Has there ever been such a far left radical out of touch with the mainstream President as B Hussein Obama?
While in the Illinois State Senate, Obama supported homosexual marriage, racial preferences, the banning of all firearms, flag-burning, socialized medicine and the absolute right to abortion, including partial-birth abortions. He voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive an abortion. He is anti-war, voted against the reauthorization of the USA Patriot Act, against privatizing Social Security and opposes the death penalty, three strikes laws and school vouchers. He has no military service record. He strongly supports the decriminalization of marijuana.
Barack Hussein Obama was voted the most liberal Senator of 2007
because he lets muslims recruit in america.
because he tells the world how he hates us.
He is the first pres to side with the enemy we are fighting in 2 wars.
He is a chicago money changer for organized crime.
He is pushing a Godless Communist agenda and we won’t stand for it any longer.
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