I have a Legal Question?
My ex-husband died in 2006 in Florida. We share two children together. When he died I was contacted by his father telling me that he couldn’t handle his son’s last affairs without me signing and allowing his father to do so. I am not sure why I was the one that would have been responsible but I signed the necessary form. Years later I can’t find any public records on his estate. He still has assets in his name. There was a vehicle that was restored. His father and I had a conversation after his death. We came to the conclusion that the vehicle would be auctioned and the proceeds would be distributed among his children. To the best of my knowledge the process hasn’t been completed and I believe that the vehicle is still in possession of a car club that he belonged to. I am now wondering if there is any legal standing for my children or if there is a statute of limitations.
The process did not require your signature unless you were still listed as a beneficiary, however the next of kin would have been the children and not the father so he had to be assigned as executor in order to file for probate, apparently the property is sitting in limbo and nothing has been done, you need an attorney to stand in for the children and get their share of the estate.}{
i smell a rat.
i believe you should be in good legal standing for a case.
i’m not a lawyer.
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The process did not require your signature unless you were still listed as a beneficiary, however the next of kin would have been the children and not the father so he had to be assigned as executor in order to file for probate, apparently the property is sitting in limbo and nothing has been done, you need an attorney to stand in for the children and get their share of the estate.}{
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