Home > California Death Records > registering inherited firearm in California?

registering inherited firearm in California?

I live in California and recently found in my deceased father’s belongings, that were given to me, a handgun. I know it’s legal and registered under his name. How do I register it under my name? The only thing I’m worried about is questions on why I didn’t register it sooner. However, I just found it a few days ago. I never even knew I had it. I’ve never gone through my father’s stuff after he passed.

Do I need to go to the shop he bought it from? the court house? Do I need a copy of his death certificate? I’m not sure how to go about this. I have a clean record and nothing should prevent me from owning a firearm. I have the serial number too.

You do need a copy of his death certificate and if it was left in a will a copy of that, but go to the local police department and they will have a form for you to transfer ownership.

    March 27th, 2011 at 12:36 | #1

    You do need a copy of his death certificate and if it was left in a will a copy of that, but go to the local police department and they will have a form for you to transfer ownership.
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