Home > Hawaii Death Records > Hawaii Destroyed Obama’s Original Birth Certificate?

Hawaii Destroyed Obama’s Original Birth Certificate?

December 3rd, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

July 24, 2009 – Lou Dobbs-CNN is now claiming that the state of Hawaii cannot release a paper copy of the presidents original Birth Certificate because it discarded the original document when its health department records went electronic eight years ago.

Chiyome Fukino, the director of the Hawaiian Department of Health, issued this statement, “I as Director of Health for the State of Hawaii, along with the Registrar of Vital Statistics who has statutory authority to oversee and maintain these type of vital records, have personally seen and verified that the Hawaii State Department of Health has Sen. Obama’s original birth certificate on record in accordance with state policies and procedures.” on October 31, 2008

It has come to light that the President of CNN, Jon Klein told Dobbs that the Birth Certificate story is dead, and that CNN researchers reported that Obama’s original was destroyed.
Lou Dobbs reported this at the insistance Jon Klein.
WND has now confirmed that this was a total lie, and that the Hawaii Department of Health, did not destroy any documents.


Duration : 0:2:17

[youtube 0DPuR29_AcI]

  1. JPK7777777
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #1

    And it just keeps …
    And it just keeps getting more interesting …

    Please, see my page for info on newly published book; “Muslim Mafia”. It is an expose and the result of 6 months undercover work. NAMES ARE NAMED & DOCUMENTS WERE OBTAINED!

    Help get the word out ASAP!

  2. severepunishment1
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #2

    The ‘State of …
    The ‘State of Hawaii’ had Adopted my son without my signature?

    The ‘State of Hawaii’ lied about my birth certificate and are saying my grandparents are my parents?

    So how can I believe anything about birth cerrtificates from this so called fake state? that does not exist as a real state.

    THe ‘State of Hawaii’ is Thee Anti Christ State.

  3. Hangtime96
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #3

    Well Done ! , and …
    Well Done ! , and cool music too !

  4. NoGuff
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #4

    Hawaii can’t make a …
    Hawaii can’t make a photocopy of a document …. they never had.

  5. DD826
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #5

    If the left trys to …
    If the left trys to or distroys the vault copy, there will be trouble in the streets.
    If they think, the LA riots were bad? Wait until the same happens in DC?

  6. Bigone5555J
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #6

    There is a trial …
    There is a trial set up for Jan. 2010, unless the DOJ manages to get it dismissed next month.

    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #7

    Ok Hawaii, then …
    Ok Hawaii, then where’s the Original Birth Certificate? Break it out and put an end to this stuff or don’t > so we can impeach the Commie/Socialist!!

  8. Bigone5555J
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #8

    it’s an old 60’s …
    it’s an old 60’s tune called “Wack Wack”.

  9. FracturedSev
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #9

    Pretty awesome …
    Pretty awesome music … what is it ?

  10. FracturedSev
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #10

    He HAS been to …
    He HAS been to Kenya.

  11. wayneo169
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #11

    Obama is not a …
    Obama is not a legal citizen that seems pretty clear but he is a qualified attorney and know’s how to munipulate the system and he’s very educated as a lead organizor… money and power is what’s behind the true Obama story, go to Kenya and see what they have to say about his real birthplace, why do you think he won’t travel there now , he stages everything, how could he stage that arrival !!! bend over America, here comes Obombya nation.. slavery to all man kind !!

  12. darrellmellissa
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:14 | #12

    Just one parent of …
    Just one parent of us citizenship does not make him a natural born citizen, Only a citizen if born in Hawaii, which I dout, So why dont he relisce his records, Could it be he is hiding his past? Just a simple guestio,Kay.

  13. dbehsman
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #13

    Dear After Birthers …
    Dear After Birthers,

    Obama and his idiot whorshippers ALL promised that he was going to be open and transparent.

    We expect him to keep his word and be open and transparent. We want all of the records released. Why is this such a problem?

  14. eekman63
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #14

    “I am not aware of …
    “I am not aware of any birth certificate records that have been destroyed by the department. When the department went electronic in 2001, vital records, whether in paper form or any other form, [were] maintained. We don’t destroy records. … Any records that we had in paper or any other form before 2001 are still in file within the department. We have not destroyed any vital statistics records that we have.”

    State Of Hawaii’s statement

  15. Bigone5555J
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #15

    BTY, When did his …
    BTY, When did his mother claim he was born in Hawaii? You say, not to supply the world with nonsense, yet at least two of your facts have been disproved already.

  16. Bigone5555J
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #16

    Well we certainly …
    Well we certainly do not believe that she traveled to Africa when she was 19 to give birth, because, before she had turned 19, she had already given birth to Barry, and was already living in Seattle, and taking classes at the University of Washington. Do you really think that just posting a picture of a “Certfication of Live Birth” online is proof that he was born in Hawaii? This same document is routinely issued by Hawaii to children born outside the country.

  17. H2JKAY
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #17

    Dear Birthers, do …
    Dear Birthers, do you realy think Stanley Ann Dunham OBAMA’s mother decided to leave the US and to go to Africa in 1961 when she was 19 to give birth ? and then decided to tell everyone that her son was born in the US…

    Please do not supply the world with nonsense.

  18. Bigone5555J
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #18

    Yes, also, another …
    Yes, also, another possiblity is that Obama may have been issued a new Birth Certificate in 1966, if he was adopted by Lolo Soetoro in Hawaii. It is standard practice to issue a new Birth Certificate, listing the adoptive parent/parents as the birth parents, and I have also read that sometimes, the location of the adoption is listed as the location of birth. That may explain, how Obama could now have the vital records indicate Hawaii, as his birth place.

  19. FrankinHolland
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #19

    The other point …
    The other point that seems to have arisen is the question what nationality passport he attended Occidental College with. When his mother took Indonesian citizenship Obama did by default. Unless this was renounced later he is actually an illegal alien.

  20. FrankinHolland
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #20

    His parents could …
    His parents could have declined US citizenship also seeing that they both seemed quite anti-american.

  21. FrankinHolland
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #21

    It might be valid …
    It might be valid but WHAT does it say? Something is up.

  22. Gatoreffer
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #22

    Hawaii is a piece …
    Hawaii is a piece of anyway. Hawaiians are racist and want to secede.
    Let em go. It figures Hawaii is covering up for the criminal Hussein Obama.

  23. Bigone5555J
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #23

    FURepublicans, It …
    FURepublicans, It has not been proven, Obama has still not released the document. I am aware that the Director made that statement, but it is also illegal for her to reveal any information that is contained in the records, and she has said so for months. However, Hawaii has no law against her releasing false information, that is not in the records-the MSM does it every day. Even if Obam was born in Hawaii, he is still not a “natural born citizen”. His father was not a US citizen.

  24. FURepublicans
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #24

    Actually, there was …
    Actually, there was a hearing on McCain to determine whether or not he was a citizen. However, It has been proven that Barack Obama has been born in Hawai’i. The director of the Hawaiian Department of Health has said that his birth certificate is valid. It’s been thrown out of court several times for people tryin gto say he’s not a citizen.

  25. Bigone5555J
    December 3rd, 2009 at 17:15 | #25

    You believe that we …
    You believe that we should allow a usurper to continue undermining our nation, to keep his cult of mindless drones happy? If the Founders of our nation thought as you, we would have remained a British colony until the 1940’s, and would now be speaking German. Liberty and Freedom are not free.

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