Has there ever been such a far left radical out of touch with the mainstream President as B Hussein Obama?
While in the Illinois State Senate, Obama supported homosexual marriage, racial preferences, the banning of all firearms, flag-burning, socialized medicine and the absolute right to abortion, including partial-birth abortions. He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive an abortion. He is anti-war, voted against the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act, against privatizing Social Security and opposes the death penalty, three strikes laws and school vouchers. He has no military service record. He strongly supports the decriminalization of marijuana.
Barack Hussein Obama was voted the most liberal Senator of 2007
because he lets muslims recruit in america.
because he tells the world how he hates us.
He is the first pres to side with the enemy we are fighting in 2 wars.
He is a chicago money changer for organized crime.
He is pushing a Godless Communist agenda and we won’t stand for it any longer.
Tough. You’re stuck with him for the next 6½ years.
No legitimate organization voted him the mist liberal senator in 2007. LMAO!
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so,your saying this was better? PLEASE LOOK AT LINK….~. He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetus !!!!~ WHAT THE HELL DOES THIS MEAN??? YOU ARE THE PULSE OF AMERICA .RIGHT? YOU GENIUS
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Unfortunately he’s not radical or left wing. He is center-right. Start paying attention.
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Obama is not left , Obama is too far right wing conservative
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No, and there still isn’t. Oreobama is as close to the center as he can get without being a conartistive.
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Yes he was the President from 2000-2008. I believe his name was Bush, or something like.
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"Barack Hussein Obama was voted the most liberal Senator of 2007"
That’s a bald-faced lie, actually. The National Journal said this, and they said exactly the same thing about Kerry. No one voted about anything.
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Plenty. Check the House of Representatives. LOL to the pin heads who say he is a conservative.
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Hate to burst your bubble, but he wouldn’t have been elected by a majority if he wasn’t mainstream. A lot of us wanted a more liberal president.
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When you look at this question and similar questions and study the answers of the libs, you can see how the empty suit, moron got elected.
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And tomorrow, Obama will ban the sale of marshmallows and hot chocolate…
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because he lets muslims recruit in america.
because he tells the world how he hates us.
He is the first pres to side with the enemy we are fighting in 2 wars.
He is a chicago money changer for organized crime.
He is pushing a Godless Communist agenda and we won’t stand for it any longer.
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Really, no matter what your Fox masters tell you, Obama is very much a centrist.
While in the Senate:
Gay marriage: Nope. He has never been in favor of gay marriage, preferring civil unions.
Racial preferences: Nope.
Banning all firearms: Nope.
Flag-burning: Nope. Just because you support someone’s right to do something does not mean you support doing it. Intelligent people can tell the difference.
Absolute right to abortion: Nope. He said it was OK for states to make their own laws on late term abortions.
His vote on the misnamed "medical care for aborted fetuses" had nothing to do with the law, since there were ALREADY laws on the books covering it. That particular law had to do with allowing the parents to sue the doctor. That’s why it was called the Infant Liability Act.
All that other stuff you’ll find supported by even moderate/conservative Democrats.
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Every political expert in existence in American referees to Obama as a moderate or centrist. Your classification is way off the mark. Could that be bias or hate?
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Obama is a Loofah as in a an A-Loofah , It all points to the fact thats plain as day , Obama is only here to push a behind the scenes agenda pulled by strings not yet seen .
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Obama and Biden were also voted as two of the most wasteful spenders as Senators by CAGW ———–Citizens against Government Waste
No never in our history has there been he even makes Carter , Clinton,& Wilson look good
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May God Bless you and keep us all safe from the progressive axis of evil,0bama,Pelosi&Reid