Koran Burning — Does Obama’s Helplessness Mean that Everybody is Helpless?
Could Terri Jones be Held Liable if He Causes Harm?
Is the Proposed Koran Burning a Mass Tort? Could there be Liability if Harm Occurs?
This looks a lot like a slow motion disaster in the making.
Terry Jones, the pastor of the Dove World Outreach Center in Florida who is at the center of the Koran uproar, has so far resisted calls to cancel the bonfire.
President Obama and Eric Holder feel that there’s absolutely nothing they can do, apart from giving speeches, of course.
They have mis-interpreted the First Amendment, contrary to 230 years of US law, which is available in all law libraries. They feel that the First Amendment gives everybody an absolute right to say anything they want any time they want anywhere they want. They have decided to utterly disregard hundreds of Supreme Court cases that say that freedom of speech is limited (like every other right in the Bill of Rights).
One man’s right to free speech ends when that speech is highly likely to cause death or great bodilty harm to another person. Gen. Petraeus is on record in sworn testimony before the Congress that death or great bodily harm is the likely consequence of Terri Jones proposed speech act.
And yet the spineless, wormlike, Jellywaggle Blancmange Obamination — who has never seen any evil anywhere that he was willing to stand up to, says that he and Eric Holder’s hand are tied, there’s not a thing they can do — no injunction — no restraining order — not a thing — they are helpless.
Does that mean that every tort lawyer in the world is also helpless — and will be completely passive and inert if Terri Jones does his act and harm actually ensues.
See, then it’s not a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is about prior restraint by the Federal government, not about tort suits brought after harm has been done by private tort lawyers.
Terri Jones and his Church and possibly his congregation members who participate in his act might very well be liable in civil law for all deaths and injuries that occur as proximate results of the proposed Koran burning. If a jury is satisfied that act A caused result B, and that result B was a clearly foreseeable consequence of act A, and that harm was done, then liability can be imposed as a matter of civil law. It’s called a mass tort — where a lot of people are hurt from a single act done by a single party — Terri Jones and his Church.
I think there’s also a case for damages based on the costs of increased security precautions that had to be put in place as a proximate result of the conduct of Terri Jones. So it’s like the Balloon Boy situation. One person causes a costly mass alarm that imposes otherwise unecessary costs on officials and law enforcement and security professionals.
Between these two torts Terri Jones will be out of business.
I think there’s also a Federal law that prevents malfeasors from profiting from book deals they make based on their bad acts. There may be a Florida law as well.
The fact that the President is a Jellywaggle Blancmange does not mean that Terri Jones is completely beyond the reach of American and world justice.
If the bad act is done the bad Karma will come to Terri Jones. I speak as a former member of the American Trial Lawyers Association (now retired).
We are not helpless.
We are not spineless.
When we see evil, we do something about it.
To the many out there who simply have no idea what the First Amendment protects, I have this question:
If Terri Jones shouted "Fire!" in a crowded theatre, when there was no fire, would his speech be protected by the First Amendment in your opinion?
Do you feel that the Supreme Court of the United States, in 100 opinions dating back 70 years, might possibly know more about the First Amendment, and what it protects, than you do based on Civics 101 that you slept through in High School?
To Trader G.
Your characterization of my position clearly indicates that you did not read any part of it. If you had, you would know that my concern is force protection and for other Americans worldwide. Were you more circumspect and better informed, you would know that a lot of violence happened based on the Abu Gharaib photos, and the Gitmo Koran flushing. I know you will be there at Dover when the caskets come back from the extra Americans killed directly on account of the Terri Jones free speech occurance. You will explain to the families how Petraeus’ warning should properly have been ignored, and how the issuance of an injunction against Terri Jones would entail the complete and total cessation of all free speach by all Americans forever after. You will go on to explain that people always have a right to shout "Fire!" in a crowded theather when there is no fire. If somebody gets hurt — too bad. That’s the price we pay for an absolutist version of the First Amendment. Think!
The whole thing is blown out of proportion..
This man is only using his right to free speech, or do you want it like the E.U. ??
A hate speech crime to speak out against Islam. When that day happens you can get your burquas ready ladies or face being stoned.
Terry Jones is a racist who may start WW3. He should be arrested by the police. I don’t see why more direct action can’t take place!
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You obviously want us to pander to these infantile muslim reactionaries. The pastor is a kook but he is living in a free country. He should be laughed at for what he is doing but apparently some muslims lack a sense of humour. American flags are burned every day by wild mobs in places like Pakistan. You don’t see Americans threatening to send suicide bombers over there in revenge. Freedom to say what you think even if it offends others and respecting the right of others to offend you are two important American values.
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No , when we see evil we cringe in the corner and cry . I agree , there is always something you can charge a fool with .
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The whole thing is blown out of proportion..
This man is only using his right to free speech, or do you want it like the E.U. ??
A hate speech crime to speak out against Islam. When that day happens you can get your burquas ready ladies or face being stoned.
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So we are now officially bowing down to Islam.
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If this action were to be happening in my County and my Jurisdiction. We would not
be having this discussion. It would already be a moot point. All the Media would be
covering Obamas lack of insight on the economy.
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You fear retribution from the Muslim world because Terri Jones intends to exercise his constitutional rights. Everyone in America is entitled to voice his opinion even if it is unpopular. The fact that you are searching for ‘Blue River Laws’, to silence Terri Jones makes you spineless in my book.
You are an appeaser; you should take a lesson from World War Two and see what the Nazi’s did to appeasers. You certainly do not envelop the spirit of a patriotic American. Right or wrong; every American should be able to voice their opinion and you Sir; want to trample on the rights of everyone that you may have a disagreement with.
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George Bush technically wasnt spineless and look what happened?
After 8 years of creating conflicts having a guy that is as helpless as Obama is awsome!
PS: Terry Jones is a pedophile……
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