Confidential Address Programs: What Every Domestic Violence & Stalking Victim Should Know
If you are a victim of domestic violence or stalking and you are considering using a state offered confidential address program or if you are considering an identity change, there is some information that you must know before you utilize these programs.
It is important that all victims of stalking and domestic abuse become informed of the pitfalls surrounding state offered privacy protection programs before making a decision that may jeopardize their safety and the safety of those that they love.
There are many victims of crime relying upon these programs living with a false sense of security.
These programs have their weaknesses and can be penetrated by abusers and stalkers- and they are often. Even experienced high-tech investigators and members of law enforcement fall prey to breaches of their privacy.
Surviving domestic abuse and stalking is challenging; however, being prepared and familiar with the resources available today regarding privacy protection makes the pathway to freedom much easier.
There are 19 confidential address programs within the United States. California is one of the 19 that offer the confidential address program to victims of crime.
There are many misconceptions in regards to the programs privacy protection. Victims and their family members should not rely upon the program as their only defense mechanism to protect their privacy. Here are only a few of the reasons why.
1. Confidential address programs do not allow for victims to have packages delivered to their private mail box accounts, this also includes certified mailings and letters. These types of packages will be returned to sender. This can be alleviated by opening a private mail box account with a UPS Store or similar mail receiving station because these entities will receive certified letters, packages and other deliveries that the state confidential address programs won’t.
2. Utility records including water, gas, electric, cable bills will have the victims name, physical address location as well as the confidential mailing address on file. This is cause for concern because then the victim’s new “confidential private address” is co-mingled with the crime victim’s actual physical location which may allow for a breach of the victims privacy. Presently, California law makers are reviewing legislation that will provide for privacy mechanisms for victims of crime pertaining to utility accounts.
3. Property ownership records and related information is not private. Victim’s utilizing the confidential address program must take caution and note that their real estate property ownership records are public records and available to anyone including convicted felons, stalkers and domestic abusers. Property records are compiled county by county state by state and many of these records are available on-line through the county recorder clerk’s office. Victims of crime, law enforcement, prosecutors and other vulnerable members of the public should not have to live in fear. Legislation is presently being reviewed to help safeguard property records for these vulnerable groups.
These are only a few of the pitfalls involved with the use of the confidential address program. A victim’s privacy is often a matter of life and death, that is why it is very important for victims and their loved ones to be informed of the pitfalls of these types of privacy protection programs before they rely upon them as there only source of privacy protection.
If you or a loved one is a victim of crime and would like to learn more about privacy protection programs contact Alexis A. Moore, cyberstalking and privacy protection expert for more information on what you can do today to safeguard your private information from 3rd parties.
No one should have to live or work in fear!
Alexis A Moore
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