
Posts Tagged ‘Little Girl’

Does this spoiler in doctor who sound right?

August 1st, 2011 1 comment

In the new series i think i have a really cool explanation!
Hope you understand and tell me if there is anything wrong with my theory or anything I could add in.
Rivers time line:
1. Melody is born on demons run and is taken. Future river tells the doctor she knows that he will find her.
2. The doctor has not found melody at this point and melody is sent to the house (where amy saw the photos) and was being looked after by the silence (the eye patch lady was working for the silence)
3. Utah- Melody is forced by the silence to shoot the doctor- twice (for somthing the doctor did to
the silence (or eyepatch lady) maybe expose them?
4. Melody is given a eyepatch to wear (explains the trailer) so she can see and record the silence to remember
5. Melody is found by the doctor (when she was adult, abit like Amy)
6. Random adventures with the doctor
7. UTAH- Doctors death
8. Random adventures then, the libary
BUT the doctor does not die. He is the flesh from the almost people.
More proof- In The impossible astronaught the Little girl (melody) knew about the silence and was scared of it and told nixon to turn around. Nixion replyed with (there is nothing behind me" in other words, he forgot. So… melody only know about the silence because she is forced to work with them. and she has a hotline to the president cause if the silence can get into washington D.C building, I’m sure they can get the number!

I have no idea what your trying to say so ill try to breack it down by bits and comment okay
1. yes the future river tells the doctor she knows that he will find her
2. okay maybe she is sent to the house but who took these photos the silence? okay she could be right i understnad that cause the silence is the ones who are making her kill the doctor and the eye patch lady was the one who helped melody being born
3. but the silence ordered their own death so I dont understand how the now doctor gets killed cause every time a human sees a silence they have to kill them so how did the steal the technology to make melody’s suit?
4. yes so shes makes her escape to live alone and then for the doctor to find her but where did she get the eye patch from?
5.yes shes found ect
6. yep but what I dont get is how they are like going different way she always knows him more
7. yep but i will repete what I said in statement 3. the silence ordered their own death so I dont understand how the now doctor gets killed cause every time a human sees a silence they have to kill them so how did the steal the technology to make melody’s suit to control her to kill the doctor
8. yep the libray when he is young and shes had a life time with him and shes just meeting the really young doctor
(but part) so your thinking the flesh from the almost people died and the real doctor was safe somewhere?
(more proof part) yes shes calling him to warn him and this also warns amy and then the doctor who defeats them

SO ARE YOU TRYING TO IMPLY that the furture doctor is not dead?

Felony DUI in california? Whats going to happen to me?

March 8th, 2010 5 comments

I received a felony DUI in california last friday. I destroyed my car, and their car. I had full coverage, and It will be covering everything. They had "Minor injuries". And I was arrested on the spot for a DUI and was charged with a felony, I go to court on tuesday.

Im a 21 year old white male. I have been working full time since I was 17, I have a GREAT job now, and well, I had a clean, perfect life up until last friday. I have never been in trouble before in my life, I have never been arrested or anything of that nature, I have a perfectly clean record. What is going to happen to me? Its a felony, which is worse than a regular DUI. And well. I wont even lie, Im scared to death right now that I might have to go back to jail, Its the worst hellhole I have ever been in in my life, I wont even lie, the entire 24 hours I was in there I was crying like a little girl. Im out on bail right now, which cost me $4500, because it was a $45,000 bail. If I go back, I’ll lose my job. I wont be able to pay my bills, it will destroy my credit, and I will lose my entire life pretty much……. Does anyone know whats going to happen to me when I go to court? If you have any information please tell.

You’re going to probably be found guilty of felony DUI; worst case probably a few days in jail; suspended license, big fines, and maybe lose a job.

To the guy at the bottom; Judges are giving felony DUI drivers weekend jail time as a matter of course in a lot of states and stiuations.

I’d get a good lawyer and hope.