my mothers father was nine months old and his sister was a year older.They were left with the murdered bodies of their parents in the year 1910.the place was Salado Creek in New Mexico Territory.
My murdered grand parents were Eliseo Chavez he was born in Cebolito, New Mexico in the year 1883 and Amalia Rael.They were 27 and 19 years old.She was his second wife.Norberta Jiron of Alamo was his first wife they had a child named Tomasita.
We have found through research the marriage records of Eliseo and Amalia and through those documents discovered that he was born in Cebolito .Later we found the baptism records of Antonio and Martina Chavez the children of Eliseo And Amalia
We also found through Census records that Amalia had her mother Dorotea Rael living in the same town were the murders were committed We don’t understand why the family did not keep and raise my grand father Antonio or his sister Martina nor do we know what happened to Tomasita.
There are no death records for Eliseo and Amalia yet they are in the 1910 census of New Mexico .There are church records of baptismal for Antonio and Martina. Yet they were raised separately.
it’s all looking like the family of my grand mother new something or were the cause being that they were living there and abandoned the children because they were Indian.It’s hard to imagin a paternal grandmother not taking the children of her daughter who was murdered.Where did she go and why.My grand father spoke dine and his sister Martina spoke hopi.
In the end my grandfather antonio was killed in Santa Rosa New Mexico in front of the court house there is no marker for him there and his sister Martina died some where in Wyoming.of Alzheimer
this will be 100 years of the anniversary of their murders we will place a head stone not over their graves but .somewhere where we can visit .
If they were murdered because of land or mine deeds and the Rael family played a roll in it we want to know the truth about why they left the children with the dead bodies of their parents .
Even the church claims not to have any records of their death yet the church has all other records.Why is there a cover up and why wouldn’t the church have records.
Help solve this mystery .All information will assist the future generations of the surviving family members to get closure .It was bad enough that the grandparents of Eliseo were forced to walk to Fort Sumner on the long walk .Our people survived it’s time to claim what was stolen by the blood of my grand parents for the children s children.
In 2005 the Rael Family divided 4.5 million between 27 heirs of land that was sold to the state.did it take 95 years to sell land or was there a Claus holding it back.Did it belong to them or was it taken from my grand parents.
Look deep find the truth!
The problem is that anyone who knew anything about what actually happened is long dead, and the only thing you have to go on are the records from that time, and if they were tampered with back then, it’s going to be really hard to prove it, unless the party that did the tampering messed up and missed something. The problem is that if they did miss something, to find it now would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
no clue but you should become a writer you write with such detail =)
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The problem is that anyone who knew anything about what actually happened is long dead, and the only thing you have to go on are the records from that time, and if they were tampered with back then, it’s going to be really hard to prove it, unless the party that did the tampering messed up and missed something. The problem is that if they did miss something, to find it now would be like looking for a needle in a haystack.
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