
Posts Tagged ‘Apparent Discrimination’

How do I end my essay?

January 20th, 2010 3 comments

28% of Americans are obese. That is about one third of population. One third of population can’t obese just by over eating. If not only that than what is it? The leading causes of obesity, disincluding over eating, are: lack of exercise, family history of obesity, stress, peer or family problems, medical illnesses, and depression. Although certain medical disorders can cause obesity, less than one percent of all obesity is caused by physical problems. But sadly, we have come to know that the leading cause of obesity is soft drink consumption. Yes, a diet coke will finally make you fat. But all jokes aside, the progressing rate of obesity is serious and is estimated be 33% by 2010.
There are many risks and complications with obesity. The physical consequences are severe and life threatening. There is an increased risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, breathing problems, premature death, stroke, cancer, fatty liver disease, gallbladder disease, arthritis, and many more. And that’s just touching the tip of ice berg, because adults who are obese may be cutting about three years off their lives, mostly from heart disease and stroke. Those who are morbidly obese, about 100 or more pounds over a healthy weight, could be shortening their lives by as many as 10 years. Being morbidly obese has the similar effect of lifelong smoking.
One very sad thing that I have found in my research is that in Mississippi, an actual bill has been proposed to allow restaurants to not serve obese people. A weigh scale will be used to determine the potential customer’s body mass index, or BMI, and if it is too high, they refuse to serve them or the owner of the food establishment will have their business permits revoked. If this bill is passed, then there will be BMI scales outside of every restaurant, and there will be records of the eligible patrons BMIs. Apparent discrimination the obese has been documented in three specific areas: education, health care, and employment. For example, 28% of teachers in a study done by the Weight Management and Obese Symposium said that becoming obese is the worst thing that can happen to a person. 24% of nurses said they are ‘repulsed’ by obese people, and, controlling for income and grades, parents provide less college support for their overweight children than for their thin children.

How do I end my essay?
P.S. This is three paragraphs. Yahoo Answers doesn’t allow you to tab. And this is just a rough draft of my body. There wasn’t enough space for the introduction. *sniff* Meany faces say bad things
Also, disincluding is a word. Look it up on Google.

How about with a call to action? Make a statement with a summary and then tell the reader what they need to do. Otherwise you just leave everyone hanging with a (?)