Which tribe are more peaceful, the Chicago tribe or the Zulu tribe?
Shaka Zulu
Shaka became King in 1816 and died in 1828. In the twelve years that he was King the Zulu nation became the mightiest military force in Southern Africa. Shaka was killed by his half bother Dingane kaSenzangakhona who stabbed him to death. He took the body and threw it in an empty tomb.
It was a tradition in Zululand that when a King dies, before he can be put in a tomb, people are executed (these people volunteered to die for the king or were forced) and put inside before him, but this went overboard later when Nandi died over 7,000 were executed "in grief",the Zulu clan.
But in comparison with other major cities, Chicago has an elevated murder total. For instance, in 2009, Chicago recorded 458 homicides and New York City 471 – when New York’s population is nearly three times as large as Chicago’s.
I will go with the Zulu tribe, they were savages, unlike the "highly educated" Obama supporters in Chicago
I think they are one and the same
The Universal Zulu Nation was a gang which I’m sure still has the remnants of a chapter in Chicago
zulus, at least they don’t fight during the rainy season
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not the maras salvatrucha
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I can assure you that the most peaceful tribe is not one of the White Tribes!
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I thought the tribe was in Cleveland…..
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Hey don’t dis Chicago, Chicago and everyone in it is awesome. Chicago is where i live. its my hometown.
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Admit it. you’re jealous of me
The zulu. They don’t bother anyone unless you bother them first.
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I think they are one and the same
The Universal Zulu Nation was a gang which I’m sure still has the remnants of a chapter in Chicago
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