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Does Cuba represent a biological or bacteriological threat to America?

January 15th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

Cuba’s bacteriological and biological weapons.- The world and the USA believes Cuba "has at least a limited offensive biological warfare" program and may be transferring its expertise to other countries hostile to the United States. We are concerned that such technology could support biological warfare programs in those states. Cuba might be attempting to develop weapons of mass destruction.
The State Department’s top nonproliferation official, called on Cuba to cease transfers of biological weapons technology to "rogue states and to fully comply with all of its obligations under the Biological Weapons Convention." this remarks were prepared for delivery to the Heritage Foundation, a conservative research group. For four decades Cuba has maintained a well-developed and sophisticated biomedical industry, supported until 1990 by the Soviet Union. This industry is one of the most advanced in Latin America, and leads in the production of pharmaceuticals and vaccines that are sold worldwide. Analysts and Cuban defectors have long cast suspicion on the activities conducted in these biomedical facilities.
Secret Intelligence sources reported and concluded that Cuba might represent a significant military threat to the United States or the region. Cuba is part of Axis of Evil.

Fidel Castro cooperated with Iraq’s Saddam Hussein in an active chemical and biological weapons program. The report originated in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, an online intelligence newsletter published by WorldNetDaily. Some intelligence analysts believe Castro may have unleashed that program on the U.S. in the form of West Nile Virus.
West Nile was first identified in New York City in 1999. By the end of 2002, there were 4,156 laboratory-diagnosed human cases and 284 deaths, the largest arboviral meningo-encephalitis outbreak ever recorded in North America,

To conduct a bacteriological attack, a country or a terrorist group does not need to have any sophisticated means of delivery, such as a missile. A container the size of a five-pound sugar bag can bring bacteriological materials capable of causing over 50,000 casualties in an urban area, depending on the flow.
Communist Cuba is a threat to U.S. National Security.
Department of Defense remains vigilant on southern Florida and Cuba’s terrorist cells.
TC wrote: " No, The reason that you hear so much negative propaganda about Cuba is because the wealthy 0.1% of the US population controls 99.9% of our wealth is afraid of communism"

I think is the other way!
If they are so powerful, yhat 0.1% couldn’t be afraid of communism! because communism does not exist! and they know it!
They might be afraid of losing drug trade profits that they make, thanks to the simulation of communism in islands used as jump boards for cocaine smugglers in Florida.


The reason that you hear so much negative propaganda about Cuba is because the wealthy 0.1% of the US population controls 99.9% of our wealth is afraid of communism.

  1. holyoke
    January 15th, 2010 at 13:54 | #1

    Sorry, but you’re gonna believe claims about WMDs?
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  2. TC
    January 15th, 2010 at 14:29 | #2


    The reason that you hear so much negative propaganda about Cuba is because the wealthy 0.1% of the US population controls 99.9% of our wealth is afraid of communism.
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  3. lemontreegr
    January 15th, 2010 at 14:38 | #3

    maybe, with all the spy’s the super Castro bros have flooded the US with it would not be hard to launch such a attack

    EDIT:TC negative propaganda its the other way around! JOE it does not matter how many facts or proof you have these useful idiots will not believe anything until they are sitting in a communist jail.
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  4. ciyean
    January 15th, 2010 at 15:18 | #4

    I found a youtube video pertaining exactly to this… how ironic.

    You’re welcome!



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