Home > Alaska Death Records > One Intelligent reason to Vote for Your candidate? Vote 2008!!!!?

One Intelligent reason to Vote for Your candidate? Vote 2008!!!!?

If you watch Fox News(Rep TV) or MSNBC(Dem TV) you wont be able to articulate an Intelligent answer to this question seeing as you don’t get Intelligent information to start off with. =)

Im an Independent aka thinking voter lol.

So that’s the question who should i vote for… ill tell you right now when this all started i was stuck between Gov. Richardson(D-NM)[the only candidate with an international track record] and Sen. McCain[if he wants to go to war he knows first had how bad it gets] but then Richardson didn’t make it and McCain changed everything he believed in to appeal to his base, so is he a liar or is he a liar. i have a thing about liars. so that leaves me with this dude talking about change will he do it? he better! Im leaning real hard toward Obama.
Reasons i don’t like either

Obama, we all know this country is still very racist things could happen to him leaving Bidden in charge who is a washington insider and agrees fully with The RIAA who need to get over them selves i swear greedy, moral-less, capitalists will be the death of this country unless they manage to take the whole world down with them. oddly starting to come true.

McCain, first i don’t like liars but he gets off the hook because hes in politics. i like the old McCain a lot but this isn’t him. my biggest concern is HES 70 SOMETHING!!!! have you seen AL DAVIS!?!? owner of the Raiders picture him running a country that’s barely standing. he did just change everything he believed that’s not a good sign of mental stability…But the real reason i don’t want to vote for him is Sarah Palin… you gotta be kidding me that’s the most pathetic move to try and get Hillary supporters! and its so Pathetic because there were so many more qualified WOMEN he could have chosen. hes old like may die of natural causes any moment old… and from what she’s showing us so far she DOES NOT have what it takes to run this country in times like this. that’s nice about she ran po dunk Vill. a budget that involves a couple hundred things and a few million dollars is a WHOLE different world from millions and trillions nothing agisnt Alaska its not the largest places in the world population wise. I belive he can still change his Vp pick thats his best chance at winning this election. lol Sarah Palin hahaha and i thought it was gonna be the dems that did something stupid and gift wrapped it for the repubs lol amazing!! to say the least.

So tell me why you think i should vote for the same guy you are.

most repubs are scare of obama cause he going to raise tax’s for his programs- well since that wall-street bailout was passed- congress is going to have to raise tax’s- so being sacred of that should not be a real issue- all those programs that each candidate wants to put into law will not get passed.
who ever wins the president need to sit down and look at the laws on the books already and see if they can try to straight that out first.

look for me i keep coming back to the question and no-one has not answer it for me: Mccain been in office for over 20 yrs- so why all he said that he could do haven’t happen? He also said that he’s one of those type of guys that can cross party lines well what happen?
He claims that he can find Osama, well why haven’t he conveyed this message to his good friend bush, so the troops can get him.
another thing is with this drilling: well if they start drilling off the coast or in alaska- it’s going to take 10 yrs to get oil from the earth- ok since they knew that this oil was there why are they now talking about drilling when it probably was not even thinking about it untill it got worst. i remember when katrina hit and that week after it happen- gas went up then to- so why didn’t start drilling then?
about sarah parlin; her views scares the crap out of me- her abortion views, her reglious views. i believe in a time of need the women has the right to do with what she wants with her body. i really don’t want you preaching your religious rules on me.

most of the repubs are sacred of obama cause of his race, they been misled to believe he was muslin, arab and whatever—
these people need to realize that this nation was bulit on religious difference.
quite frankly the people that need to be sacred of is the indians who land they took right from under there nose and abuse them.
they also talk about mccain has experience to be president- just because he been in congress for 26 yrs- they way i see it he haven’t held that office- so he doesn’t have experience.
we need to think about this crap- the old way is not working give someone else a chance to get it right or mess it up even more.

all i know is voted how you think the candidate have your best intreast in mind- not on fear or race.
we going to have some long lean years coming up and who ever gets in will no be able to do in 2 or 3 yrs. it might come at the end of the presidency.

i like this been voting for someone different every time i vote and always got stuck with someone that didn’t or couldn’t do they job.

  1. imaspotter
    March 24th, 2010 at 12:51 | #1

    I haven’t caught McCain in a lie as yet. I have heard some things the media has taken out of context. Crap, that’s how they get you to listen to the news!
    McCain does tell you things you may not want to hear but I would rather have that than someone who says his minister is the greatest and then changes it after they find out he is a terrorist. What a joke that Obama is even a candidate for president.
    Now whats someone turn this into a racist statement! Personally I would like to see Condoleezza Rice run instead of Obama
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  2. Michael K
    March 24th, 2010 at 13:01 | #2

    Okay, this is more of a personal reason, but if you apply its importance to the US economy it might help. But maybe not, just being honest. I have always voted Democrat for pres. for one reason and one reason only. Car sales volume/profit are always better when there is a democrat as President. has been this way since we started selling cars. To me personally, my family has owned dealer groups for years, so the car business maintains my livelihood. But on a more national level, the car business maintains the livelihood of a huge percentage of americans. Not just those who build, sell, repair, but those who build sell repair for companies that build, sell, repair, for companies that build, sell, repair for companies….on and on. Get it? Like I said it seems like such a small thing, but in the long run it means a lot to a lot of people. I think Obama will help perpetuate this trend by his economic plans. People with a lot of money will tell you that it is stupid to take money from those with and give to those that don’t. We should instead give breaks to those with money and their companies. The thought is this, if we give breaks to companies so they might be more profitable it will trickle down to more jobs, etc. But most of that money just stays at the top. I live off of the money I bring in so I probably will pay more taxes with Obama. I’m okay with that because more people with money means more people buying things which means more demand for companies, products, etc. which creates more jobs which creates more people buying things which makes my pay go up more than it went down from increased taxes. Then it trickles up instead of hoping those at the top have enough moral fiber to trickle it down. I think we see where that gets us on Wall St. right now.
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  3. steve m
    March 24th, 2010 at 13:06 | #3

    Palin has more executive experience than Obama.I’m so sick of the argument that Palin was a political move of course she was its politics.What do you think Biden was Obama lacked experience and was weak in foreign policy.Biden is a seasoned senator and is supposed to be very strong in foreign policy.McCain needed youth and help with the women vote.McCains economic plan in my opinion is far superior.You can’t improve the economy by increasing taxes on small business.That is going to create job loss.
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  4. gcurry002
    March 24th, 2010 at 13:36 | #4

    most repubs are scare of obama cause he going to raise tax’s for his programs- well since that wall-street bailout was passed- congress is going to have to raise tax’s- so being sacred of that should not be a real issue- all those programs that each candidate wants to put into law will not get passed.
    who ever wins the president need to sit down and look at the laws on the books already and see if they can try to straight that out first.

    look for me i keep coming back to the question and no-one has not answer it for me: Mccain been in office for over 20 yrs- so why all he said that he could do haven’t happen? He also said that he’s one of those type of guys that can cross party lines well what happen?
    He claims that he can find Osama, well why haven’t he conveyed this message to his good friend bush, so the troops can get him.
    another thing is with this drilling: well if they start drilling off the coast or in alaska- it’s going to take 10 yrs to get oil from the earth- ok since they knew that this oil was there why are they now talking about drilling when it probably was not even thinking about it untill it got worst. i remember when katrina hit and that week after it happen- gas went up then to- so why didn’t start drilling then?
    about sarah parlin; her views scares the crap out of me- her abortion views, her reglious views. i believe in a time of need the women has the right to do with what she wants with her body. i really don’t want you preaching your religious rules on me.

    most of the repubs are sacred of obama cause of his race, they been misled to believe he was muslin, arab and whatever—
    these people need to realize that this nation was bulit on religious difference.
    quite frankly the people that need to be sacred of is the indians who land they took right from under there nose and abuse them.
    they also talk about mccain has experience to be president- just because he been in congress for 26 yrs- they way i see it he haven’t held that office- so he doesn’t have experience.
    we need to think about this crap- the old way is not working give someone else a chance to get it right or mess it up even more.

    all i know is voted how you think the candidate have your best intreast in mind- not on fear or race.
    we going to have some long lean years coming up and who ever gets in will no be able to do in 2 or 3 yrs. it might come at the end of the presidency.

    i like this been voting for someone different every time i vote and always got stuck with someone that didn’t or couldn’t do they job.

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