Home > Florida Death Records > Where can I get a free death record? *SORRY IT’S LONG*?

Where can I get a free death record? *SORRY IT’S LONG*?

January 20th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Okay, I’m having some issues here. My father…I mean…the man who donated sperm to make me. Sorry, but my father and I have never really had a whole lot to do with eachother. He chose drugs over being a real dad. The only reason we EVER had anything to do with eachother is because of my Abuela (his mom). She was one of the most wonderful people I have ever known. Anyway…back to my question. My father was very sick, contracted AIDS & cancer. He would always say he was taking all of the treatments but he constantly lied. Even about that. Last time I saw him he was very sick (he got extremely sick, not long after my Abuela died) and had even less to do with me. His girlfriend (another loser)…well, i wouldn’t put it past her to lie about something so serious. She called me back on…I believe it was October 13, 2007 and told me that my father had passed. I asked her what arrangements were being made for a funeral and all and she told me "none". That he was just going to be cremated and she was going to keep the ashes. Never asked my opinion (as his ONE AND ONLY CHILD) about anything. She had already decided and that was that. So i never argued the point, and never spoke to her again since that call. Anyway, like I said, he was a big drug addict, in and out of jail. Well, after he passed I called the jail to inform them (because he was on probation, and I didn’t want them going on a big search for him as they had done several other times as I was growing up, having bounty hunters or whatever on my doorstep asking me if I knew where he was). And they said "well, we need proof as in a death certificate. I said "okay, his girlfriend will have to deal with that one). Well, here I am a year and a half later, and I just decided to look up his name in the Florida Inmate Search website, and there is his mugshot (an old one), that says he is still under Supervised Probation until 7/2009. And the date says "Current as of 1/4/2009". So I’m starting to believe she actually LIED to me about his death!! I am very confused. Where can I get death records???? I don’t have much money right now (2 young kids, fiance out of work from MRSA, and a crappy economy) so I am wondering if there is anyplace I can look for FREE?

I don’t think that you can get anything for free. You would need to get the records from the town that he died in. I don’t think they are that expensive, but I do understand your money situation right now.

Maybe you can just call the town and tell them that you heard that your father died and if they can tell you if that is true?

Try googling his name with the word obituary after it…maybe something will pop up…or type death of__________(his name).

Hope this helps.

BTW, how is the fiancee?

  1. Mama Mia
    January 20th, 2010 at 19:30 | #1

    If he is under supervised probation that means that he has been reporting to an officer of the court for his probation requirements. You might be able to petition the court to reveal to you if he is in fact deceased or not. You would have to be careful about this because of privacy act provisions but you might be able to find out something if you can find a sympathetic person to assist you.
    References :

  2. S_Mgr *Mark’s Mommy*
    January 20th, 2010 at 20:11 | #2

    I don’t think that you can get anything for free. You would need to get the records from the town that he died in. I don’t think they are that expensive, but I do understand your money situation right now.

    Maybe you can just call the town and tell them that you heard that your father died and if they can tell you if that is true?

    Try googling his name with the word obituary after it…maybe something will pop up…or type death of__________(his name).

    Hope this helps.

    BTW, how is the fiancee?
    References :

  3. Srithar S
    January 20th, 2010 at 20:48 | #3

    you try your best
    References :

  4. wolverinn_2000
    January 20th, 2010 at 21:06 | #4

    If you can look him up on the florida inmate search it will tell who his probation officer is and it will usualy give a contact number so you can call and tell them you’r his son and tell them your situation they should be able to tell you if he is still alive or not with out breaking the privasy act.
    References :

  5. Michael O
    January 20th, 2010 at 21:53 | #5

    Ok, first things first. If you are his only child, and he is/was not married at the time of his death, then only you could make decisions about his burial/cremation/disposition. I would call the county recorder of the county he died in and find out where you have to request a copy of his death certificate. They will also tell you how much it would cost. THe cost will probably be about $12-$15 dollars. When/if you get the certificate, then you will see what mortuary handled the funeral. You will also see if a spouse was listed, and who the informant is. This is the person who gave the vital information to the funeral home. A girl friend is not a "legal next of kin" and is not legally able to sign for a cremation, or any type of services. You may be able to go after the girl friend legally, and possible criminal charges. At least you will be able to get your father’s cremated remains back, to do what you chose to do with them. This is a serious matter, and you should follow up with it. When you are dealing with the jail/court/probation system, you may only have to give them the record number, and place of death. You should not have to have to pay for a certified death certificate for their records. Good luck, and I hope this brings you some peace. I’m sorry my answer is so long as well
    References :
    I am a funeral director. Here in California, the Health and Safety Code 7100.1 deals with the order in which people have responsibility for handling the disposition of family members

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