Home > California Death Records > helping trying to find out where a relative is buried along with his first wife?

helping trying to find out where a relative is buried along with his first wife?

Hello All –

I am also trying to find out where a relative is buried and more information on his first wife . I’ve already posted a question in regards to his second wife .

His information :

Full Name : Archibald Wellington Seevers/Severs
born: October 6, 1868 West Virginia
died : April 24, 1943 in LA, California

parents : William Seevers/severs and Eliza E Curtis

siblings : not sure

married in 1888 to Emaline C Oliver in Marietta Ohio

on a 1900 census her name is listed as Emaline on 1910 her name is listed as Esuraline on the 1920 census Arch is listed as living as a border and a widow . I can’t find a death record for her

What I have on Emaline :

Full Name : Emaline C. Oliver
Born : 1871 ohio
died: ??

Parents :: ??

siblings :: ??

I do not know where she is buried or where Arch is buried , I also can’t find his second wife Lulu

I’ve already posted what information I have on Lulu

any help would be greatly appreicated


Are you sure you have his name and his mother’s name correctly.

There is a James Wellington Severs born on Oct. 6, 1868 at Pleasants, West Virginia, to the parents, William and Louisa Ellen Severs.
When you click, "View the record image." at the top of the page, scroll down to entry #76 for the birth info.

Here is a great link when looking up birth, death, and marriage certificates on West Virginia relatives.

I also found this: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Severs&GSbyrel=in&GSdyrel=in&GSst=52&GScntry=4&GSob=n&GRid=44715922&

  1. Mike
    May 31st, 2010 at 20:12 | #1

    Are you sure you have his name and his mother’s name correctly.

    There is a James Wellington Severs born on Oct. 6, 1868 at Pleasants, West Virginia, to the parents, William and Louisa Ellen Severs.
    When you click, "View the record image." at the top of the page, scroll down to entry #76 for the birth info.

    Here is a great link when looking up birth, death, and marriage certificates on West Virginia relatives.

    I also found this: http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GSln=Severs&GSbyrel=in&GSdyrel=in&GSst=52&GScntry=4&GSob=n&GRid=44715922&
    References :

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