least 1/2 acre (1/4 hectare) per animal, preferably 1 acre per animal.

  • 30 cows on 3 acres of land means 1/10 acre of land for each animal, probably less, because buildings occupy some land. Mother Cow plans to purchase more land, but indicates land will be for 40 more cows (and presumably their 40 more calves). “Our plans for expansion include the purchase of 6 acres of land (in addition to our present 3 acres of land), 40 milk cows, 2 fully equipped barns…” It appears that to increase profitability of the dairy, conditions will become more crowded, not less crowded.

19. Cows should be sufficiently well fed.

  • It appears that the 22 milking cows are well fed. The conditions of the animals sent to the Jain goshalla are unknown.

20. Ideally, feed for the cows should be grown on site, not purchased from outside.

  • Given the small amount of land, most feed must be purchased from outside, but it appears from the photos that some is grown on site.


21. The goshalla should have an accurate and clear method of keeping accounts, and members should be presented with an annual statement of accounts.

  • It is unknown whether members are presented with an annual statement of accounts. Since the endeavor is set up primarily as a profit-making dairy rather than as a cow protection program, it seems doubtful that the standard of public accounting exists at this stage.

22. Ideally, funds collected for a goshalla or cow protection program should be kept separate from other accounts, such as that of a temple or community facility. Funds should not be invested in any speculative business enterprise.

  • Unknown.


23. Cowherds should be recognized as important members in the spiritual community.

  • Whether cowherd are regarded as members of the spiritual community is unknown. The fact that their photos are highlighted on the website seems positive. When cowherds are publicly praised, they take pride in their work. This usually results in better care for the cows.

24. Ideally, the goshalla should maintain a well designed program for training cowherds and ox-power farmers.

  • Training program for cowherds is unknown, but probably there is some program in place or the facilities would not look as good as they do. It is doubtful that there is a training program for teamsters, since most bull calves are sent away,

25. Cowherds should be facilitated and supported so they can have a decent, if simple, standard of living… Without proper training, facility and care of its cowherds, a cow protection program is threatened by constant turnover of staff and may eventually collapse.

  • Standard of living and rate of turnover among the cowherds is unknown.


26. A goshalla should use its cow protection program as a means of attracting the public to Krsna consciousness.

*Difficult to assess at this point.

27. Activities of the cow protection program should be highlighted on community websites and during religious holidays and festivals such as Gaura Purnima, Janmastami, Govardhana Puja and Ratha Yatra. The Deities can be read accounts of the activities of the year, not only how much milk or burfi was produced, but also how many oxen were trained, how much area they plowed, how much wood they hauled, how many bushels of vegetables they produced, etc ­ showcasing the offerings of the animals to the Lord.

  • Unknown.

28. A cow protection program should provide opportunity for members’ input and participation. This can be achieved through questionnaires, newsletters, workshops, and pre-festival meetings.

  • Members are invited to come to the farm, and they exchange letters at Mother Cow’s public website.


Though established primarily as a profit-making dairy, Mother Cow displays interest in some aspects cow protection. An informed membership can guide this interest to greater incorporation of the principles of Dharma, especially through proper protection, training and utilization of Father Bull, which will be more in keeping with the practice of Krsna consciousness.

Victor Epand

Categories: Public Death Records Tags:

Has there ever been such a far left radical out of touch with the mainstream President as B Hussein Obama?

June 26th, 2010 No comments

While in the Illinois State Senate, Obama supported homosexual marriage, racial preferences, the banning of all firearms, flag-burning, socialized medicine and the absolute right to abortion, including partial-birth abortions. He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive an abortion. He is anti-war, voted against the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act, against privatizing Social Security and opposes the death penalty, three strikes laws and school vouchers. He has no military service record. He strongly supports the decriminalization of marijuana.

Barack Hussein Obama was voted the most liberal Senator of 2007

because he lets muslims recruit in america.
because he tells the world how he hates us.
He is the first pres to side with the enemy we are fighting in 2 wars.
He is a chicago money changer for organized crime.
He is pushing a Godless Communist agenda and we won’t stand for it any longer.

Categories: Illinois Death Records Tags: