
Archive for the ‘Wisconsin Death Records’ Category

how do i find old death records for starzman in burke wisconsin dates from 1800 to 1900?

December 3rd, 2009 3 comments

library in and around burke have no records nor does the city of madison any other suggestions

records are kept under county name not under town name….so you have to search for ….Dane….(not burke)

Categories: Wisconsin Death Records Tags:

Wisconsin Sickness Vol. 1 – Available Now

December 3rd, 2009 5 comments

13 of Wisconsin’s sickest bands all in one free download:

Put Her In The Trunk, The Killer Dolphin With Rabies, Meth Tooth, [the] Commuter Exit, Fall Out Fracture, Diemertus, Time To Kill, Burial Ritual, Failed The Fire Drill, A Pale Ghost, Dear Astronaut, Festerfuck, and Corpse Donor.

This is the real Wisconsin death trip.

Free download available now:

Duration : 0:1:19

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