Home > California Death Records > alex jones-IMF OWNS YOU! (your birth certificate is traded on new york stock exchange)

alex jones-IMF OWNS YOU! (your birth certificate is traded on new york stock exchange)


Duration : 0:11:11

[youtube WRQM1Yab3-Y]

  1. rockpizzle
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:26 | #1

    @MrMickey2000 …
    @MrMickey2000 youtube.com/watch?v=e13ZiL3AKiI

  2. MrMickey2000
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:26 | #2

    if you have proof …
    if you have proof that birth certificates are traded on the stock market please feel free to email your info to me, cause I tried this and it doesn’t work . No wonder peeps take conspiracy theories as larks. mickeylearn@yahoo.com

  3. BrownEagle7
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:27 | #3

    This explains …
    This explains taxation, citizenship and the constant request for you to serve voluntarily less you end up on a government welfare camp as pawns for research (housing project) or homeless…

  4. trigg7171
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:27 | #4

    this info is 100 …
    this info is 100 percent right to my knowlege all would be wise to study and educate them selves on contracts and commerce there in lies the key to the MATRIX…COMMERCE,CONTRACTS AND CORPORATIONS…THE GAME IS DEEPER THAN ONE CAN IMAGINE…REMEMBER LEGAL IS NOT THE SAME AS LAWFUL…POLICIES AND CODES AND STATUTES ARE NOT LAWS =)

  5. DameDiabolique
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:28 | #5

    I typed in the red …
    I typed in the red numbers on my birth certificate into the New York Stock Exchange website and didn’t find anything. Could you send me a link to where I am supposed to type this in and if I am doing it right. I was born in Louisiana so I have a Louisiana Birth Certificate.

  6. MrFes888
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:28 | #6

    if you like to …
    if you like to reasearch,he are some numbers,21 03 11 wiipedi ,front 242

  7. kirsty34
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:28 | #7

    yes he is right!!! …
    yes he is right!!!! fight wth the common law not the court of the sea…become a freeman of the land

  8. OriginalTexcalibur
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:28 | #8

    Would love to meet …
    Would love to meet sometime as I am in the N/E part of NC. I have also did some research in this EXACT subject and found a lot of the same. I explain and explain to peeps, but they don’t understand that even though they are a “REAL” person, that the Corporation on THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA see’s them only as a corporate entity. I also recommend “The Corporation” movie to understand how we all got lost in all this “FICTION”. The Constitution has been suspended since 1933.

  9. fizzywool
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:28 | #9

    Demand the repeal …
    Demand the repeal of the 16th amendment

  10. fizzywool
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:28 | #10

    He is right
    He is right

  11. Eima59
    March 14th, 2011 at 12:28 | #11

    good info dude.see, …
    good info dude.see,,’freeman on the land’.

  12. Russell
    April 1st, 2011 at 00:35 | #12

    after a few failed attmepts and trying different numbers i ended up having to use the three digit registration number on my bc. go to fidelity.com>research>quotes>find symbol>select mutual fund and fund number>type in your number>some form of code will come up along with your fund number (registration number)>google that fund type/fund code along with your fund number to find out what this fund is worth, how long it has been in existance, as well as its performance since its inception. i did this, called fidelity to ask where the fund came from or how it was started, and they could provide me with no answers. they wouldnt even allow me to speak with the fund manager. WTF

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