
Posts Tagged ‘South Dakota’

Is there any way to get birth or death records of people for free on the internet?

December 14th, 2009 2 comments

I’m doing genealogy and I’m looking for information on my grandfather. He immigrated from Mexico and I can’t find him. I know when he passed away and where but am running into a road block. Can anyone help?
I’m not looking for the certificate itself. I’m more or less looking for the information that is found on it like the SSDI database. I was just wondering if there is any sites that would tell me information like that but involving birth instead of death. For instance, place of birth and mother and father.
Particularly, I’m looking for anything on my grandpa’s birthplace and parents. His name was Frank Hernandez. Born in 1897 and died in December 1978 in South Dakota.
has "9,366,786 records from 1940 thru 1997". It is for California. There are other sites like that; certain states, certain time periods. There isn’t a nation-wide data base of all deaths.
is nation-wide but not everyone is on it. has 22 million entries.

Hunt around. Google "Death index Utah" or "Death Index Idaho".

Note that almost no site has the certificate; you have to write away (and pay for) that