Home > Michigan Death Records > Isn’t my life ruined because of deciding to go back to that college

Isn’t my life ruined because of deciding to go back to that college

February 19th, 2010 Leave a comment Go to comments

First before answering, I want to assure you that I am completely sane when I make reference to this story. I have seen a lot of answers to my situation, that continuakky indulge upon my mental well being. For the record, with proof, I am a sane individual. There should be NO ANSWERS ABOUT MY SANITY. My goal is to tell as many people as possible of the injustices that happened at the University of Michigan. Here is my story:

My story begins back in September of 2007. I was going to college where I was viewed as a loner or a person that stayed to himself. What happened next, followed harrassment by my dorm room of college kids my own age(Eventually a guard would be put below my window). I left the college, but it was in regards to a desicion in career opportunities not met while at that college. Three months later(January of 2008), I decided to return(stupid) only to find harrassment and stalking becoming ever more commonplace. In campus I was followed around, made fun of and harrassed. Eventually, things that I would do in my apartment, people would know/repeat what would happen there. In fact everytime I would move in my apartment, a car alarm would go off; deployed by the students that stayed in my building. Eventually it got so bad that there was a protest that happened below my apartment. I decided that I would move to another apartment that was offered by student housing. This was worse, being that this place was bugged, and a man inside a vehicle outside my apartment would yell degrading comments everytime I would move in the apartment. Now through this experience comes a question as to how would you know your apartment was bugged? Well, I would here people talk about my apartment on the street, or hear the exact same songs being played in parties that would play in my apartment. Eventually it got so bad that people outside my apartment would yell I going to kill you!!! as well as kick the apartment wall outside my apartment. It was from this point that I decided to talk to the police. When I talked to them nothing got solved except the harassment being more intensified. Men outside my apartment were yelling degrading comments, students were demanding I "talk to someone" due to my loner behavior, and I began to become an outcast on the college’s campus. Eventually being refered as a weirdo, psychopath and other degrading terms. When I decided to leave to go home, men came oustide my dorm room demanded I stay at the college, and began to make death threats. It got so bad that I could see them outside the window making these threats. That is when I decided to call the cops a second time. When the cops came, they said there was no foot prints outside my window, and requested that I go to the hosptial. While there I see the exact same guys that were there outside my window were there in the hospital(same guys that bugged me). Fearing for my life, I told the doctors that I was hearing voices and was put in a hospital. Thinking that everything would be alright, the people in the hospital said, that you should go back to the college and they began wearing the college’s emblems(From one nightmare to the next). Eventually I got out of the hospital and went home to my parent’s house. When I was there I found the wire’s in my basement messed up, and my house, and phone conversations "bugged". When I would go and walk on the street things that happened in my house, people would know about. In fact joke and talk about the ailments that happened in college. On top of that. While driving on the road, a phone company truck, and/or hospital van would show every single day. To top this off, everytime I move in my own house, a car passes by with a person yelling out that you messed up and/or electrical pulses are sent through my house. On top of that they cause havoc in the world. For example, everytime "I would mess up"(as said by people who yell past my house everyday) I would see problems within my community and the world even though it sounds crazy . Because of my hospitalization, if I bring this information up with my parents, they think I going nuts and think a higher dosage of medication will work……but I am not nuts. For crying outloud I faked the illness to escape that havoc. So my life has been a living hell ever since I decided to go back to that college in January. Since that time, my life has been of harrassment, stalking, and my house and phone calls being bugged. It’s as if there is nothing you can do anything about. I want to mention that most of the people in my home town changed their license plates to the license plates of the college I went to. Plus on top of that each neighbor I would wave hi too, guys in pick up trucks would go to their houses and install bugging equipment within their residences. I witnessed this happening. The last thing I want to add is that now everytime I go past a cell phone, a third party participant yells degrading information over the phone. And everyone in my home town considers me a pychopath for leaving the college. To add further woe, when I left the country to visit a relative, these same things would happen there. The only difference was that when I would "mess up"(as said by the drivers), they would honk their horn. For example, if I would get up too fast, or start moving around a car would beep it’s horn. All these events that occured are real though it sounds crazy. My illness was faked, but my experiences real. The college I went to: the University of Michigan. In terms of who is stalking/harassing me/electronic harassment or who bugged my parents house, cars, and my car: possibly a rogue law enforcement agency.

it is real

  1. Homeless in Phoenix
    February 19th, 2010 at 05:39 | #1

    Seek mental help!
    References :

  2. laughter_every_day
    February 19th, 2010 at 06:07 | #2

    If you don’t want people to question your sanity, quit posting questions in which you demonstrate that you are nuts. If you want to know if your life is ruined, you must answer that yourself. If you want to know if your life is ruined for some specific reason, then you are nuts.
    References :

  3. rickinnocal
    February 19th, 2010 at 06:12 | #3

    You continually publish this rant.

    All we can do is continue to tell you the SAME thing… there is NO reality to your delusions. You need mental health care, not legal help.

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  4. Waker W
    February 19th, 2010 at 06:27 | #4

    it is real
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  5. Ruthie
    February 19th, 2010 at 06:43 | #5

    This is a free country, so guess what…I AM going to question your sanity. I only got as far as to the point where you said a car alarm would go off anytime you moved around in your apartment. Paranoid much??? I have to agree with anyone else that has questioned your sanity.
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  6. Chris N
    February 19th, 2010 at 07:05 | #6

    You probly were harrassed or what not, but the fact of the matter is that you think that you are going insane and inturn you are becomming insane. I guareentee you that none of this is happening and that you are being so paranoid by it you are thinking its happening. At the college it happened, but now you are seeing things in your everyday as what was going on in college, stop being so freaked out. And talk to your parents and tell them whats going on. I hope I helped.
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  7. ReggieR
    February 19th, 2010 at 07:54 | #7

    Let me start by saying that when people have a mental illness, they seldom see it. What makes you so important that so very many people would go to all this trouble to harass you, bug your home(s) and follow you around, not only this country but another country. I certainly hope that your family gets you help because there is help out there so that you can live a healthy normal life. You certainly can not be happy with all you are feeling at this time.. I hope you go to the hospital now. Also look at this, the length of this question is way beyond the norm which should be at least a sign to you that something is wrong???
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  8. doublewidemama
    February 19th, 2010 at 08:08 | #8

    Please do NOT delete this answer.
    I believe you have Anosognosia or Impaired Awareness about having Schizophrenia. Please see a doctor. It can be managed.

    Please do NOT delete this answer.
    Your constant reposting of this question only further confirms for me that you are suffering from some kind of brain disorder.
    References :

    Humble, I care about you and am so concerned about you. Please see a doctor as soon as possible.

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