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Michigan Genealogy?

I am looking for Genevieve the lady who answered my question about Jacob Spoor of NY childrens names are Horace and Ruth Spoor, came to Michigan in 1850’s. I was wondering how she found Horace’s Death record online and what searches and websights she used to find all the information that she gave me.

thanks Jessie

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Look for #2, GenevievesMom.

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Send a message. You will find her to be warm, wise, witty, gracious and devilishly handsome, as are all 10 of us.

  1. Ted Pack
    January 2nd, 2010 at 08:30 | #1

    Click on > Top 10 Answerers

    Look for #2, GenevievesMom.

    Click on > GenevievesMom’s Profile

    Click on > E-mail GenevievesMom

    Send a message. You will find her to be warm, wise, witty, gracious and devilishly handsome, as are all 10 of us.
    References :

  2. wendy c
    January 2nd, 2010 at 09:12 | #2

    Do not believe Ted Pack.
    I am not devilishly handsome or witty. I am charmingly grayish, and often ornery.
    The rest is correct, as to how to find Genevieve’s mom.
    References :

  3. GenevievesMom
    January 2nd, 2010 at 09:59 | #3

    LOL…my kids would laugh at the idea that their mother is a man, but otherwise…Hi.

    I don’t remember the exact details, but if you want to email me with the details on Jacob, I’d be glad to find what’s out there. I probably pulled it from either GenWeb or Gendis from the State of Michigan. But there are lot of sources for Michigan in that era that I also pull from the Burton Collection at the Detroit Public Library.
    References :

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