
Archive for the ‘Wisconsin Death Records’ Category

Family Tree question!?

November 9th, 2011 5 comments

I’m stuck on my great-great grandfather on my family tree. i have his birth year, his death year, his social security number, and I know he was in world war one. Ohio (his birthplace) didn’t start keeping birth records until 1908 though. is there anyway I can find out the name of his father? He was born in Ohio, but lived & died in Wisconsin. I just want to be able to find his father’s name. I don’t really care about anything else.

His SSN application, $27, should have his father’s name and his mother’s maiden name. His death certificate might have them. His marriage record might have them. The article about his wedding in the local paper’s society pages, on microfilm in the library, may have them.

You could post his name, DOB and the places he was born in and lived in (town, COUNTY, state) here and someone might find him on the census. That isn’t as good as the SSN app, but it is free. It isn’t as good because if he lived with an uncle and called him "Dad" because his parents died when he was young, he might be on the census with relation "son" instead of "nephew".

Is there any landmark/area of land/place that has a history of making people crazy?

August 19th, 2011 4 comments

I don’t know if any of you have read/seen ‘Wisconsin Death Trip,’ but something akin to that. Are there any cities or areas of land that have a historical record of people going insane or an unusually high rate of murders?

This is interesting, but what follows is as much as I have heard on the subject.

1. The Santa Cruz Mountains in California have long had the reputation for either making people crazy or drawing crazy people to them. I read somewhere that these mts were avoided at night time by tribes living in the area prior to European settlers, for bad medicine reasons. It is said that people who are in love or couples, will break up one month after having a picnic or romantic trist in the area. In the 1970s, this area was the murder capital of America. The Santa Cruz MTS is also home of the "Mystery Spot" which is a long story. Plenty of serial killers like Ed Kemper had a body count in the area. During the drought a few years ago, two skeletal remains of women were found near the Lexington Reservoir on HWY 17/880 at two separate times, and they were estimated to have been there for 15 years or so. Also, the Atascadero Mental Institution is located in the Santa Cruz Mts. This place is known for dangerous road hazards and car wrecks, as well as:

2. Pacheco Pass, HWY 152, in Gilroy, California south of San Jose near Los Banos, has had long bloody history of battles between tribes and Spanish soldiers and murders as well as paranormal events such as hauntings and visions by otherwise normal people. The tribal people had lived there for centuries prior to the Spanish, and even today, it is said to be a spiritual place; there is a Pow-Wow there every year, the best in the region in my view.

There have been one or two books on Pacheco Pass. Psychic Sylvia Browne said she had had a bad vision of murders while driving there at night. There have been hundreds of car wrecks in the area since the 1930s and earlier.

3. Power Plants: Studies have shown that mental illness, cancer, and other ailments occur when homes and business are built at or near a power center or plant. The residue electrrical output that floods the area, for lack of a better explanation, has been associated with physical or mental problems. One McDonald’s Restaurant in Santa Clara, California had power lines and was placed next to a power plant, resulting in a range to employee-related problems from mental stress to auto-immune and fertility problems. I think OSHA or the EPA did a study on this phenomena years ago.

Hope this helps.

Do US Progressives and Unions follow the Fabian motto "Let your mouth deny what your hands are doing"?

April 14th, 2011 6 comments

Union/Progressive Protests are ugly, threatening, they work to scare / intimidate people into allowing a minority to push policy over the will of the Majority. Yet those entities and their operatives in the Media say Tea Party Protesters who do no damage, don’t take over buildings, clean up leaving areas cleaner than they found them without having to have that mentioned, because that’s just who they are … The Progressives call dangerous and thuggish. They call them racist, while there is no incidence of racism recorded except Progs like SEIU and obvious Prog infiltrators at tea party protests. Yet at the Union & other Prog protests A black man should be lynched, sent back to the fields, tortured, made to eat his own toes. Blacks who disagree with the Union Thugs told to get back on their side of the fence … just a bunch of language common at KKK rallies. Not totally surprising because the Progressives created the KKK, but they are trying to pretend they are not racist.

There are many incidence of assault & battery by Progressives. Bullying, intimidation, threats of death. Democrat politicians tell their Prog groups they have to go out and get bloody to get what they want. Democrat politicians often point at those who disagree with them and yell "You’re Dead!" like recently in Wisconsin, and Dead Fish Immanuel deserves dishonorable mention because he kind of typifies this mob like Prog behavior.

Yet in the Progressive Dominated media, it’s the Tea Party that’s dangerous, racist, anything bad they can think of. They completely ignore and dismiss the racism, violence, bullying, intimidation tactics, and general thuggish behavior of the left. They even have the idiot sheep trained. Damage to the Capital Building in Wisconsin? We didn’t see no damage, there is no damage …

"LET YOUR MOUTH DENY WHAT YOUR HANDS ARE DOING" Fabian Society motto for a group that uses corruption, violence and lies to push their goals. Be it no surprise that the Fabian Society created the Progressive movement in the US to help bring the US down and back under Anglo / British Control, as well as the rest of the world. Be not surprised that our Progressives work with Fabians to destabilize the Middle East, that the Fabians work with the Muslim brotherhood who stood back while Egyptians revolted, knowing they didn’t want the Muslim Brotherhood in control, until they had pushed out the Dictator, then the Muslim Brotherhood took it over. Not even allowing the hero’s of the Revolution to speak to the crowd of millions that the sick murderous head of the Muslim brotherhood addressed in his stead calling for death to Israel & the West.

The world is connected, the tactics we see here, and others see in other countries, are those of the ones who are directing the whole world into flames of the forge so they can remold it closer to their hearts desire. That’s the Fabian Society goal in a nutshell. Their own words.

Check out this info that helps put it together if you pay attention:
And don’t be surprized to know George Soros, "the man who crashed the bank of England" he brags. Convicted of Currency manipulation in France. Former Nazi Collaborator who said that was the best time in his life and he has no regrets … the man who Brags of bringing down 5 government systems though "revolution" and has his sights set on the US right now … he’s a Fabian, just one of the small ones. He’s a henchman for the Rothschilds. There is much behind George Soros you don’t see or hear about. Obama’s bestest money man pushing propaganda through dosens of organizations he funds and many he created. Don’t be surprised to know George Soros, is a Fabian Society member.
Socrates … read the links, that is the Fabian Society motto which they created. Let your mouth deny what your hands are doing. Kind of fits their Wolves in Sheep’s clothing organizational symbol. They say what they are all about. They are so confident of the stupidity of the common people of the world. Sadly the Fabians and Progressives dupes yelling in the streets prove they are right about so many.
Texas Liberaterian … the simple world is nice, but it’s not the real world. I wish with all my heart that it were. BUT going back to the human proclivity to bury our heads in the sand only leads to horrors in the world that could have been stopped had people not refused to believe what was right in their faces. Men like Churchill who were absolutely right are hated for the truth they see. If there is to be hope for us we must rise above putting our heads in the sand and hoping it will all be ok.

Of course – this is how we Public Uniion Employees retire as multimillionaires, while telling everyone we’re just "workin folks"


Climate Change Will Lead to 5 Million Deaths by 2020?

April 11th, 2011 13 comments

Scary huh, or is it. The World’s Worst Floods
1.Huang He (Yellow) River, China
Death Toll: 1,000,000 to 3,700,000
2.Huang He (Yellow) River, China
Death Toll: 900,000 to 2,000,000
3.Huang He (Yellow) River, China
Death Toll: 500,000 – 900,000
Flu. the 1918 – 1919 outbreak which killed an estimated 50 – 100 million people.
Malaria most likely is the the greatest killer of humans in history. Even today, the World Health Organization estimates that it kills 2.7 million people a year; WHO says that it kills 2,800 children a day
wildfires.Peshtigo, Wisconsin
October 8 – 14, 1871
More than 1,500 lives were lost and 3.8 million acres burned. The United States’ worse fire
Maine and New Brunswick, Canada
October 1825
Named after a river in Canada, the Miramichi fire burned 3 million acres and killed 160.
November 13, 1970
East Pakistan (now Bangladesh)

The deadliest hurricane on record struck East Pakistan, flooding the low lying areas. At least 500,000 deaths are blamed
October 7, 1737
Bengal, India

This hurricane killed at least 300,000
Haiphong, Vietnam

The Haiphong Hurricane killed approximately 300,000
So is the doom and gloom going to get alot worse or will it just be just as it has always been?
anyone notice that all these events happened before Jimmy ‘we’re really doomed’ Hansens socalled global warming?
edit tom
most of those are not due climate change
then why are the wildfires in russia, the floods in pakistan and all floods now because of climate change

People are dying from the cold in Europe due to global warming.

Is Newt Gingrich promoting the "death panels?"?

April 8th, 2011 2 comments

More than 20 percent of all Medicare spending occurs in the last two months of life. Gundersen Lutheran Health System in La Crosse, Wisconsin

has developed a successful end-of-life,

best practice that combines: 1) community-wide advance care planning, where 90 percent of patients have advance directives; 2) hospice and palliative care; and 3) coordination of services through an electronic medical record. The Gundersen approach empowers patients and families to control and direct their care.

So it’s okay if he suggests it, but not if it is a health reform policy.
as reported by Newt

Former Speaker of the House
Newt Gingrich

Newt Gingrich is the founder of the Center for Health Transformation and former speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives.
These words are a quote by fruit newt.

electronic medical record? does that mean we will finally know if clinton had a std? i mean they looked at obamas passport as well as you think records are safe?then we can also see if our neighbors are having abortions to! big government is such a great idea.

With the death threats, thuggery, and anti-democracy actions should unions be called Terrorist Organizations?

April 5th, 2011 9 comments

From: XXXX
Sent: Wed 3/9/2011 9:18 PM
To: Sen.Kapanke; Sen.Darling; Sen.Cowles; Sen.Ellis; Sen.Fitzgerald; Sen.Galloway; Sen.Grothman; Sen.Harsdorf; Sen.Hopper; Sen.Kedzie; Sen.Lasee; Sen.Lazich; Sen.Leibham; Sen.Moulton; Sen.Olsen
Subject: Atten: Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!
Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes
will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain
to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it
will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit
that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for
more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.
WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in
the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me
have decided that we’ve had enough. We feel that you and the people that
support the dictator have to die. We have tried many other ways of dealing
with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand
for it any longer. So, this is how it’s going to happen: I as well as many
others know where you and your family live, it’s a matter of public records.
We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a
nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn’t leave
it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the
message to you since you are so “high” on Koch and have decided that you are
now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship instead of a
demorcratic process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed
in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent.
This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won’t
tell you all of them because that’s just no fun. Since we know that you are
not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided
to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it’s
necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making
them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families
and themselves then We Will “get rid of” (in which I mean kill) you. Please
understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked
everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel
that it’s worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives
of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and
say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!


They SHOULD be called what they are…Terrorists.

Breaking News: Death threats to Wisconsin Republican Senators by unions members are released! Opinions?

April 2nd, 2011 18 comments

From: XXXX
Sent: Wed 3/9/2011 9:18 PM
To: Sen.Kapanke; Sen.Darling; Sen.Cowles; Sen.Ellis; Sen.Fitzgerald; Sen.Galloway; Sen.Grothman; Sen.Harsdorf; Sen.Hopper; Sen.Kedzie; Sen.Lasee; Sen.Lazich; Sen.Leibham; Sen.Moulton; Sen.Olsen
Subject: Atten: Death threat!!!! Bomb!!!!

Please put your things in order because you will be killed and your familes
will also be killed due to your actions in the last 8 weeks. Please explain
to them that this is because if we get rid of you and your families then it
will save the rights of 300,000 people and also be able to close the deficit
that you have created. I hope you have a good time in hell. Read below for
more information on possible scenarios in which you will die.

WE want to make this perfectly clear. Because of your actions today and in
the past couple of weeks I and the group of people that are working with me
have decided that we’ve had enough. We feel that you and the people that
support the dictator have to die. We have tried many other ways of dealing
with your corruption but you have taken things too far and we will not stand
for it any longer. So, this is how it’s going to happen: I as well as many
others know where you and your family live, it’s a matter of public records.
We have all planned to assult you by arriving at your house and putting a
nice little bullet in your head. However, we decided that we wouldn’t leave
it there. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the
message to you since you are so "high" on Koch and have decided that you are
now going to single handedly make this a dictatorship instead of a
demorcratic process. So we have also built several bombs that we have placed
in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent.
This includes, your house, your car, the state capitol, and well I won’t
tell you all of them because that’s just no fun. Since we know that you are
not smart enough to figure out why this is happening to you we have decided
to make it perfectly clear to you. If you and your goonies feel that it’s
necessary to strip the rights of 300,000 people and ruin their lives, making
them unable to feed, clothe, and provide the necessities to their families
and themselves then We Will "get rid of" (in which I mean kill) you. Please
understand that this does not include the heroic Rep. Senator that risked
everything to go aganist what you and your goonies wanted him to do. We feel
that it’s worth our lives to do this, because we would be saving the lives
of 300,000 people. Please make your peace with God as soon as possible and
say goodbye to your loved ones we will not wait any longer. YOU WILL DIE!!!!

yes the democrats are showing their true colors.

Have all of you read the Wisconsin death threats from the tolerant left?

March 30th, 2011 15 comments

“This is how it’s going to happen: I as well as many others know where you and your family live, it’s a matter of public records. We have all planned to assault (sic) you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head. However, this isn’t enough. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the message. So we have built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent…"

"We will hunt you down. We will slit your throats. We will drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square. This is your last warning."

Is this the new civility that Obama talked about in Tuscon?

Yes it is typical union tactics so no surprise here

death records fond du lac wisconsin?

March 27th, 2011 2 comments

Try this:

Adult, I got caught shopfiting at Shopko in Wisconsin. This is the first time and Iam scared.Please Help!?

April 11th, 2010 1 comment

I am a adult and got caught shopfiting at Shopko in Wisconsin. This is the first time and Iam scared don’t know what to do. Three people took me into a backroom and take down my name,SS#,address infos. Than call the police and he wrote me a $303 Court Citation. He said that this will be like a speeding ticket…. So what does this mean? I never gotten a speed ticket before. He said, just pay the citation on time and on the citation it said no mamdatory appearance. So, I didn’t have to go to court. It was my first time and scared to death. I don’t know why I did it and never do it again. I payed the citation a week ago. So if i just pay the civil demand and the store doesnt press charges or anything will this whole incident pretty much go away? As in I don’t have to worry about it anymore cause the whole thing will be over. If I had to do a background check or something in the future this would not show up right?
I am just really worried that this will come back to me somehow in the future and how this will affect me. And how do I answer in the job application if ask if I have commited a crime so forth. I didn’t go to court or to jail. Please! help me. I really don’t know what’s going to happens to my background record and if so how long or forever? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you in advance.

i wound not give him info and say i can’t say anything elese with out taking to my lawyer