Home > Alaska Death Records > The coldest winter on record, most people in the northern U.S. can’t even go out of their houses. Ice Age?

The coldest winter on record, most people in the northern U.S. can’t even go out of their houses. Ice Age?

February 7th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

The global warming police have gotten to the point that they need a good beating. People freezing to death all over the United States with the coldest temperatures ever. They can’t even leave their houses. I recently tried to walk by Long Island Sound and it was so cold I thought I was in Fairbanks, Alaska. The wind chill must have been -70. How can that bastard Al Gore and his henchmen continue to beat the drums of global warming continue to beat the drums of global warming when it’s so obvious that it has never been colder since records have been kept. Record cold this year in Florida with freeze warnings all over the state for the last 3 months. I despise Al Gore. He’s as phony as a three dollar bill with his gas guzzling private jet and his totally energy inefficient mansion that he lives in. I hate that man with a passion.
There has neve rbeen anything but a really crazy weather pattern across the map in recorded history. It’s called the unpredictability of nature. You act as if weather patterne have been predictable and organized until the global warming hoax. You’re crazy. And as far as summers getting warmer, NYC had only one day the entire summer last year over 90 degrees.

Global warming is a change in climate. The examples you provided are examples of weather, not climate. Climate is a place’s typical weather over a long period of time. Weather is short term changes in atmospheric conditions which varies from year to year. There’s not enough evidence to show whether global warming is true or not. It could be just a normal change in a climate cycle. You mentioned these weather patterns only happening once. If these weather patterns are present for the next several years (several meaning ten or twenty years) then there could be some change in climate. To show these weather patterns are temporary, New York City did in 2009 have one of the coolest (but not the coolest) summers on record then, a few months later, November was one of the warmest. Then this month we just entered a cold spell today after having a few weeks of above normal temperatures.

  1. traptin85
    February 7th, 2010 at 18:18 | #1

    because Al Gore doesn’t feel the cold because he lives in a house with ‘energy efficient’ industrial-sized heating units. we most likely ARE going into an Ice Age, because what the global warming fanatics don’t want to admit is that they were wrong, and that it is all a cycle!
    References :

  2. spiffer1
    February 7th, 2010 at 18:39 | #2

    Simple Physics and Grade Three Geography.
    1. Warm air rises and cold air moves in to take its place.
    2. Warm air melts ice caps creating cold air escaping from the poles.
    3. Nowhere for cold air to go except where there is warm air rising.
    4. This is your backyard.

    Global warming is FACT. All you need to do is take grade one arithmetic so you can read the annual statistics which SHOW without bias the annual daily temperature worldwide is RISING.

    Sorry, case is definitely closed all the evidence is out there.
    References :
    You could take a course in statistical analysis but there is so much evidence and credibility those who don’t think there is Global Warming should be resurrecting the "Flat Earth Society".

  3. Arlene
    February 7th, 2010 at 18:48 | #3

    You don’t understand the concept of global warming. It means colder winters, hotter summers more intense storms. That means more intense winter storms and more intense and more frequent hurricanes. Global warming doesn’t mean temperatures just heating up. It means a really crazy weather pattern all over the map. Like take Florida for instance which you mentioned. Not the norm right? The Arctics melting not the norm right? The intensity of the storms and the damage done from them gaining all the time This is what global warming means.
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  4. Peace Frog
    February 7th, 2010 at 19:33 | #4

    Global warming is a hoax. It was made up so the Govt could generate money through a carbon tax.
    References :

  5. Ice Cream Man
    February 7th, 2010 at 20:07 | #5

    We’ve had one of the warmest Januarys on record here in the Pacific Northwest. They’re bringing in truckloads of snow for the Vancouver Olympics because the temperatures there are too warm to make snow. Obviously this PROVES that global warming is real!

    No, actually it doesn’t prove that — any more than the cold winter in the East proves the theory wrong.
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  6. .
    February 7th, 2010 at 20:21 | #6

    Global warming is a change in climate. The examples you provided are examples of weather, not climate. Climate is a place’s typical weather over a long period of time. Weather is short term changes in atmospheric conditions which varies from year to year. There’s not enough evidence to show whether global warming is true or not. It could be just a normal change in a climate cycle. You mentioned these weather patterns only happening once. If these weather patterns are present for the next several years (several meaning ten or twenty years) then there could be some change in climate. To show these weather patterns are temporary, New York City did in 2009 have one of the coolest (but not the coolest) summers on record then, a few months later, November was one of the warmest. Then this month we just entered a cold spell today after having a few weeks of above normal temperatures.
    References :

  7. Bill
    March 2nd, 2010 at 22:33 | #7

    Climate change is real. It has been happening for 4 billion years!

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