What do you think about?
the mother who helped her 6 yr old daughter write a false essay about the death of the child’s father in Iraq so that she might win tickets to a Hannah Montana show? Her excuse … she was just trying to help her daughter have a nice birthday. The child won but a search of military records proved that it was ficticious. Should she lose her tickets or not?
Yes, she should lose her tickets unless the essay could be about an untrue story. If the story did not violate the guidelines, then she can keep them. But the lesson that Mom is teaching is that it is okay to tell lies as long as it meets your means.
Categories: Montana Death Records Essay, Excuse, Hannah Montana, Iraq, Military Records, Mom, Untrue Story
Yes, she should lose her tickets unless the essay could be about an untrue story. If the story did not violate the guidelines, then she can keep them. But the lesson that Mom is teaching is that it is okay to tell lies as long as it meets your means.
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Of course she should lose the tickets!! If there was a way I think that both her and her mom should have some kind of charges brought against them.
There is no excuse for lying about something as heart breaking as losing a loved one in the war. For those people that have actually lost someone in the war, it is a slap in the face to have it used as a ploy to win something.
Shame on them!!
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By all means, she should lose the tickets. What about a child who has truly lost her father? Give them to a child who has really suffered a loss, not to a mom who just tried to cheat her way to some free tickets. The essay was supposed to be on why you deserved tickets to see Hannah Montana, and that’s not what they did. The mother should have bought her daughter some tickets herself if she wanted to give her a nice birthday. If not, she always could have helped her daughter write an honest essay. All she did was teach her daughter to cheat and lie. Shame on her. I do feel sorry for the little girl, as she didn’t know she was doing anything wrong. But since he mother clearly isn’t going to teach her right from wrong, maybe losing her tickets for lying will get the message through to her.
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The girl didn’t even write the essay – her MOTHER did! And when asked about what happened to her husband, the mother said he died in a roadside bombing – she did NOT say it was a fictitious story. It’s clear that saying she meant it to be fiction was just a coverup.
Club Libby Lu (the business that ran the contest) did NOT state that it had to be a TRUE essay. Therefore it’s Club Libby Lu’s fault. The mom was honest when asked if the story was true. She said "No. They didn’t say it had to be." Too bad for Club Libby Lu they need to cough up those tickets.
I know I got a thumbs down because everyone in the world is always looking to start darma. Oh take the little girls tickets away!! Gimme a break. She’s 6! she wrote a heartbreaking ESSAY based on something thousands of other little girls go through. The contest didn’t say to write a TRUE essay. Maybe they will be more careful with their rules in the future.
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Yes, she should lose their tickets. There’s little girls out there who really did lose their fathers in Iraq, so that’s just wrong.
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She should loose her tickets and her mother should be required to pay back the organization for the cost of her lying.
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No. She should not lose her tickets.
It might not have been her true story, but it could have been someones. Think about how many people have lost family members in Iraq, someone has to tell the story.
Don’t be bitter, because she won. She’s a six year old, let her be happy. There will be other contests, and I am sure that the people sponsoring the next one will make sure to cover all bases.
Fictional authors write about someone else’s issues all the time, and they are put on bestseller list, and rewarded for it! She done nothing but help her child accomplish and win something that she wanted.
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I feel sorry for that child, as her mother is not setting a good example for her at all. I think her mother is one sandwich short in her Picnic Basket too!! lol! She better lose her tickets or she might get beat up at the show!! lol!
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