
Posts Tagged ‘Public Records’

Birth and death certificates public record?

October 25th, 2011 1 comment

I have heard that birth and death certificates are public record yet its so darn hard to find them and when ya do you have to pay to see them. I dont want a copy sent to me i just want to see them. My boyfriend was in jail and his mother commited suicide. We have nol idea where she is buried or even the day she died. It must be very hard on him not knowing where his mothers body was laid to rest. I want to ask him about it but i know he is hurt over the whole thing. So does anyone know where i can find public records on a persons death online?

You must write in your request to the local state requesting birth and death certificates.

a family member of hers might be able to access this certificate but you’re not authorized.

government owned websites contain instructions on how to access these records. learn more:

How to Use Specialized Web Resources to Conduct a Public Records Search

October 4th, 2011 2 comments is a great website to visit if you are browsing maryland vital records, there you will find lots of tips that will help you through this search in order to save time and money.

Duration : 0:1:55

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I have a legal question!?

August 6th, 2011 1 comment

My ex-husband died in 2006 in Florida. We share two children together. When he died I was contacted by his father telling me that he couldn’t handle his son’s last affairs without me signing and allowing his father to do so. I am not sure why I was the one that would have been responsible but I signed the necessary form. Years later I can’t find any public records on his estate. He still has assets in his name. There was a vehicle that was restored. His father and I had a conversation after his death. We came to the conclusion that the vehicle would be auctioned and the proceeds would be distributed among his children. To the best of my knowledge the process hasn’t been completed and I believe that the vehicle is still in possession of a car club that he belonged to. I am now wondering if there is any legal standing for my children or if there is a statute of limitations.

Unfortunately your genuine claim is barred by statute of limitations.

I have a Legal Question?

August 1st, 2011 2 comments

My ex-husband died in 2006 in Florida. We share two children together. When he died I was contacted by his father telling me that he couldn’t handle his son’s last affairs without me signing and allowing his father to do so. I am not sure why I was the one that would have been responsible but I signed the necessary form. Years later I can’t find any public records on his estate. He still has assets in his name. There was a vehicle that was restored. His father and I had a conversation after his death. We came to the conclusion that the vehicle would be auctioned and the proceeds would be distributed among his children. To the best of my knowledge the process hasn’t been completed and I believe that the vehicle is still in possession of a car club that he belonged to. I am now wondering if there is any legal standing for my children or if there is a statute of limitations.

The process did not require your signature unless you were still listed as a beneficiary, however the next of kin would have been the children and not the father so he had to be assigned as executor in order to file for probate, apparently the property is sitting in limbo and nothing has been done, you need an attorney to stand in for the children and get their share of the estate.}{

How can I obtain the details of the death and cremation of someone in who died in California?

July 26th, 2011 6 comments

This person died in Oakland, Ca, in 2005. I have date of birth, death and full name and want to find the details of his death (by natural causes) and particularly the location of his ashes. I want to use public records and not a paid service.

You can write to the Alameda County Clerk-Recorder and buy an informational copy of his death certificate:

"Public" doesn’t mean "free"; it just means "Available". By contrast, most adoption records and the details of some civil suits are "sealed". That means you cannot buy copies no matter what.

It is $14, something they hide on a different page,

for their own convenience. Government web designers don’t have to think of the public’s convenience.

Even then the death certificate may not reveal where his ashes are; they may have given them to the family, and the family may have scattered them somewhere illegally.

It is illegal to walk through a wilderness area, for instance, a place the deceased spent many a happy hour backpacking, and scatter his ashes here and there, paying particular attention to patches of lupine. My son has promised to do that for me, and fiddle dee dee to the USFS.

Are peoples wills public records in all states?

April 22nd, 2011 1 comment

I am not sure if anyone knows the answer to this. My father died in the state of California in 2004, and my sister and live in Pennsylvania. He hadn’t been in contact with us for years, before he got sick very quickly and died. My sister and I had no relationship with the controlling woman he was married to. Any questions asked her were not answered, and we let it go. We have since learned the wife has dementia. Not sure where she is. My sister and I are trying to find out if my father had a will or whats happening to the property out there? We have heard just recently through friends of my fathers out there, that the property is deteriorating and no ones been around the house for awhile. I would like to know what is public record out there and can I find it online? Such as property tax. if the house is paid off. Up for sheriff sale? Or if he had a will. Our father was cremated and my sister I know his ashes are there somewhere in the house. If nothing else we would like to at least get his ashes,and bring them home, but before we would go out there, we want to make sure the house isn’t getting sold for back taxes. We don’t know who his lawyer was and we are basically stuck trying to find out information. Any help someone could give me as to guide me in the right direction would be appreciated. I was able to at least get his death certificate, but that’s about all.

If your father had a will and it was probated then it is public record. Call the probate court in the county in which your dad lives and ask if there was an estate opened under his name. Also, if you have the address of the property you can get a title company to check for a nominal fee to see if the property is in your dad’s name still. If it is, and there has been no estate opened, and you cannot find a will, then his next of kin are entitled to the property.

Wills and Death Benefits is it Public Record.?

April 14th, 2011 3 comments

My Granddad past away in 1973, he worked for the Rail Road. How could I find out where his death benefit went to whom it may of been given. Also if there was a will at time of death. Would this all be public Record.

Wills are public records. Death benefits and beneficiaries of life insurance or annuities, are not.

How to research the cause of a friend’s death?

April 5th, 2011 2 comments

Had a weird dream so I went online to look up an old friend. Discovered that he died in 2004.

I would like to find out what happened….

Not interested in making contact with the family.

Is there any way I can find out cause of death via public records? If so, how do I go about it?

See if the local newspaper (where he died) has an olline archive search, you may be able to read either a news story (if an accident) or an obit that gives more details.
If you have the actual date he passed you might be able to search town records – but would almost certainly have to do that in person.

which is the best uk public records site?

April 2nd, 2011 3 comments

does anyone know the best site for obtaining electoral roll, births, marriages and death records in the uk between 1969 to now

this is just about the best one run by the government has births deaths marriages and just about everything on it

Have all of you read the Wisconsin death threats from the tolerant left?

March 30th, 2011 15 comments

“This is how it’s going to happen: I as well as many others know where you and your family live, it’s a matter of public records. We have all planned to assault (sic) you by arriving at your house and putting a nice little bullet in your head. However, this isn’t enough. We also have decided that this may not be enough to send the message. So we have built several bombs that we have placed in various locations around the areas in which we know that you frequent…"

"We will hunt you down. We will slit your throats. We will drink your blood. I will have your decapitated head on a pike in the Madison town square. This is your last warning."

Is this the new civility that Obama talked about in Tuscon?

Yes it is typical union tactics so no surprise here