Home > New York Death Records > Where can i find a record store that specializes in heavy metal in New York City?

Where can i find a record store that specializes in heavy metal in New York City?

December 16th, 2009 Leave a comment Go to comments

I’m looking for a record store that sells mostly metal records. Speed Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal, Swedish Death Metal, etc etc..I’m looking for one in New York City…… thanks

Generation records, 210 Thompson St. In the Village. It is by far the best source for heavy music, punk, hardcore, metal of all sorts. They have a huge rare t-shirt selection and used cd’s and vinyl section too. Here is the link. GO TO THIS STORE!!!IT ROX!!

  1. Equanimity Man
    December 16th, 2009 at 22:43 | #1

    Generation records, 210 Thompson St. In the Village. It is by far the best source for heavy music, punk, hardcore, metal of all sorts. They have a huge rare t-shirt selection and used cd’s and vinyl section too. Here is the link. GO TO THIS STORE!!!IT ROX!!
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