how do i find a man with the first name david that died in april or may in 1949 in kansas city kansas or mo.?
I just found out that my step dads father was not his bio dad. And he is trying to find his real father if he is still alive. All i know his name was david his mother was told he died in a electrical work related acccedent back on april or may 1949 in kansas city kansas or kansas city mo. I have searched major electric companies at the date for deaths i found a couple poss death records for david none of which were electrical acc. Im not even sure if he is dead! But the point is even if he is my father may have sisters, brothers he has never known! any ideas?
Another thing was they used to go eat breakfast in the morning and the employee’s called him biscuit cause that is the only thing he would eat.( thought maybe it might ring a bell ).
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