Home > New York Death Records > Did the people from New Orleans move to NYC?

Did the people from New Orleans move to NYC?

TV news coverage from New York is buzzing with the "peoples’ outrage" that Bloomberg and the "government" hasn’t come to "help us yet".

Pictures show NO ONE going out in front of their homes to shovel snow. They are inside just WAITING TO BE TAKEN CARE OF. Isn’t this what led to the death of fools in New Orleans, people sitting around doing nothing to take care of THEMSELVES?

We had record snow last year, and 3 neighbors and myself used our snow blowers to clear the majority if our street and sidewalks. How come the people in NYC aren’t doing anything?
Even if you live in an apartment, if everyone went out and shoveled the sidewalk in front of their building (only), then they could get around.

I’m also talking about the pictures where people dug around their cars, but not the street. I’m just saying… 3 days after the fact, it becomes APPARENT that you need to take some action yourself.

NYC had more snow than snowplows could manage, and the mayor apologized. Also, using your idea (rant?) of people shoveling the streets, where then, would they put the snow as they shovel it?

Your statement: "Isn’t this what led to the death of fools in New Orleans, people sitting around doing nothing to take care of THEMSELVES?", shows how extremely naive you are. There is nothing foolish about being trapped on your roof while sudden – and massive – torrents of water inundate your neighborhood.

  1. Liddel
    March 21st, 2011 at 11:18 | #1

    It’s difficult to garage a snowplow or even a snow blower in an apartment.

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  2. A.B.
    March 21st, 2011 at 12:03 | #2

    So… if you’re stranded on top of the roof of your house, you’re supposed to make it on your own, Survivor style?
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  3. Been There
    March 21st, 2011 at 12:40 | #3

    NYC had more snow than snowplows could manage, and the mayor apologized. Also, using your idea (rant?) of people shoveling the streets, where then, would they put the snow as they shovel it?

    Your statement: "Isn’t this what led to the death of fools in New Orleans, people sitting around doing nothing to take care of THEMSELVES?", shows how extremely naive you are. There is nothing foolish about being trapped on your roof while sudden – and massive – torrents of water inundate your neighborhood.
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  4. Rodney W
    March 21st, 2011 at 13:10 | #4

    holy molely I need to move to New Orleans so bad. I am gonna hitchhike or jump a box car to get there. The opportunities for a merchant seem endless. Lets see the pros and cons. Here are my pros …

    * Building a petro-refinery product based business will be easy there, itll be BIG EASY!

    * The climate is warm, so if i end up homeless (again) at least I wont have to worry about freezing my balls off.

    * The export/import commerce infrastructure looks ideal.

    * Most of the hard working rabbits like me are gone, so the wolfs are weak from starvation ie,
    – cannibal litigation lawyers
    – donald trump wanna be real estate blood suckers
    – money from fear @#$% @#$% politicians and judges

    Here are the cons …
    * Limited social services, so what, I know how to fish and hunt

    * Rabid Cajuns, hmm, I’ll learn to speak their language and maybe hire a few.

    * It gets very windy and rainy sometimes, maybe floods, so what, I wont live in a house made of sticks or straw.

    * Voodoo and vampires, hmmm, Ill get a crucifix necklace and a good luck charm

    WOW!!! I need to get packing.
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